Author Topic: I need to vent! (Uh Oh.....)  (Read 8322 times)

Offline cuttles/sadieMay

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Re: I need to vent! (Uh Oh.....)
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2005, 12:04:24 am »
Sheryl - Thanks for sharing your story.  I guess it's just as bad for the teacher's when they do try to make a difference.  You can only be knocked down so many times before you give up.  I agree the problem is with the parents. 

My only child is now grown and married but when he was in 2nd grade I got a call from the school psychologist to come in for a chat.  When I got there I was taken to a room with three other people and lectured about child abuse.  Seems Karl had said something about getting a spanking and here they were ready to prosecute me.  Karl was spanked a total of three times in his life; always three swats with an open hand and never when I was pissed.....Any way after listening to these people tell me about the damage I was doing to my kid and how they could have him removed from my care I simply got up and told them that the day they took my ability to parent MY child away from ME that THEY could have him.  I walked out and never heard from them again.


Very well said!!!!! i would have to agree with your quote"the day they took my ability to parent MY child away from ME that THEY could have him." LOL thats a good one!
As for the lady with the Dane puppy I think we all know or have known someone like her at some point in time!
She sounds like the type of person that shouldnt have kids or pets!
Its sad though, that the puppy will be the one to suffer from her bull headedness! Some people refuse to take advice! SAD


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Re: I need to vent! (Uh Oh.....)
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2005, 12:35:14 am »
A 7th grader in my daughter's school brought a BB gun to a basketball game and shot three of the cheerleaders, last week. I am furious.
My kids play club hockey, and have for 14 years. I control whether they play or not, and if their grades are below B honor roll, they don't see the ice. If you don't want to parent, don't have kids.

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Re: I need to vent! (Uh Oh.....)
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2005, 02:22:41 am »
On my soapbox now.....

I'm the parent that some teachers dread. 
Not all....but some.
I'm the parent who shows up at parent teacher conferences and expects the teacher to be prepared to tell me something about my child.  The expectation in our school district is that conferences are to address problems and also to reinforce the habits of a good student.
I expect that the person who sees my child for more of their awake hours than I do should be able to tell me something about how that child spends his/her days....good or bad.
I recently attended conferences for my 14 yr old son who is a freshman.  I had 5 teachers to meet with during the conference time. 
Spanish teacher said he's a great student who excells in class.  An award is given each quarter for the top student.  He came in 2nd and he assured the teacher that next quarter he would get first.
English teacher said that out of the 2 freshman classes that he teaches my son is the first one to apply any new writing techniques that he teaches.  When asked if Ty could do anything to improve the teacher replied, "If something comes up that needs correcting I have no doubt that Ty will fix it on his own."
Math teacher said that Ty is a good student who helps out the kid who sits next to him. She also said that the other kid wouldn't be making it without Ty's help. 
Economics - same story.
Then we get to science. Ty missed the honor roll by 2 points due to this class so I wanted to know why.  Not blaming. Not accusing. But this is a conference and I expect the teacher to be prepared to tell me how Ty can improve.  I was told that freshman need to speak up and ask questions.  I was told that freshman are 'small fish in the big pond'.   I was told a variety of generic things that weren't specific to Tyler but were blanket statements of someone who wasn't prepared. I was told that he needs to be clear when he answers test questions.  I asked for an example.  She couldn't provide one. Then she pulled out the grade book and said, "Oh, Ty doesn't appear to have a problem with testing." what caused his grade to be low?  He had two missing homework assignments.
He replied, "I have those at home."
The teacher gives a rather rude laugh and says, "I've heard that a lot during these conferences."
At this point Ty is shut down.  He's not saying anything.   I ask the teacher a few pointed questions regarding the percentage of A's/B's/C's in freshman science and get nothing concrete. 
Once we are out of the classroom I asked Ty what is on his mind.  He repeated that he has the assignments at home.  I asked him to explain.   
He had the assignments and they are GRADED.  Turns out they never got recorded in the grade book.   
I brought this to the teachers attention and she is going to re-evaluate Ty's grade.
He will get at least a "B". The re-evaluation is taking place this week....not only for Ty but for all her classes for the 1st quarter.  Guess I'm not the only parent who complained.   Don't get me wrong...If Ty had earned a lower grade then I would have addressed it at home.   But he didn't earn the grade he got and he lost out because of that. 
He missed having his name published for the honor roll in the paper and posted in the school halls.   
Also, he played freshman football this fall.   Our football program is a strong supporter of student athletes being students first and athletes second. The program sets aside study time and they adhere to the policy of low grades = you don't play. 
At our football banquet this past Sunday the players who made honor roll were awarded a plaque for their achievement.
Ty missed out.  Sure...they will give him an award at a later date once this is sorted out but c'mon that takes some of the excitement away. 

My point is this....the "problem" can come from either side.   
There are awful parents who don't do their job and there are also awful teachers who don't do their job.

Off my soapbox now.

"As long as the world is turning and spinning, we're gonna be dizzy and we're gonna make mistakes." - Mel Brooks

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: I need to vent! (Uh Oh.....)
« Reply #18 on: December 07, 2005, 03:36:08 am »
I feel sorry for that poor dane.  A first time dane owner who doesn't seem to know much about dogs in general getting an alpha dog?  Good grief.  If she doesn't give up the dog by the time it's 6 mo old, it's probably going to end up being very aggressive.  I hope she finds herself a good trainer that can give her some tips.

Don't stop doling out the advice........ .............. maybe if you knock it into her head enough, it will start to sink in.

As for kids and parent's of the world today......... .......I totally agree.   One of the problems, in my mind, is kids aren't punished enough for what they do.  They totally get away with whatever the h*ll they choose to do.  I remember being a senior in high school and had a few classes with freshman.  I could not believe the disrespect towards the teachers.  I was not raised that way, and I would never raise my kids that way.

Not that I have kids.......... least not my own.  I have 4 stepkids that live in WI with their mom.  That's a situation in itself.  Hubby never talks to them b/c he hates his ex-wife and every time he calls or they call they ask for money.  They move about every other year, probably due in part to not paying bills.   Their phone number changes at least once a year.......... ...and has been put in almost all the kids names due to not paying it.  And it's not b/c they don't have the money.  One daughter was moved into the unfinished basement even though they had an extra bedroom.  Two of the girls are in high school, and mom decides to foster a teenage boy.  Boyfriends are allowed to spend the night......... are friends whenever they feel like it.  Mom does not act like a mom, but a big teenager herself.  Kids in my mind are involved in too many activities.  I think sports and such are great, but all are involved with bowling.  Two are in band.  Two in basketball.  Two in volleyball.   I believe one or two were also in softball and soccer.  At least one is in cheerleading.  These are just the sports, the older two are also in sevral clubs at school like National Honor Society.  One takes college courses.  Does this seem like a bit much?  Oh, and the older two also have jobs.  Maybe it's just me.  I guess they are all doing well in school except one, who may have a learning disability.

Sorry to ramble........ .............. .I can't really get involved with his kids b/c his ex dislikes me and told his kids he doesn't call them anymore b/c of me............ ..and told me the kids want nothing to do with me (which I know is a lie).  But the whole situation is hairy. 

I guess I got off-topic.................what I meant to say was, I agree with everyone else.   ;D