Author Topic: need help with recently adopted newfie Sasha  (Read 17339 times)


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need help with recently adopted newfie Sasha
« on: April 25, 2005, 12:54:46 pm »
My beautiful little girl is having problems.  We have recently adopted a breed dog.  She is now 4 yrs old and recently been spayed, she has had four large litters and over 40 puppies!  We adopted her 2 weeks ago.  She was a champion and handled by ALan Levine the orig owner assurred me she was house trained but we have found that either to be not true or worse... we suspect she has something wrong medically. She is going to the vet this week but when I talked to the vet tech she said it sound like she was "overdone"  meaning over bred.  Does anyone out there have experience they can share on this topic.  She has loose bowels, and what I beleive is incontenence.  She lets me know she has had an accident, so that is why I think she is house trained.  Problem is she tells me after the fact.  She goes out all day,  I have seen her have an accident immediatly after coming in from yard.  I have seen her have an accident on the way out to the yard.  What damage comes from over breeding?


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Re: need help with recently adopted newfie Sasha
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2005, 01:28:12 pm »
Oh Jen, that is sooooo sad. I have no information I can pass on about that other than to say if it is a permanent situation she'll probably have to wear the diapers. I hope tha the vet has good news for you though. Good luck and keep us posted on her situation.
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Offline kildeskennel

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Re: need help with recently adopted newfie Sasha
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2005, 02:38:41 pm »

OMG!  What a horrible thing to happen....I have heard, mind you only heard, that overbreeding can cause alot of different internal damage but I do not know.  I have never met anyone who has a dog that was overbred.  I would have some concern over the ammount of litters and size of litters in a dog who is only four.  That means She was bred at 1 years old, 2, 3,and recently again at 4?  At risk of making someone else mad I am going to say it anyway it is my opinion that a dog should NOT be bred before 2 and then only every other year for no more than 3 litters total in her lifetime.  Beauty had an accidental breed at 1 years old with another Kuv and she was not only emotionally too immature to be a mom, but physically not mature enough and it was VERY VERY hard on her.  She went and stayed with the breeder a week before she whelped, they were supposedly "more experienced in caring for her than I" and I being a new owner, and wanting what was best, was naieve and let her go there. :'(  (that is another story full of to much drama for today's post but it was a BAD deal hind sight is 20/20.  Another day I will tell it mabye. the pictures are really really bad   >:( though on her condition after they got through with her..)  Anyway I hope and pray your girl will be alright.  Did this just start happeneing or has it been happening all along?  Who is this guy you bought her from, is reputable?  Keep us posted on her condition!  I will say BIG BIG prayers for you guys! :)
My beautiful little girl is having problems.  We have recently adopted a breed dog.  She is now 4 yrs old and recently been spayed, she has had four large litters and over 40 puppies!  We adopted her 2 weeks ago.  She was a champion and handled by ALan Levine the orig owner assurred me she was house trained but we have found that either to be not true or worse... we suspect she has something wrong medically. She is going to the vet this week but when I talked to the vet tech she said it sound like she was "overdone"  meaning over bred.  Does anyone out there have experience they can share on this topic.  She has loose bowels, and what I beleive is incontenence.  She lets me know she has had an accident, so that is why I think she is house trained.  Problem is she tells me after the fact.  She goes out all day,  I have seen her have an accident immediatly after coming in from yard.  I have seen her have an accident on the way out to the yard.  What damage comes from over breeding?

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I hope Sasha feels better very quickly with good news from your vet
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2005, 03:12:07 pm »
Hi Jen,

I am sorry about Sasha, that poor girl.  I hope that your vet will have good news for you when you go this week. Please make a post to the site when you get a chance so we can send hugs and support to both of you.  I have to agree 100% with the other post about that pups probably shouldn't be bred before they are 2 yrs. old at least and then only 2 litters, 3 max.  I hope that this isn't the case for Sasha's troubles.  That poor pup just wants to please you guys and she probably feels bad.  Maybe the vet will have some good news like maybe a bladder infection or something that could be treated quickly. 

