Author Topic: Why O Why...  (Read 3845 times)


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Why O Why...
« on: November 02, 2005, 04:36:54 pm »
did I volunteer to watch my friend's two year old. She's driving me crazy. I'm a stay at home mom and my best friend is a subsitute teacher. She couldn't find a babysitter, so I said I would watch her daughter Megan. Her daughter and my daughter Raeanne get along very well. I thought no problem. I have also watched Megan before.

The morning was okay. Then nap time came. I put Megan on the couch so I could lay my two year old daughter in her bed for a nap. Megan starts crying at the top of her lungs. I have no idea why. Can't understand anything she's saying. I tell her she doesn't have to take a nap, but she continues to scream at the top of her lungs. Now Raeanne is yelling mommy mommy mommy. I go in tell her Megan is being naughty and to try to go to sleep. I'm ready to tear my hair out it's been half an hour. I finally resort to bribery. I know I'm so bad, but it worked. Raeanne is now sound asleep and Megan is quiet and happy. All is calm for now.


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Re: Why O Why...
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2005, 06:57:34 pm »
All is better now. Megan went home with her mommy. I think I'll take Kiah to playgroup tonight and get some lovin' from lots of doggies. :)

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Re: Why O Why...
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2005, 07:15:09 pm »
I'm glad that your sanity has returned.  ;D
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

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Re: Why O Why...
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2005, 02:33:19 pm »
Bribery is bad????????

Emily and 1 husband, 1 boy, 1 on the way, and 4 crazy dogs

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Re: Why O Why...
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2005, 04:48:22 pm »
That is why I don't babysit. 

I realized after being in your situation a couple times that I was not cut out to babysit other people's kids.  Within an hour I can't stand the sight of the little booger.

You deserve combat pay.


I'm the same way. I love my kids but have no patience with others youngesters. when thwy are older I don't have a problem.


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Re: Why O Why...
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2005, 04:52:31 pm »
OK I thought I was insane and now I know there are other wonderful people out there just like ME!!!  I can't stand other people's kids!!!  I love my daughter sooooo much, but I can't babysit someone elses kid I get depressed, frustrated, and ANGRY very very ANGRY!!!!  2yr olds can be quite testy at times too.  I'm glad it's over and done with. lol



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Re: Why O Why...
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2005, 04:53:51 pm »
I'm glad it's over with too! I wanted to pull my hair out. I did get paid, so that's helps a little. ;)

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Re: Why O Why...
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2005, 09:30:35 pm »
See, I'm just the opposite! 

I'm not convinced I want to be a MOTHER, but my god, do I love other people's kids. 

I love to play with them, and read to them, and make cookies with them, and go to Disneyland with them, and I LOVE to give them BACK to their parents at the end of the day or the weekend!

I bet I know what made poor little Megan cry.  Raeanne got to have her nap in bed.  Megan was being exiled to the couch.  She was feeling unwanted, jealous and maybe a little put upon.

In case you ever have Megan again, try this:  instead of putting Raeanne in her bed, put them BOTH in a big nest on the floor--big soft blankets and a bunch of pillows.  Lay down on one side of the nest with them and read a book with them till they fall asleep.  If the dogs are interested in joining in, it's even better.

This nesting works because it's a treat for them both.   And if you only let Raeanne 'nest' when she has a playmate over, it will stay a treat and will work for a long time.   I have a friend whose 9 year old is FAR beyond the nap stage, but who will totally sack out in a nest on the floor with his younger brother and sister in the middle of my living room! 

Sheryl, Dogless and sad


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Re: Why O Why...
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2005, 11:15:35 pm »
See, I'm just the opposite! 

I'm not convinced I want to be a MOTHER, but my god, do I love other people's kids. 

I love to play with them, and read to them, and make cookies with them, and go to Disneyland with them, and I LOVE to give them BACK to their parents at the end of the day or the weekend!

I bet I know what made poor little Megan cry.  Raeanne got to have her nap in bed.  Megan was being exiled to the couch.  She was feeling unwanted, jealous and maybe a little put upon.

In case you ever have Megan again, try this:  instead of putting Raeanne in her bed, put them BOTH in a big nest on the floor--big soft blankets and a bunch of pillows.  Lay down on one side of the nest with them and read a book with them till they fall asleep.  If the dogs are interested in joining in, it's even better.

This nesting works because it's a treat for them both.   And if you only let Raeanne 'nest' when she has a playmate over, it will stay a treat and will work for a long time.   I have a friend whose 9 year old is FAR beyond the nap stage, but who will totally sack out in a nest on the floor with his younger brother and sister in the middle of my living room! 

Thanks for the great nesting tip. My daughter is 5 she will think that is so neat :D

Offline lil_princess724

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Re: Why O Why...
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2005, 11:30:15 pm »
Boy oh Boy Do i understand your frusturation. This is my life everyday. See i am a nanny and I have total about tens kids i watch on and off and one regular mon-fri family with 11 and 12 girls. But since i am not getting enough hours when other familes ask i say yes so several times i will watch for one family for 5 hours then go to my reg. family then back to another family. Yup pretty hechtic. Wish i had advice but all i can says is PATIENCE is what helps me. Best of luck!
        Bailey's mom


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Re: Why O Why...
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2005, 11:35:51 pm »
See, I'm just the opposite! 

I'm not convinced I want to be a MOTHER, but my god, do I love other people's kids. 

I love to play with them, and read to them, and make cookies with them, and go to Disneyland with them, and I LOVE to give them BACK to their parents at the end of the day or the weekend!

I bet I know what made poor little Megan cry.  Raeanne got to have her nap in bed.  Megan was being exiled to the couch.  She was feeling unwanted, jealous and maybe a little put upon.

In case you ever have Megan again, try this:  instead of putting Raeanne in her bed, put them BOTH in a big nest on the floor--big soft blankets and a bunch of pillows.  Lay down on one side of the nest with them and read a book with them till they fall asleep.  If the dogs are interested in joining in, it's even better.

This nesting works because it's a treat for them both.   And if you only let Raeanne 'nest' when she has a playmate over, it will stay a treat and will work for a long time.   I have a friend whose 9 year old is FAR beyond the nap stage, but who will totally sack out in a nest on the floor with his younger brother and sister in the middle of my living room! 

Thanks for the advice. However my daughter has sleeping problems. When I told Megan's mom about what happen she said that she has problems with Megan at home and not wanting to take a nap. She thinks it's because I said the n word. I guess Megan hates naps and throws a temper tantrum at home and some days she doesn't even take a nap.