Author Topic: Announcement & Questions  (Read 966 times)


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Announcement & Questions
« on: November 09, 2005, 10:01:07 pm »
Announcement - Kate has graduated puppy school!  She did so well, we are very proud of her.  Still can't believe the price we paid - $40 for 4 weeks, instructor was awesome and the class was all large breed pups, all got along very well!  Felt bad for Kate at times though, she was so much bigger than all the other pups, so would have 3 pups on her at a time.  And, she's so submissive, wouldn't make a fuss unless someone would nip an ear (ouch)!

Questions - A few (would appreciate all advice - thanks)! 

1st - What's a good age to start obedience with Leo's?  I've heard 6 mnths.  Also, what collar method of training is good in these classes?  Lots are offered here: chokers, pinchers, regular flat/smooth collars - I don't know the way to go here.  I am going to contact them all, see if I can 'pop-in' to watch one of each type to see what would be best for Kate...

2nd - What age should I spay Kate at?  I am going to talk to her breeder, but I've heard lots of opinions (and) am becoming confused.  I've heard 6 mnths, 8 mnths, have also heard of waiting until she goes through her 1st heat (which I don't understand the benefit of)...

3rd - Does anyone know how Leo's do with air travel?  Hubby is from PEI (Prince Edward Island), we usually go every 2nd summer.  Would LOVE to bring Kate with us - but only if it's not too stressfull on her.  She'd love the beach though, we're sure of that!