I had a problem with Madison, my 2 yr. old Newfie girl.  When I first got her she did fantastic with the potty training, very quickly but, then after about a week she started having accidents and peeing frequently  She would pee outside, come right in and pee again in the house.  Turns out she had something weird that was causing the bladder infections.  When she was born there was a pouch that didn't close completely between the Mom and her.  Caused a big pocket where bacterica was builiding and causing the bladder infections.  We didn't discover this til after the first round of antibiotics for the bladder infection.  They were able to fix this pouch when they spayed her and she hasn't had a bladder infection (knock wood) since.  It was a weird freaky thing but, they were able to repair it.

Hopefully your vet will give you wonderful news to help Sasha get better very quickly.

Keeping you  both in our thoughts and good wishes,

Anita and the furry ones from NJ


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Re: need help with recently adopted newfie Sasha UPDATE#1
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2005, 09:19:50 am »
Well I made a little head way.  I tracked down the previous vet.  This vet, as it turns out, is a fertility specialist catering to the breeding community, they sent me her records.  It is VERY VERY VERY HORRIBLE.  I got 8 pages of procedures! ???  She has had everything female related procedure under the sun.  She was given hormones to produce large litters, she had several abortions and terminations(wonder why)  she had emergency c-sections,  uterine tears with bleeding, catheterizatio ns, treated for Pyometra (whatever that is?), Intestinal infection, kennel cough, so on and so on not to mention being spayed immediatly after c-section!  I want to CRY!  I can never ever in a million years be a breeder for profit!  I am sick and I want to throw up!  She is going to MY VET this week,  I love my vet, he caters to animal lovers!



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Re: need help with recently adopted newfie Sasha Update #2
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2005, 10:37:24 am »
I just got off the phone with her old vet and I have some good news.  The vet tech explained the medical papers they sent me.  She was tested for the horrible Pyometra and came back NEGATIVE :D  She did have a problem during birth of her last litter.  She had a torn horn with massive bleeding so not only did they have to do an emegency C section but the had to do an emergency FULL hestorectomy.  Now as horrible as that sounds, and it horrible, but the good news is that the pyometra came back negative so she will have a healthy FUTURE!  I can't say the same about before she came to me.  I did give the vet my 2 cents pointing out that she would not have torn the horn if her litter wasn't so large from the fertility hormones they shot her up with!!!!  I didn't want to totally burn the bridge with this vet in case my vet needs something further from him.  So my poor Sasha has been thru the "female ringer", so to speak!  No wonder she is having peepee troubles!  My vet and I will take VERY good care of her!  :-*  We will give her a FULL check up and test the urine for possible UTI, my vet is also going to do an ultrasound.  But after now knowing the full story I am not surprised she has accidents.  After I gave birth to my daughter I peed with every sneeze ::)


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Re: need help with recently adopted newfie Sasha
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2005, 12:12:54 pm »
Ohhh I am sooo sorry, please give her a big hug and kiss from us all. And I join all the other posters, It is a crime to breed a dog like that, hearing what all she has gone though, not only must they have started to breed her very early, probably also back to back. In my mind a vet like that should be reported, are they not supposed to look to the good of the animal??? And there are pretty strict ethical codes when it comes to breeding, and if a vet is ignoring them this bad, well he need not be a vet. I also am of the very strong oppinion that no earlier than 2 years of age, but with large breeds the window is so small, so if you breed only every other year you would only be able to have 2 litters, one when little over 2 and the second when little over 4, when 6 I would say they are too old to safely birth. But 3 litters all together is a good pointer I think.

I hope everything turn out okay for you and we will be thinking of you both

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Re: need help with recently adopted newfie Sasha
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2005, 12:41:26 pm »
I'm SO glad that the news wasn't as bad as you feared....and  I do identify with the peeing/sneezing combo!  Maybe we can all go in for a "fix"!!! ;)

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Re: need help with recently adopted newfie Sasha
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2005, 04:27:09 pm »
Poor baby. I can't believe that the previous owner would have given her fertility shots to icrease her litters. That is about the most horrible and irresponsible thing I have heard. I'm so glad that you got Sasha and that she is in a safe, loving home.
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Re: need help with recently adopted newfie Sasha
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2005, 05:12:32 pm »
I will definitely keep you and Sasha in my thoughts and prayers, I can not believe someone would be so inconsiderate to their animal as to give her the fertility shots then keep it up! What kind of monsters are out there? I would like to talk to the people and give them my 2 cents, they would not like me when I was done. Good thing that you have her now, I have never heard of anything like that but I am sure that they have medicine that could treat it or atleast help with it. Keep us posted! ::)

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Re: need help with recently adopted newfie Sasha
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2005, 07:01:38 pm »
That is just evil. Any links to her on the web???

