Author Topic: how do you introduce a new puppy?  (Read 3544 times)

Offline Heighway

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how do you introduce a new puppy?
« on: September 20, 2005, 08:41:28 am »
We have Riley, a  3 y/o neutered golden retriever.  Wonderful, gorgeous and smart, but a wee bit spoiled.  I am getting Webster, an 8 wk old newf puppy this w/e.  Any suggestions on the introduction?  Riley has been around puppies and is pretty good with them as long as they leave his lips and feet alone. I am so hoping this will be a GOOD experience for all of us.  Thanks for your input.

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Re: how do you introduce a new puppy?
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2005, 08:45:42 am »
Rocco took to Maia very well.  He actually did a great job teaching her right from wrong and there were a couple times he laid into her.  I just tried to stay out of it and let him teach her how to be a polite dog.

I did make sure that Maia stayed out of his cage since that is his area.  Maia is now 16 months, Rocco is a little over 3 and they are great together and invade each others space all the time.  Maia still doesn't have all the priveledges (like sleeping with me) like Rocco does since it took Rocco time to earn those and it would be unfair to let Maia have them right away.

I would just be fair, if your golden is not allowed on the couch, don't let the puppy up there.  If the golden sleeps with you, make the puppy sleep in the cage until it is trustworthy and the dogs are bonded.  Don't let the puppy eat your goldens food or take over all the toys.

I'm not an expert, Red will give you some great advice.

Good luck and have fun. :D

Emily and 1 husband, 1 boy, 1 on the way, and 4 crazy dogs


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Re: how do you introduce a new puppy?
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2005, 08:50:52 am »
I just introduced my 15 week old CO to my 10 mth CAO...First make the introduction off property and keep your originals dog schedule as clost to the same it has always been as possible

To pay too much attention to the puppy and remind your 1st dog that you love them very much...I also let them settle issues they had on their own...most of thetime it is all noise and nothing bad...

I didnt feed them together and Zero still ate first in his crate like always and Misha ate in the kitchen with me...I gradually move her closer and closer to her crate eating while Zero was still enjoying his meal...He now tolerates her in her crate while they are both eating...

My Zero would NEVER share with another dog and this little girl has him wrapped around her finger...I also feel that because she is a female that it made the transition easier on all of us...Zero still has full run of the house while Misha stays in her crate which she enjoys after a day or 2 of screaming when in it LOL

I also think that you yourself need to be calm and confident because they pick up on your energy

Day one wasnt the greates but wasnt bad but they are now best buddies

Mind you this is what I did and many other may not do the same...Zero let her know the place in the pack and rolls her a few times which I let him and they do well infact amazing together


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Re: how do you introduce a new puppy?
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2005, 08:52:49 am »
To pay too much attention to the puppy and remind your 1st dog that you love them very much...I also let them settle issues they had on their own...most of thetime it is all noise and nothing bad...

I meant to say Dont pay too much attention to the puppy

Offline Leah-n-boy-os

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Re: how do you introduce a new puppy?
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2005, 09:24:20 am »
Here's what I did to introduce the new guys into the household. (We brought Apollo home when Zeus was 6 months, and then we just brought Onyx into the house, he's 8 months, and the boy-os are both almost 2 years.)

When you go to get the pup, take along a blanket or other piece of cloth that has Riley's smell on it. Allow the pup to lay on the blankie on the way home. This gets him acustomed to Riley's smell, and makes the transition a little easier.

When you get home, keep the pup in a nuetral spot. (out in the driveway, or on the sidewalk) If Riley is *really* territorial, go further afield, like to a park. Once you are ready (i.e. pup is on a leash, done his potty business or whatever) bring Riley out on a leash. Let Riley set the pace of approach, don't let him charge the little one, but if he moves towards him, let him get close. Watch for signs of agression, but allow them to sniff each other out.

If Riley shows signs of getting upset, or overwhelming the pup, back them off of each other, get everyone calmed down, and try again, but more slowly this time. More than likely, Riley will bark; as long as he's not flagging, or showing other signs of agression, it's ok. It'll take time, and patience, and it won't happen overnight, but if you let them set the pace, and take their time, there shouldn't be any problems.

The above advice given is also great, especially about paying attention to Riley and his needs first. He's the Alpha dog (although that might change down the road as your pup gets comfortable and begins to develop more of his personality) after you of course (!), and you don't want to make a bunch of sudden changes in his established routine. This will foster resentment towards the newcomer, and that can lead to bigger problems down the road.

Leah and the Boy-os
Apollo (Akita/St. Bernard)
Zeus (Heinz 57)
Onyx (Newfoundland)
Being owned by Big Paws just indicates how big your heart is.

located - Gig Harbor, WA

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Re: how do you introduce a new puppy?
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2005, 11:42:47 am »
It took less than 24 hours to introduce Kiya to Apache & Chazzy. Everyone on leashes at first, then only Kiya needed a leash because if she ran they would pounce her. Then I left Kiya in the crate on my deck outside with the gate open, funny thing was her breeder gave a toy that had long rope arms & legs. Apache saw this toy & he couldn't care less about Kiya. It was so funny, a leg was hanging out of the crate, Apache walked by & tried to pull it thru. At first I was not going to let him play with any of her toys....WRONG it never would have worked. I had to play mediator when it came time for Kiya to explore the toy box.
One night I sat inbetween the kitchen/livingroom. Kiya on one side Apache on the other. Kiya found the toybox (Apache's pride possesion) He watched her every move. She would take a toy, bring it under the table then go & get something else (Apache's eyes were about to pop out of his head). She found a bone & decided that was a prize & put it in her crate, well as soon as she walked back to the toy box Apache got up, stuck his head in the crate, pulled out the bone & walked away. This went on & on one night & I laughed so hard. He still cries like a baby if she has something, even if he really doesn't want it. Talk about spoiled.
Good luck **have the camera out!

Offline Heighway

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Re: how do you introduce a new puppy?
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2005, 05:02:24 am »
Thanks everyone.  I really think it will go well.  I just want to make it as easy for Riley as I can.  Just 3 MORE DAYS til I get Webster!!!