Author Topic: Close call with Angus.  (Read 4095 times)

Offline AC

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Close call with Angus.
« on: October 13, 2005, 02:41:28 am »
I just found out that Angus was out free for over an hour this morning running the streets. How things like this happen, sometimes just can't be controlled. Here's the story:

I got up this morning at 5:00 and took Angus for a bathroom break, then took him in and went to work at 6:30. I usually let him out in the backyard in the morning to do his business and he likes it outside on these cool days, but I couldn't do that this morning. I had to take him out because we had 2 nights of winds over 100 kph with gusts to 150 and last night the fence at the head of my driveway decided to surrender!! It could not be easily fixed so last night I dismantled the fence and moved all the lumber to the back of the house and now my backgarden (backyarden as my kids call it) is no longer fenced so Angus gets to go on more walks.

I had to go home this morning so my wife could register my daughter for kindergarden and do a couple of other things and I was petting Angus down and kept feeling sticky buds! He was full of them, I combed most of them out and had to cut a couple out. I thought to myself it was strange he was full of them as we have none in out backgarden and carried on with my day. I forgot about the stickey buds till I just got this message on MSN from my wife "Vickey (my sister) let Angus out this morning in the back not knowing the fence was gone. When she left the house to bring Jessica (her daughter) to school he was walking up the street turned into the front yard then came i guess thats when he got the sticky buds".

I can't believe it, I could have lost him and didn't even know it. Today I guess I have been lucky.

Offline Nina

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Re: Close call with Angus.
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2005, 02:44:18 am »
Wow lucky you! Thank goodness he is home safe and sound!
Nina and Tim
Calgary, AB, Canada
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Offline sarnewfie

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Re: Close call with Angus.
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2005, 03:09:33 am »
That is scary, glad he is back ok
i have hubby trained to make sure the gate is closed before letting dogs out, i always check the gait also before letting them out.
sometimes accidants happen.
Photography by Christine FOR ORDERS

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Offline Moni

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Re: Close call with Angus.
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2005, 03:13:25 am »
These kind of things make me cry with relief. The shock and fear of what "could of" happened always gets to me.  This is all too close to comfort after what happened to us not too long ago.   :-[

A couple of weeks ago Jay's mother had a heart attack and we rushed down to CT from MA to see her in the hospital.  It was chilly up here and we knew it was a 2hr+ drive down, then back and who knows how long we'd be at the hospital. So we made the decision to bring Tenchi along, since he has a bit of separation anxiety.  Well when we go to where his Mom was, it was sweltering.  I sent Jay and the kids in a head of me until I figured out what to do.  I was frantic and besides myself with worry for both Jay's mom and leaving Tenchi in the car in the heat. 

We didn't know how bad his mom was and I was worried about leaving Tenchi overheating in the car.  So I parked the car in the shade.  I put the seats and windows down (we have a subaru legacy station wagon) and opened the hatchback.  Then I poured his water/ice into his bowl and tied his leash so that he couldn't take off.  I've used this method before when I've brought him to family member's houses and need to run in quick and he is always fine.  Tenchi thinks of the car as his portable crate since he's in it most of the time with me.  When I put the hatchback up he ends up sleeping with the breeze keeping it nice and cool in the car. 

I ran in to check on Jay, the kids and his mom(who luckily was ok, but had to be kept for observation a couple of days) .  I came back out and Tenchi was sleeping, so I ran back and forth between the car and the hospital for the entire time we were there.  I woke Tenchi up a couple of times and walked him, but he just wanted to go back in the car and sleep. 

Then we're getting ready to leave and an announcement comes over the radio, "Will the owner of a green subaru with out of state plates please come to the front desk".  I  feel all the blood rush out of me and run as fast as I can, past the desk and out into the parking lot.  As soon as I run down the sidewalk, TENCHI comes running up to greet me, dragging his leash that was chewed through!!!!!!  A frightened security guard stopped me(with his hand on his holster) asking me if that was my dog and if he was friendly.  I told him yes a couple of times before he relaxed and then I burst into tears.  The parking lot was across the road from the hospital, so that means that my baby had to have crossed it.  Just the fact that he found his way to me is a miracle in itself, the fact that he wasn't hit by a car or stolen because of my stupidity just washed over me and I broke down right there bawling my eyes out.

What happened with Angus was a mistake and mistakes happen.  However I was an idiot, and I thank God that I was given another chance with my sweet boy.  It makes us appreciate them even more when that realization hits. 

Stay safe sweet Angus and don't scare your family anymore, ok? 
BPO does not have my permission to use my photos.

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Re: Close call with Angus.
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2005, 03:22:16 am »
Oh Moni, thank God Tenchi was ok. I know how you feel. Harley got away once and crossed a busy street, I almost had a heart attack when I saw a car coming, thank God she didn't get hit.
Nina and Tim
Calgary, AB, Canada
Harley(Lab mix)
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Re: Close call with Angus.
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2005, 06:11:23 am »
Oh Angus has had yet another adventure. I am glad he was ok. Still scary to have happen.

Moni, don't beat yourself up over that incident. It was something that had worked well in the past for you. I would have done the same thing

My first rotti Shaste(Sam)wandered away fron me one day at work. We use to own a parking lot on the beach and she went to work with me everyday. My dad always let her off her lead to go to the water(which I hated). Well turns out she walked along a norrow path next to the river. Sam was very clumbsy--a wonder she did not fall in ::)Up through a residential area-up to a very busy tourist part of town. Crossed the main road to a a hamburger joint a friend owned. He always fed her when we went for a daily walk. While she was on her wander I was full blown panic..looking all over for her.Imagining the worst. Then my friend comes driving down to our lot with a big old drooly head hanging out the window happy to be going for a car ride. She had gone to his place on her own for a burger ::) ::) ::) My dad never let her off the lead again :-X

My husband left the gate open once . Puck got out and came to the front door....too lazy to even run ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
« Last Edit: October 13, 2005, 06:13:37 am by Icerotti »

Offline AC

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Re: Close call with Angus.
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2005, 06:19:59 am »
Moni I can feel how you must have felt. Sometimes we are very fortunate and learn from all things that happen, good and bad. Funny thing with Angus was that it was the first time my sister ever let him out in the morning (probably the last time too). And Sar, the gate was closed, unfortunately it was resting against the back of the house!! I'm going to have to train everyone to make sure all fences are standing. With winter coming fast I don't think I'm going to rebuid that section.

Offline Rocky's 'Rents

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Re: Close call with Angus.
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2005, 07:38:58 am »
Thank God Angus and Tenchi were OK. Everyone who read what happened w/ Rocky recently knows how devestated I was. Don't beat yourselves up, we can only blame ourselves if we don't learn from things that happen. Hugs to you both!

Offline Anky

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Re: Close call with Angus.
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2005, 08:57:12 am »
I went Camping with Matt over Labor Day weekend.  I think I was gone two nights.  It was the first time Sanity was ever away from Mommy overnight.  He was rotten for my grandmother, and on Sunday morning she called me to say that she had to go to church and he wouldn't come in for her.  I told her to leave him, he was just trying to play (He hides in the woods and waits for you to chase him) and to let him in when you come home.  WELL she decided NOT to come home, and went out to a friend's house.  I come home at night and my almost pitch black dog comes running down the street and sits in the middle of the friggin road!  As soon as I got out he's blubbering to me about how horrible it was without me but my heart was going a mile a minute.  We have no street lights (Dirt road) so what if someone had come tearing down?  We have Semi drivers who live on our road and drive their big rigs all the time, those trucks don't stop on a dime.  It's one of the reasons I had Sanity stay with Matt when I was at the hospital.  Not that I don't trust her...... it's just I don't trust her.  ;)

Araby gets out all the time and runs away.  She's just a PIA like that.  She likes to visit people.  There are SO many times that someone will get something out of the shed and leave the gate open, and someone else (Not checking to see if the gate is closed) just lets the dogs out.  Hobo and Sanity stay in the yard, but Miss Priss goes exploring.  People tear down our street (It's a shortcut through lots of lights and city traffic) and we live around a blind corner.  She's already almost been hit once.  The SUV swerved to avoid her and skidded to a stop.  She went out of her way to run INTO the car and then pee herself and run back to the yard.  Idjut   ::)

I'm glad Angus is OK.  Don't beat yourself up over it.  Happens to everyone.

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Offline shangrila

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Re: Close call with Angus.
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2005, 09:29:54 am »
I am so glad angus (and all the other dogs) are safe! I would have been so scared  :-X
RIP former BPO