Author Topic: Help a new dog owner teach the dog NOT to chase my kitties!!!  (Read 2401 times)

Offline LianeMJ

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Help a new dog owner teach the dog NOT to chase my kitties!!!
« on: September 25, 2005, 05:54:05 am »
Our new 6 to 8 month old Husky mix won't stop chasing our 2 cats.  We adopted her as a stray from a shelter and she already is housebroken & knows sit and shake.

At first the cats wouldn't get near her, but now they are getting closer to her, and sometimes it even seems as tho they are instigating, but she chases them so much that they are hissing and growling and freaking out, and one of my long haired cats has coughing wheezing fits if it gets really bad.  She does not seem to want to listen to us when we say NO! or STOP CHASING THE CATS!  Especially this goes on when we are asleep first thing in the AM.  She does not have a crate, and I know that is a big part of it.  We are working on getting one cheaply or free if possible, have already spent about $500 on this dog and are broke from her.  Any tips on training to help her leave the cats alone?  She doesn't ever bite, she just seems like she's playing but of course the cats don't see it that way...
« Last Edit: September 25, 2005, 05:59:57 am by LianeMJ »

Offline RedyreRottweilers

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Re: Help a new dog owner teach the dog NOT to chase my kitties!!!
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2005, 06:12:58 am »

Ok, your first dog training hint from Redyre:

1) The list of WHAT to do is always much shorter than the list of what NOT to do.  Tell the dog WHAT to do, not what NOT to do. In otherwords, sit. Or down. Or come. Instead of NO!

2) Play The Recall Game at least on a daily basis. Be creative with your distractions once the pup catches on to the game. I will post the Recall Game info under separate cover.

3) Teach your pup to pay attention to you when you say her name. It's simple, and fun. Get some good tasty soft treats, and cut them into tiny pieces. Show the pup that you have food. Then stand, with food in both hands, with your hands down by your side, closed so she cannot get the food. Ignore her sniffing or bumping at your hands. Just stand still, be quiet, look neutral, and wait. Eventually, she will make eye contact.

When she does, JACKPOT!!! You SMILE really big, PRAISE her profusely, and give her the treat.

Then stand up and be still again. She will look MUCH faster this time. THIS time when she looks say YESSS, and her name when you smile, then praise and treat. She will learn almost instantly that when she looks at you, she makes you give her a treat. (in her mind). So now you are a MOST interesting subject. What you have just done is use operant conditioning to shape a behavior. Sounds all fancy, doesn't it? But so simple.

Now that you have the behavior, you can shape it even further. You can stretch it any way you choose by how and when you reward the dog. So what YOU want to do is shape for QUICK looks, and shape to draw out the length of time the dog looks, and shape for having the dog look each time you say her name.

This is a fun game for you and the dog, and anyone can play the game with her.

Second, and from now ON until you get a handle on this behavior, your dog should be dragging a line in your house. You can make one with cheap materials from Home Depot or Lowes. Get a 15 or 20 foot length of light cord, and tie a bolt snap on the end. This way you can get her and control her in the house.

Each time she goes for the kitties, take the line, draw her back to you as you call her name, and reward her when she gets to you.

You can use a verbal correction if you like. NO KITTY would be fine, or just a plain old AH AH. You need to say this in a deep growly tone of voice.

Look for the recall game to come up right after this post, and I want you to WORK for the next week every day on attention and the recall game, at the same time you are preventing her from chasing the kitties with the long line.

Redyre Rottweilers
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Offline Maggie's Mom

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Re: Help a new dog owner teach the dog NOT to chase my kitties!!!
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2005, 01:04:16 pm »
Hi, I'm new to this site, but I've been reading a few of your posts and I think they are wonderful.  You have such great ideas.  I'm definitely going to do this with the eye contact.  We have a 9 week old dane puppy now, and she only listens to you calling her about half of the time.  It makes total sense to do what you suggested, we're going to start right away.  Thanks so much.
Stacy, Wes, and Maggie (Great Dane)