Author Topic: Now starting to use bathroom in house  (Read 4484 times)

Offline Lendy

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Now starting to use bathroom in house
« on: September 29, 2005, 12:55:46 am »
 When I first brought SnowFlake home she didn't use the bathroom in the home.  After our trip out of town.  She seems to want to just use it in the house.  When I take her outside she just wants to play.  Help.


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Re: Now starting to use bathroom in house
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2005, 01:25:45 am »
I think we need a little more information in regards to how you are teaching her to use the outside for her restroom...Eve ryone has different methods so to better help you out, I think it would be a help to know how you are teaching her and how old is the puppy

I will start from when I go to bed at night

Puppy in crate (10-11pm)
5am:  I wake up and take pup out side (if small enough I carry)  on leash and go to one area of the yard and say go 'peepee' a few times...not petting or praises or acknowledging the pup.  Let it sniff around.  Usually a nose to the ground is a indictor that they may go sometime real soon....When they go, big praise or treat and still stay out there 5 min or so to make sure they are done

If they dont go, back in the crate with breakfast...I let them sit there a few minutes or so to let them digest etc...the a repeat of the above excpet this time there is most likey a poop somewhere in there

Once they go, they can play in a puppy proofed room under supervision...

If you should catch the pup in the act of going inyour house a firm NO and immed bring outside (if small enough carr) and encourage to go outside...when it does BIG over-exxagerated praise

If the pup had an accident inside but you didnt catch it, there is really nothing you can do besides clean up the area nice and good to prevent the dog from smelling it and going there again

If the pup is soiling in the crate remove all absorbants...d ogs will most likey dirty the crate on something abrobant and move it aside because they themselves dont like to be dirty

Once the pup seems tired or decides to fall asleep put the pup in crate and repeat once the pup wakes up

It also helps to use the same door and the same exact schedule so the dogs learns that it will infact be able to go outside

this is what works for me...


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Re: Now starting to use bathroom in house
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2005, 01:26:52 am »
One more thing...the calmer, more relaxed, gentle loving and confident you stay the dog will work better for you...LGD's seem to shut down when their owners are stressed with them

Offline RedyreRottweilers

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Re: Now starting to use bathroom in house
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2005, 01:38:29 am »

How old is Snowflake?

Do you have a crate and are you using it?

Are you going outside with her for elimination time?

Here is my article on housetraining:

House Training

House training your dog is simple if you follow a few basic rules.

1)  The puppy must have NO time unsupervised in your home. NONE.
If you are not directly watching the puppy, it should be in the
crate, or outside in a safe area. You MUST watch the puppy at ALL
times when loose in the house. Use baby gates, crates, or tie the
leash to your belt.
2)   The puppy should sleep inside the crate by your bedside.
This way you can hear if the puppy should happen to need to go out
during the night.
3)   You must go WITH the puppy outside for ALL trips for
elimination. You must have treats with you. When the puppy is
urinating, say "GO PEE PEE" in a nice praise tone of voice the entire
time. When she is finished, pop the treat into her mouth at once, and
praise praise praise. This should be something she gets at no other
time, like tiny pieces of string cheese or boiled chicken. Same for
defecation. Say "GO POOP" while she is going, and food reward and
praise afterwards. You must observe and reward ALL outdoor potty time.
4)  Keep a schedule. Feed at the same time, and walk outside at
the same times. Your pup needs at least 4 trips outdoors each day,
and 5 is probably better. Pup needs to go out at wake up time, lunch
time, 4-5 PM, after dinner or any other meals, and before bed.
5)  Use a key word each time you go out. I say "Let's go out!!"
in a happy tone of voice each time I'm opening the door to go out with the dog.
6) If you catch the puppy IN THE ACT of eliminating in your
house, CLAP YOUR HANDS, say AH AH, OUTSIDE!! And immediately rush her
outside. If she finishes there, do your usual food reward and praise.

The keys to getting your dog reliably housetrained are:

SUPERVISION:   NO loose time in the house if you are not watching

REWARDS:  ALL outdoor elimination MUST be observed  and rewarded. If you only do this ONE thing, your puppy will get housetrained.

PATIENCE: Anger and punishment have no place in dog  training. Elimination is a natural and pleasurable experience for your dog. You can teach her to not soil your house, but punishment  will NOT help. It will only teach the dog to hide when she needs to eliminate.
Redyre Rottweilers
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Offline cincbcat

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Re: Now starting to use bathroom in house
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2005, 02:15:31 am »
When you went out of town did you put her in a kennel?  Just to throw in my two cents, if you did put her in a kennel where she has to go to the bathroom in her "area", that might be what is causing her to go in the house now.  That is what happened to Sadie after she came home from being at the kennel for 3 days.  She immediately starting peeing inside, even though she was housetrained by then.  We had to get her back in the routine of going outside.   


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Re: Now starting to use bathroom in house
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2005, 02:48:25 am »
Off note, Snowflake is adorable!!!