Author Topic: What next??? Poor Hubby!!  (Read 10225 times)

Offline Anky

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Re: What next??? Poor Hubby!!
« Reply #30 on: November 17, 2005, 12:43:56 pm »
Awwwww Honey I'm so sorry.  Stupid Drs suck.  I can't complain about workman's comp though.  Mine was awesome :P  I hope your Honey can get home to you quickly and safely.
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Re: What next??? Poor Hubby!!
« Reply #31 on: November 17, 2005, 12:46:01 pm »
that's not right at all. 
Any idea when he'll be home at all?

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Re: What next??? Poor Hubby!!
« Reply #32 on: November 17, 2005, 12:52:40 pm »
He'll be in South Carolina by about 1 a.m. so I'm guessing he'll be in Lousiana sometime tomorrow, but probably Lafayette, which is about 3 hours from here and I'll have to go pick him up.
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain


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Re: What next??? Poor Hubby!!
« Reply #33 on: November 17, 2005, 12:56:29 pm »
what an ordeal!  I hope someone makes amends with him over this! 

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Re: What next??? Poor Hubby!!
« Reply #34 on: November 17, 2005, 02:22:53 pm »
I'll have to go pick him up

OK, Jeanne, before you pick him up, you need to find out a couple of things. 

First, when your husband filled out his employment papers, did he mark the option on his worker's comp forms that allows him to see his OWN physician, rather than going to their clinic?  If he did, call your doctor immediately and make arrangements for your husband to come in on an emergency basis when he arrives.

If he didn't, you need to harrass the guy at Swift (or have your attorney do it) for the name and location of the "approved" worker's comp facility in your area to make the same appointment for the minute you get your hands on him.  And if they tell you there isn't one--get the name, number and title of the person who tells you that if they do--then you find the closest large medical center ER to where you pick him up at.  Call that ER and tell them you'll be bringing him, approximately when and why.  They might even put their own ortho people on notice if they know you're bringing him.  If you end up doing this, tell them you're scared of blood clots. I don't think they'll put you off if you do.

Because before you take him home, you're taking your husband to a doctor.  

It doesn't matter how tired he is--in fact the tireder and more worn out he is, the better--because you have GOT to have medical documentation of exactly how much damage has been done due to the delay, how much unnecesaary pain and suffering has been caused by the delay and inappropriate treatment, and you have GOT to be sure, before you so much as walk in your front door, that there aren't any serious complications like DVT in the offing.  I'm sure all of us will be praying that it's a waste of time, but you're better safe than sorry. 

See, the thing is that once you take him anywhere but straight to a doctor, Swift can try to claim that any aggravation of his condition is because of something he did on his OWN TIME, and not as a result of his injury and their response to it.   Again, in college I saw time after time that companies tried to get out of expensive worker's comp claims by saying that "personal activities" were responsible for the aggravation of the condition, and that they weren't responsible.  And a lot of time they won at least a "mitigating factor" decision that put a large percentage of the bills back in the lap of the injured worker.   >:(  And their story about needing to see a specialist because it's a rare condition sounds to me like they're looking to claim it's a pre-existing medical condition that their insurance is exempt from that caused him to fracture his leg.

You've got to have absolute documentation at this point of everything that happens from the minute he gets into your care.  And your doctor needs to know that there's probably going to be some question about your husband's health status when he left to go to training.

What your DH has is what they thought I had last winter--what they call a greenstick fracture. (Mine ended up only being a bruised bone, fortunately, but the docs thought to begin with that I had the fracture, so I have some idea of how they SHOULD have been handling this based on what was done for me.)  These fractures are NOT uncommon and anyone who tells you that is a straight up liar.  They CAN BE complicated and can take a lot longer to heal than you would expect.  Partly because when your bone "breaks" it's into separately identifiable pieces that they can go in and stablize it in some fashion--plates/screws, glues, immobilizing with a cast, that kind of thing.  When you have "fractures", often what happens is more like the webbed cracking you see in pottery glazes.  There's no way to stablize that kind of webbed thing, only to externally brace it until it heals. 

It's going to hurt for a while.  I suggest finding out about something for his pain other than Vicodin, though--that crap is seriously addictive if you're on it for more than about a week to 10 days.   And the main thing he's going to need, if nobody told him to ice his leg--WTF! ???!--is some anti-inflammatories that are more hard core than just OTC ibuprofen. 

He'll need the obably for years to come.   My bruised bone still aches when I overdo it--I went to Disneyland all day last Saturday, and I'm still feeling it.

