Author Topic: 1000 Greyhounds need a home. Racetrack Closing  (Read 7542 times)

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1000 Greyhounds need a home. Racetrack Closing
« on: May 02, 2005, 09:41:36 pm »
From:  (  
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2005 5:02 AM


Hi, my name is Shelley Hopkins and I live in Plainfield, CT. I'm sure you already know about the recent unexpected announcement that the Plainfield Greyhound Park will be closing on May 14, leaving 1,000+ Greyhounds in need of homes.

I'm contacting greyhound rescue groups to find out if they are planning, or able to take in any of these animals.  I would like to volunteer my time to transport dogs from Plainfield to any shelters/groups that will take them.  Others here in Plainfield want to help as well and I would like to mobilize them.

Please note we are not affiliated with any rescue groups, just average joe citizens who want to help save as many of these dogs as possible.

Please e-mail me at: shelley.hopkin  ( or call me at 860-564-7001.  
We want to help!  Thanks.


First State Greyhound Rescue

Hi all,

For the board, I know you ALL got this email also, but am going to ask anyway.... PLEASE IF POSSIBLE, can we help some of these 1000+ dogs that NEED to get into a rescue SOMEWHERE?

For ALL FSGR adopters, IF you have NOT fostered, PLEASE consider fostering NOW, and contact Kim Ball, FSGR foster coordinator at:  ( to apply to foster!!!
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE....the NEED is GREAT right now for fostering, FSGR kennel is FULL, but the Plainfield 1000+ dogs will NOT wait to be there at a later date, the NEED IS NOW....PLEASE FOSTER!!  The MORE foster homes FSGR can get, the MORE dogs FSGR can take into our adoption program...fost ering is NOT hard, it is VERY MANY of you know as you have some of our fosters and we LOVE seeing them come back for visits....PLEA SE HELP NOW!!!  THANKS.

Contacts: Jen, Bob, Buddy, Roulette & Misty -  (  Allow a greyhound to race into your SOUL!!!  
And Sande Saimond -  (  




Patricia Temarantz-Mickowksi
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Re: 1000 Greyhounds need a home. Racetrack Closing
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2005, 11:18:54 am »
I hate to ask what the alternative is? I'm not familiar with retiring race dogs. Also, where is Plainfield?

Offline mastiffmommy

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Re: 1000 Greyhounds need a home. Racetrack Closing
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2005, 01:51:31 pm »
Yes where is Plainfield???

I have seen a lot about the greyhounds that are being fostered and later adopted out on animal planet, they seem to be the most lovable and easy going dogs, not at all high strung or hyper, they adjust very well to a life on the couch from what I have seen. Also one of the problems when they are being "retrained" seems to be that most of them have never had a "home" they dont know what windows is, can be running though them, so you must put up post it stickers or such to make the aware of the fact that there actually is something. Also stairs and basically everything our dogs grow up with, they may never ever have seen in their entire lives. But from what I understand they are wonderful dogs and really really good as pets, even the ones who have been racing.

A question I have though, is even if this race track is closing, where are the people who own the dogs???? I am not at all familiare with the racing thing at all, but you'd think these dogs are owned by someone, or are they simply a tool to race???

Please give more info. I am sure some people on here would love to help if possible.

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Re: 1000 Greyhounds need a home. Racetrack Closing
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2005, 07:03:31 pm »

  the sad truth is these dogs in most cases arent seen as living breathing creatures to alot of the owners but as a pay check this is how they make a living i would think alot of the dogs will be moved to a new track or sold to someone who breeds for racing..i hope i'am not affending anyone but i sell dog food and we have a track in our town and alot of the people are nice but most don't realy care about the dogs..


