Author Topic: In this case it really was who was walking who...LOL!  (Read 12640 times)


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In this case it really was who was walking who...LOL!
« on: May 09, 2005, 05:43:48 pm »
My parents came by yesterday & Samson FINALLY warmed up to my dad...It takes Samson quite a long while to decide to like people...My dad loves Samson!...Well, Dad decided he would take Samson for a walk...I was a bit apprehensive but clipped on his leash & gave Dad specific instructions on what to watch out for & what to do...Now, my dad is no small guy...6 ft. tall & around 200 lbs...Well, they weren't gone 5 minutes...Evid ently & I quote "We got about a 1/2 a block up & Sammy decided we'd gone far enough & turned around & brought me home"...Still LMAO!

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Re: In this case it really was who was walking who...LOL!
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2005, 06:50:02 pm »
I dont think a day goes by in my life that I dont have something funny happen like that with my dogs.  It's something new every day of the

I can just see that happening.

I've had Todd, my other half, who is 6'4" and 220, holler at me to come help hiim with something with the dogs because they got the better half of him.  I had a 7 week old puppy come up to the door, paw at it, then bark to be let in!  He's going to be a pistol!

Jackie Wood
Owner/Breeder Tanimara Great Pyrenees

"A people without a history is like wind on the buffalo grass"
Crazy Horse - Oglala Sioux


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Re: In this case it really was who was walking who...LOL!
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2005, 07:31:46 pm »
My hubby is 6' 4 also & around your mans weight & I watched Samson near pull him over last e wonders how I walk him at all...I tell him because Samson knows my bark's as big as!...B.t.w., i can't see your pic next to your post...It's the dreaded red x.

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Re: In this case it really was who was walking who...LOL!
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2005, 10:47:33 pm »
Oh, this all sounds a little too familiar! LOL Unfortunately, we are having major leash problems at the moment with our two yr old and one yr old dogs. I TRIED to train the two yr old to deal with the leash and failed miserably (esp after she pulled out of a regular collar twice, then we tried a harness, which she promptly pulled out of as well!). We finally had to put fabric choke collars on them. I really didn't want to but had no choice - it was that or lose these crazy girls forever! And due to a TON of circumstances we havent been able to get them to professional training yet (not for lack of trying!), but fortunately just today I found what looks like will be the right trainer and should be getting them in next Saturday. BUT I HAD to share this story...

Because of all their craziness, we only take the girls on walks with retractable leads on choke collars inside fenced parks that nobody goes to (OI!). The 2 yr old (Lucy) is only about 35 lbs, but the one yr old (Rosie) is over 70 lbs and she's the one I walk. I'm NOT going to say how much I weigh, but I will say I'm 5ft8 and at least double her weight!  :D In other words, SHOULD be able to handle a dog her size (youd think!). So anyways, my friend and I are just about to finish walking the dogs one day when the two girls spot some birds about 20 ft away on the ground, and they go into hunting mode! VERY stupidly, my friend and I looked at each other and said hey, lets unlock the lock button on the leads so they can run after the birds! We said, 1, 2, 3 - GO! and off they went! Lucy just pulled my friend along a bit, but I wasn't very bright and didn't brace myself for the BIG PULL! When Rosie got to the end of the lead and kept on going, I was jolted forward so hard that my head flew back, my feet flew completely up into the air, and I landed on my back with a giant THUD! LOL!!!  Rosie's lead was jerked out of my hand and she went running away after the birds. Fortunately, she noticed everyone gathering around and me on the ground and came right back to make sure I was okay. I was fine except for the biggest bruise I've ever had that showed up on the back of my leg and didn't go away for a week!  :D


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Re: In this case it really was who was walking who...LOL!
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2005, 11:15:41 pm »
I handle Samson pretty well on lead but only thanks to his last trainer...When Sammy Whammy starts to pull I stop in my tracks until he relaxes & looks at me & I tell him "walk nice"...Every time he pulls we repeat 1st it sometimes took 20 minutes to walk a block but eventually it does pay off...What it teaches him is that pulling does not pay off...B.t.w., the same trainer said that retractable leashes are "the devil" as they teach the dog that pulling pays off...I used to use one just for Samson to go potty in the yard but when he "fatted out" (broke) his last one I went to a 6 ft. leash & he does his business quicker because he knows he isn't able to romp on it...Tomorrow my fence starts to go up & a leash to go out & potty will be a mute point by the beginning of next week...I can't wait!!!!

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Re: In this case it really was who was walking who...LOL!
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2005, 11:40:26 pm »
oh you poor thing ... FENCELESS! I can't imagine! My dogs are too in love with their yard. They'd drive me nuts if I had to take them out everytime they wanted to go! But at least you're getting one put in now, so congrats.  ;D Now, if I could only get a doggy door...

Yeah, I see what you mean about the retractables. We don't use them the way they were meant to be used tho. We keep them short at all times - thats why the whole 'bird incident' came up because we were kind of thinking of it like a treat for them. So why use the retractables you ask? Believe it or not, my dogs pull SO hard that trying to hold on to a normal leash hurts too bad. They'll actually leave marks! So we use the retractables for the handle and having the counter weight of the pull-device seems to help too. I actually tried the same method you talked about several times with my 2 yr old but I got really frustrated when she  didn't respond ONCE. The one yr old probably would after awhile, but I'm just ready to let a professional handle them! The one yr old is a really good dog actually and responds to a lot of training I've already done, even on the leash sometimes, but she could use the help plus she has some food issues we need to take care of. Now the 2 yr old is a WHOLE different story! She's very neurotic and is responding less and less actually. And she's the worse puller of the two. Thank goodness she's the SMALLER also! Like I said, just can't wait to get a professional in the mix...


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Re: In this case it really was who was walking who...LOL!
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2005, 11:54:37 pm »
I know what you mean about the leash hurting the hand!...I have had to grab Samson's retractable several times when he wound out the brake going after someone on  a bike (which is the devil :P), a bird, another dog (to play) etc.....Can you say rope burn?!

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Re: In this case it really was who was walking who...LOL!
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2005, 05:25:33 pm »
   :DI absolutely had to reply to this.. when lucy joy ( a gsd ) was younger BUT full grown...(and  yes - weighs about the same as I do!) she was always VERY interested in skunks...uhuh. ...not a big issue cos I always paid attention and she was not allowed to chase them...BUT...o ne sunday night late we were out for our last walk and went around a corner and there..lucy came almost nose to nose with a skunk against a fence.....UGH!!!  well it was late - I was tired and not paying attention BUT....wanted the skunk to escape unharmed.. lucy IS a herding dog....and I tried to keep her steady and allow the skunk room to escape ...BUT Lucy got me good..I landed on the ground..(on my thumb) and got sprayed by the skunk for my efforts...sooo oo I managed to get lucy under up off the ground and get back home... Stinky clothes,  smashed thumb (inoperable cos too many small pieces..) and lucy looking at me as if to say "what did I do?"  I WAS mad( and in shock and pain) but ended up laughing cos she was doing what herders do - she wanted to herd the darn thing - I went to bed clutching ice pack - couldnt handle ER that night.and the house reeking of skunk smell. And one more adventure to add to the story book!  Gotta love her..And no - we have chased no more skunks...altho we DO see lots...still.. ::)

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Re: In this case it really was who was walking who...LOL!
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2005, 01:11:52 am »
Oh man, and I thot MY doggie injury was bad! You even got sprayed to boot!  :o You're right tho, you just can't stay mad at them, can you?  :)