Author Topic: I HATE people like this  (Read 15809 times)

Offline moonlitcroatia

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Re: I HATE people like this
« Reply #15 on: October 06, 2005, 10:29:01 pm »
This is a hint, on a minute scale, that democracies do not last forever.  This is a proven fact throughout history that people lack the civility to govern themselves in a thoughtful, responsible manner.  As long as there are people like this fella...and there are millions on the planet, then the human species does not have the sense and self-control to appreciate true freedom.  Therefore, those who truly govern and do not understand will not advocate for a reasonable indoctrination, but attempt to do away with the problem outright...suc h as ban the breed.  I still maintain from my earlier posts that a high licensing fee and background check should be instituted for these statistically dangerous breeds so they do not get into the wrong hands.  And if someone with a criminal record with intent like this guy is caught with one they should go to jail for at least five years.  For the rest of us who enjoy a good book under an aspen tree in the afternoon, a casual stroll with our beloved big pawed friends, or a friend to join our family responsibly, well, it is sufficient to say we would not compromise our freedom by adhering to this regulation, but support the companions we love and be able to prove it.
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Re: I HATE people like this
« Reply #16 on: October 06, 2005, 11:29:27 pm »
If you know the guys name and location you can trun him to either the humane society or the SPCA. That is what they are their for, Provention of Cruelty  to Animals and this is cruelty >:(. You could also report him to the police. And you need to do it soon before the rottie he does have that ends up having to be put down. Guys like this make me so mad >:( >:(. Something can be done.

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Re: I HATE people like this
« Reply #17 on: October 06, 2005, 11:31:25 pm »
What a jerk, I hope he is the first adult the dog bites.

Ha HA! I was thinking the same thing. It's almost certain to happen. If you train a dog to be aggressive towards adults then,

1) YOU are an adult and he may bite you (and I hope he does) and
2) How is the dog going to distinguish between a child and an adult? When does a child become an adult to a dog? at 18? 16? 13?

He is really setting himself up for a very tragic situation. I hope he loses an arm the first time he goes to pick up one of the puppies.
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: I HATE people like this
« Reply #18 on: October 07, 2005, 02:22:26 am »
How is the dog going to distinguish between a child and an adult? When does a child become an adult to a dog? at 18? 16? 13?

I was wondering this same thing.  And what about the handicapped and the elderly?  They pose no threat (usually) but as adults, the dog would want to attack them.   If you are training a dog to attack all adults, the dog cannot and will not distinguish b/t threatening and non threatening people.

I was wondering about the Animal control and police also.  I'm just not sure this is illegal.  In Schutzhund, dogs are trained to attack on command, although what this guy is doing is a bit different.  People also can get trained guard dogs.  I hope it is illegal and something can be done about it.

Offline slickerk

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Re: I HATE people like this
« Reply #19 on: October 18, 2005, 09:53:15 pm »
That is such a shame. I got my baby from a friend (at 6 weeks, not knowing any better)... but I didn't pay even close to $500 for her (and never would have).
I know that people are trying to do what they can to crack down on backyard breeders, but I think they also need to educate buyers. People need to know that breed bans are a result of this type of thing.

Offline lilysmom

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Re: I HATE people like this
« Reply #20 on: October 18, 2005, 10:36:57 pm »
I agree that a high licensing fee and a background check is in order for all these so called "dangerous" breeds.  It's not the breed so much as the people that raise them and then breed them with a propensity to violence.  If we can limit the scum that acquire these breeds, then we can restore the breed eventually to it's former standards.

I live on a military base.  In our housing handbook it clearly states that pitbulls are not allowed.  Now I'm not a big fan of pitbulls, but I've met many that are very friendly.  The people on our base don't follow regulations all too well.  The majority of the dogs here are pitbulls or pit mixes.  I didn't have a problem with it until I saw one neighbor hang a rope from a tree and teach his dog to "latch and hang".  I also witnessed him with a arm guard teaching the dog to attack.  Not long after, his two pits went at each other in the side yard of his house.  The wife got bit really bad trying to break it up.  The kids were all screaming.  One dog finally killed the other.  It was horrible.  I watched the whole thing while on the phone with the MP's.  I guess they told him to remove the dog that was left and have him put to sleep.  Do you know a month later that dog was back and he was right back to teaching him to attack?  It's people like this that give the breed a bad name.  Breeds like pits, rottie's, dobermans, mastiffs, shepards and other large breeds are treated as status symbols.  Not pets.  And it needs to stop.  They are some of the smartest breeds and they're being treated as weapons.
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Offline lilysmom