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Re: 1000 Greyhounds need a home. Racetrack Closing
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2005, 03:07:18 am »
The easiest way to explain this is racing Greyhounds are "livestock", they will be put to death if the owner of the racer wishes it to be. When they are racing, the are working dogs that better make money. They are not treated as pets. If the greyhound is lucky enough to be sent to an adoption group, it will have a great life after racing. Yes, there are a lot of horror stories out there, (pits discovered of shot greyhounds, as the owners didn't want to pay a vet), but there are a lot of good stories too. Lucy and I make it to a lot of meet and greets even if it's just to "spread the word" and let Lucy hang out with some fellow greyhounds. Lucy was bred in TX, raced in TX, and FL. In fact a year ago she was still chasing the rabbit. I've had her 10 months, and boy what a trip. It is true that they know nothing about living in a home, a lot of adoption groups will foster the dogs before adoption if they can.  Lucy was Fostered for almost a month, but I still had to teach her how to climb stairs, teach her about windows, and I'm still teaching her about sliding doors to name a few. When I first got her, her coat was horrible. Most of her hair on her belly and hind quarters was missing. This was due to the excessive amount of time locked in a cage. Her stomach was SO sensitive, I only feed her Nutra Max, and Milk Bones. Anything else is asking for trouble. Most racing greyhounds are fed "meat not to be consumed by humans", in other words in Lucy's first three years, she also had a horrible diet. That's the life of a racing greyhound for the most part. There are exceptions to the rule, but most stories are not nice to type. When a track closes, that's a LOT of dogs to place. I pray most get adopted, however it's the ones that won't be that need the prayers. It amazes me that even though she was a racer, and did not have a greatest start in life, this AMAZING dog, who has lived in FL & TX in racetrack kennels, to being fostered in MI, to permantently living in Canada, is so sweet, gentle and loving. This was her first fall, and her first snow. (Canadian winter to boot), not bad for a newly 4 year old eh?

Offline mastiffmommy

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Re: 1000 Greyhounds need a home. Racetrack Closing
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2005, 02:36:45 pm »
I am sooooo happy for both you and her. And it makes me beyond sad to hear what you have to say about the greyhounds, even if I knew that it probably was like that, it is still totally disturbing to hear it from someone that actually knows. And one thing that amazes me is that Animal Planet has shown shows from racing, that channel supposedly is for the animals, and in the programs it really does not tell just how bad the situation is for these dogs. Shame on them!!!!! They should work for spreading the word too.

I truly hope these poor babies get new homes, well I should refrase that, that tese babies get a home, a home they have never had before. I still dont know where this place is, anyone knows where it is located??

Maybe we can help out in some way, if there are rescue groups who are exceeding their limits to help these dogs, at least we can help out with donations even if we can not actually foster or adopt. Or with transport. Can anyone tell what rescue groups are likely to work on this case???

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Re: 1000 Greyhounds need a home. Racetrack Closing
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2005, 08:38:02 am »
I'm reposting this from another list that is was on. I thought it may be of interest to anyone on this list.


Posted with gratitude for Marc:

My name is Marc Cohen and I am the Legislative Chairman of the Connecticut
Dog Federation. I am sending this information to you because a post that
you made on the Berner list was forwarded to the Akita list of which I am a

I contacted Gov. Rell's Director of Public Affairs the other day to inquire
what her position was on this situation. This is what I got back in
response. Feel free to cross post this information if you wish.

>>Governor M. Jodi Rell today wrote the owners of Plainfield Greyhound Park
to secure a promise that the dogs will be protected and cared for as the
track is closed, and to coordinate efforts to find as many loving homes for
the dogs as possible.

“I will not stand by and let these dogs become hapless
victims,” Governor Rell said. “I am a dog owner myself and concerned for
the welfare of these animals. I have already asked the Department of Labor
to help the affected employees of the track. The greyhounds deserve some
measure of protection as well.”

In a letter to Connecticut Yankee Greyhound Racing, owners of
the track, the Governor reminded track officials that the welfare of the
dogs is their responsibility and insisted that they feed and care for the

“I need your assurances that every effort will be made to
relocate these beautiful animals to either another adequate racing venue or
to ensure that new loving homes are found for them,” the Governor
wrote. “If the dogs are sent to another venue, we must verify that they
will be raced, not destroyed. In no event shall a healthy dog be euthanized
in Connecticut until every conceivable attempt is made to relocate them.