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Re: need help with recently adopted newfie Sasha
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2005, 08:22:14 pm »
I am so sorry to hear about Sasha.  That is just terrible.  I can't believe what her previous owners did to her.  She is very lucky to be in your hands now, I wish you all the best with Sasha in the future.  I just adore Newfs.  BTW my Dobies name is Sasha.


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Re: need help with recently adopted newfie Sasha
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2005, 09:08:03 am »
Hi everyone
Thank you so much for all your support and wisdom.  I hesitate to post the breeders name because I don't think she intentionally hurt Sasha.  I beleive, after dealing with her, she is learning disabled and doing the best she can,  however, I DO blame the old vet!  When they said to me they are fertility specialists catering to the breeding community...It hit me... this woman was following the advise of a trained specialist, after seeing the 8 pages of procedures I beleive this woman being taken over the coals by this vet!  I will post his name tomorrow because I put Sashas' paper work away but I will get it out tonight and post it tomorrow.  Any way we set up a nice routine for Sasha.  Other than being out in the yard playing with Thunder all day and most of the evening, we have started a new routine at night for Sasha.  At 8:00 I pull all water and take her out,  at 11:00 pm before I go to bed I take her out again, then because my husband works 3rd shift he leaves at 3:30am and takes her out again, I get up at 7am and before I do ANYTHING I take her out again.  With each successful pee we treat her like she won the lottery!  It fits into everyones schedule especially hers!  I have been practicing catching the urine but I have to say I have not been successful!!  But I'll keep at it!  And yes I have thought to myself if they had not blown out her uterus they would be itching for her next heat already!  So I am thankful, in a bitter sweet way, that it presented her useless to this woman and I was, as you ALL KNOW, looking for a female friend for Thunder!  Timing is everthing!  Well I DID give her lots of hugs and kisses from you all and threw in a bunch for me too!  Thank you all again, I don't know if I would have handled with out you all! :-*


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Re: need help with recently adopted newfie Sasha
« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2005, 09:41:19 am »
Please keep us updated Jen, glad to hear that your routine is working.  We wish you the best of luck with Sasha.

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Re: need help with recently adopted newfie Sasha
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2005, 10:26:12 am »
That totally pisses me off!  What a jerk face (unable to post my very colorful expletive)  I am sorry for your gilr!  Also VERY happy she has found a wonderful home with you!  To intentionally cause a large/giant breed to have large litters is HORRIFIC!  Despite being mentally challenged, one has to wonder what EXACTLY was in it for the vet!  Despite hefty vet bills, and if this woman is struggling and mentally challenged to boot, I doubt were paid in full!  (DEEP BREATH)  anyway what metter now is her health and getting her fixed up...I would report this vet however to whatever medical board you need to.  I am sure theyre is one for vets, just like for our MD's.  I had posted something along the lines of large litters last pm, I am seriously considering spaying Beauty after this litter is weaned.  Just to large of a litter, first was 13 at the breeders, now 16, I do not want to take any chances with her life or her health.  If things go as planned, I will keep one of the pups and purchase a mate for him/her.  Ona lighter note, here is your fix for the day!  babies just ate, my youngest helped me this am his name is Nic he is 8.  They do get so very dirty when they eat, then beauty takes over and cleans them up.  I can't wait until they eat more civilized instead of diving in on their bellies!  Iti s so funny to watch though...Still thankful for the tile in the bottom of the whelping box!  Makes clean up easier!  
« Last Edit: May 01, 2005, 10:30:26 am by kildeskennel »
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