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Re: I HATE people like this
« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2005, 10:56:53 pm »
Well, to start, maybe vets who see some of these breedings should be responsible for reporting the litter to someone.  I know not everyone takes their dog to the vet when they're a BYB, but it might be a good place to start.  I think the microchipping bill that was passed was also supposed to limit the amount of fight dogs that are out there.  But it is my understanding that if a dog of pet quality or show quality is not microchipped by a certain date that if the dog is picked up as a stray, it is going to automatically be put down.  Maybe I read the bill wrong.  But that was the impression I received.  There are people trying to fight this bill as we speak.  But I think it may help to establish a control on pet overpopulation .   I don't like to see any dog put to sleep, but we really have to start doing something now to stop the breedings so that we don't have to resort to putting dogs down.
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Re: I HATE people like this
« Reply #22 on: October 18, 2005, 11:09:03 pm »
The frequency thing was nationwide, but I think the requirement of microchipping varies by state.  In georgia where my parents live it is a requirement.  On military bases it is a requirement now.  I don't know about individual states.  I'll try to find a link for you.
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Offline Mark Dozier

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Re: I HATE people like this
« Reply #23 on: November 20, 2005, 04:56:46 pm »
I have to add a couple of things to keep us all clear. First a properly trained guard dog will attack on command. Second it takes hundereds of hours of hard work to make a good guard dog. Third in some states it is illegal to train "attack" dogs while it is legal to train guard dogs if you are qualified.If this rules applies is his state then indeed report him as he is not only the breed but the business of good well trained dog the the hard working trainers that put their lives into giving people good well trained guard dogs.
 And lastly when does the convoy start to kick the doo-doo out this punk.
Mark Dozier
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Re: I HATE people like this
« Reply #24 on: November 20, 2005, 05:13:18 pm »

People like that are what give Pit-bulls, Rotts, etc .... a bad name. I have an American Mastiff and when I went down to Miami (about a 40 minute drive from Ft. Lauderdale - my home) I got pulled over and detained for 4 hours because the officer thought he was a pit-bull (they are banned in Dade county .... Miami) as a young (5 month old) pup. All of the trouble came about from people fighting the dogs and then dumping them when they were no longer useful. Maybe they are the ones who should be neutered .......

I have never met a bad dog, but I have met entirely too many bad owners!

Matthew and Goliath

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It's Obvious...
« Reply #25 on: November 20, 2005, 05:13:33 pm »
He's got an Inky, Winky, TINY Dinky!
Let's hope his attack dog looks for a light snack!
The scientific name for an animal that doesn't either run from or fight its enemies, is Lunch.--Michael Friedman

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Re: I HATE people like this
« Reply #26 on: November 20, 2005, 05:32:08 pm »
These people just dont get the idea that a properly socialized dog will protect them just as well, if not better then an attack dog. This is because they are attached to you .... not afraid of you. Most dogs are protective to one degree or another (not to be mistaken for agression), you just wont know it until there is a real reason for them to be protective. My 1 year old AM baby is as gentle as can be and all the neighbors and kids love him, but when we caught somone breaking into my house it was totally another story (it even scared me watching him because I though he would kill the man). This is how a properly socialized dog should react.

Matthew and Goliath

Offline BabsT

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Re: I HATE people like this
« Reply #27 on: November 20, 2005, 06:02:05 pm »
I disagree...a properly trained dog in Sch, ring or PSA is far more reliable than just trusting your dog to keep you safe...and if you do give such command you need to out the dog on command.  You know a properly trained dog has the nerves will, desire, strength to fend of the attacker and it is bred into them by proven parents and grandparents. A pet, yes they have breed descriptions and may bark and look serious but you dont have a clue if they would deliver if need be

Training dogs in such a manner improves a handler and dog bond, people do it because they truly love training their dogs more so than a dog to 'protect' them but relying on a unproven dog to protect you is a rather large gamble.  It is more than just biting a sleeve, it is the MAJOR OB, teaching a dog to track, long sends and downs etc...

Say someone goes to harm you and your dog latches on and is really pissed off, how the h*ll are you going to out a 200lb pissed off animal...can you tottaly handle a 200+ pissed off need to have absolute control of that dog and the dog needs to trust you 110%

A PSA, SCH are trained to take different sorts of pressure in different areas and chances are if a person shoots a gun your dog is going to run the other way because it is natural 'flight' response or they kick your dog, they dog may give up and once that happens you could break your dogs confidence.

Trained dogs need to be stable dogs, they have to be able to working within large groups of people and act like they dont exist...if they have too high of a civil aggression they arent going to do well on the streets hating the world around them.  There are some that are even therapy dogs along with being titled SchIII or PSA dogs

and for a is a 185lb male CO out of Caucasian Legend a breeder that I have a pup from.   He isnt very happy at the moment because he is being evaluated in temp by a professional decoy and has had no formal training...Yel ana has complete control over her dog and the second she tells her enough, he sits right at her feet as if nothing ever happened.  Balou hasnt taken a bite yet because he is not yet ready to go that far.

But a good visual on an angry BPO and a reminder to what an agry large dog looks like

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Re: I HATE people like this
« Reply #28 on: November 20, 2005, 06:12:43 pm »
Wow! Look at those teeth! He looks like a bear that I wouldn't want to mess with.

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Re: I HATE people like this
« Reply #29 on: November 20, 2005, 07:32:59 pm »
I think the key is properly trained by a professional ...... not like the fools we were talking about. BTW - those are mighty impressive pictures!