“I am sure you will embrace this chance to show the industry
the right way to close down a racing facility with class and compassion,
especially an operation that has relied on these greyhounds for more than
just revenue during the past three decades,” Governor Rell wrote.

Track officials announced April 27 that they would end racing
in Plainfield on May 14, citing business losses. The Governor said she has
instructed the Division of Special Revenue and the Department of
Agriculture to work with track owners and animal rescue organizations to
make certain that every statute and regulation regarding animal health and
welfare is enforced.

“It would be completely indefensible if these noble dogs –
having served a strictly human purpose – were just dumped somewhere when,
through no fault of their own, they could no longer serve that purpose,”
Governor Rell said. “It may make business sense to close the track, but
business can never justify mistreatment of an animal. I expect the owners
of the track to meet their responsibiliti es to the greyhounds, just as they
will to their employees.”<<

Marc Cohen
Legislative Chairman
Conneticut Dog Federation
McKinley & Ted

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Re: 1000 Greyhounds need a home. Racetrack Closing
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2005, 05:06:53 am »
What happens if when they retire and are too aggressive they are PTS. The lucky ones go to good homes. I have a retired greyhound Jessica who is the sweetest dog in the world. I also have a rescue puppy from the breeder. He is blind in one eye and if she was unable to find a home for it he would have had the same fate. If live in Australia so I can not help take one of these beautiful dogs but I would urge any of you in the U.S. and Canada to open your heart to a dog who has never had a puppy hood. When you get one it is like having an adult puppy. They have lived in kennels there entire life so normal household things are new to them. They usually do not have any experiance with other breeds of dogs. It is beautiful to see them experence the world. I just happened to see a program on greyhound adoption on the Animal Planet a few years ago. I had never seen a greyhound up close until we picked up Jessica. I can tell you know I don't think I would ever have another breed of dog. They can live in apartments. They do not need hours of walking like most people think. I give my two dogs a 20 minute walk twice a day and sometimes I don't walk them at all. The are quiet dogs and very clean.  Hope I might have let you know what a great breed of dog greyhounds are. They are greyt.

Toni, mom of Jessica and Oz in Ballarat

Greyhounds are great

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Re: 1000 Greyhounds need a home. Racetrack Closing
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2005, 02:18:17 pm »
what's happening with these babes???? Update anyone please  :(

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Re: 1000 Greyhounds need a home. Racetrack Closing
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2005, 09:27:54 pm »
This has been posted in another group I belong to and it's complicated. The first post said that there were 500 and would all be euthanized if they weren't taken by the 14th. Then someone discovered that according to CT law racing greyhounds can not be euthanized, unless for medical problems, and there was a corrected posting about it. And then it was 600 (here it says 1000) but no word on how many will need homes.
From what I have read some of the dogs may need to be fostered.... but the ones who can still race will go to other tracks, some will be kept for breeding, and the ones left will be taken to the rescue or humane society. There is one person in the other group that called for info and was going to let us all know what was going on, and they still haven't gotten back to her. If I find out any more I will post it. I hope they all find great families. A friend of mine adopted a retired racer and Rain was the sweetest baby. A wonderful pet, easy to care for and much loved. Unfortunatly she passed away last year.... and my friend doesn't have the heart yet to get another.



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Re: 1000 Greyhounds need a home. Racetrack Closing
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2005, 03:51:45 pm »
Does anyone else know about this? I mean...any more updates? I'd love to help in any way...I found the posting on another site, too. ( It seems a little confusing.

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Re: 1000 Greyhounds need a home. Racetrack Closing
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2005, 06:36:50 pm »
The final number of dogs that needed to be placed was less than 300; all of these dogs were placed in homes or adoption programs. The remainder of the dogs went on to other tracks. The original release of information was uninformed and inflamatory.
GPA stepped in and put forth a great deal of $ to get those that were not going to continue racing vetted and ready for adoption. From there the dogs were shipped out to individual groups or homes.
Royal Canin donated food to feed the dogs waiting for homes as well.  It was a great group effort.  If you would like to know more, you can go to www.greyhoundp and look at the news page.  Most of the info will be there.
Trail Bound Hounds of Southeastern MA, Inc.
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