You've got to be incredibly proactive about this going forward.  And be prepared that he might lose his job over this.  They've bungled it so badly that Swift--whose bad reputation is deserved--may just decide that if they get rid of him, they'll get rid of the claim, and they'll trump up a reason to fire him.  I've seen the letters in files where companies did that.

Don't tell Johann that.  He's got enough to worry about trying to get well.  But that attorney is going to be critical if this is going to work out in a positive way. Lawyer jokes aside, sometimes they're the LGD protecting your herd from the company wolves.

Sheryl, Dogless and sad

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Re: What next??? Poor Hubby!!
« Reply #35 on: November 17, 2005, 03:46:42 pm »
I have to solidly agree with every suggestion nodognow has made.  You have to document, document, document!  And if you leave holes, Swift WILL find them.

I'm so glad your husband is going to be home with you where he BELONGS!  How traumatic for the both of you to have gone through all of this BS!

Here's to a better weekend for you both!

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Re: What next??? Poor Hubby!!
« Reply #36 on: November 17, 2005, 06:15:16 pm »
Well, the good news is I've bitched so much to so many people that they are putting him on a train from South Carolina so he'll be home by 7pm tomorrow night. I also talked to the 3rd party insurance co. that handles their work comp. cases and they assured me they will have an appt. set up for first thing Monday morning with an orthopedic physician. They also said if I needed to take him to the ER over the weekend then to go ahead and do that.

I talked to 2 lawyers and they were no help at all. They said that because his home terminal is in South Carolina, I need to get a lawyer out of South Carolina, but he doesn't really have a case as of yet unless the delay in providing treatment has caused his injury to aggravate.

I just want to get him home by now.  I am worried about him getting fired over this, that's why I was trying to be nice at first. However, since he has his CDL license he can drive anywhere. It's just the experience he doesn't have now. But, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. And, it seems like everyone he's come in contact with at Swift has been more than nice to him. He was in very good spirits when I talked to him this afternoon.

I'm just hoping now his recovery time is not that long. I had a good cry a little while ago and I am feeling a little better now. Going to go hug my dogs and cats now.
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain

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Re: What next??? Poor Hubby!!
« Reply #37 on: November 17, 2005, 06:34:08 pm »
OK, this is paranoid me again. 

Don't stop bugging the insurance company until you have the name and address of the doc and the time of the appointment.   Be as nice as you can manage; give them diabetes with your Southern sugar sweetness, but be relentless, and get the time TODAY.  And what about meds in the meantime! ???!  Are you supposed to give him Tylenol?

Write down a narrative right now of everything.  You can use the copies of what you've posted in the forum to get started.  Keep a detailed running log of everything that happens with his leg from here foward, and make copies of EVERYTHING, starting with the dinner bill at the hotel.

Ask the person at the docs office for copies of everything that goes in his medical file--you're legally entitled to copies of every single post it note.  They might charge you a dime a page for the copies, but you're legally entitled to them, and you have to get them. After each visit is best.  Make sure that after every doctor visit, etc., you write down who you speak to, and what they say, particularly as regards treatment choices, in case something they say doesn't make it into the notes, or they write something in the notes that they don't tell you.

If they ask why you're taking all these notes, tell them that you have a bad memory for details and it helps you if you write it down; you just want to be sure to understand because you never knew anyone who had broken their leg.  Disarm them, but be sure to take accurate notes; you may have to refer to them down the road.

Seriously.  One slip here could be disastrous down the road.  Again: be relentless.    Swift has bungled this, and will be looking for a way OUT.  You've got to be on your guard.  I talked to my BIL a few minutes ago.  He said it couldn't have happened at a worse company.  You have got to be hyper, hyper-vigilant.

And I'd be looking for lawyers in SC.  Anybody in SC know any lawyers for Jeanne?

It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you.  And Swift may very well be. 

Now, get lots of ice packs in the freezer (it will still help the pain, if not the swelling anymore) and prepare to pamper your poor husband! 

Sheryl, Dogless and sad

Offline Scootergirl

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Re: What next??? Poor Hubby!!
« Reply #38 on: November 18, 2005, 01:04:02 am »
I'm definitely going to document everything and everyone I've talked to. I'm glad I've been typing it out here and repeating it to everyone I talk to. It's still fresh in my memory. He does have his vicadin now and should have enough 'til he sees the dr. on Monday.

I am definitely prepared to spoil him. I can't wait 'til he gets home tomorrow.

Paranoid or not, you've been a huge help! - all of you!!
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain