Author Topic: Just got back from my interview  (Read 2975 times)

Offline Anky

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Just got back from my interview
« on: December 07, 2005, 12:30:31 pm »
Of course you all know me.  I can't just tell the interview part.  I must start at the beginning! 

I wake up at 7:30 to do all the hygiene stuff and discover my special friend has come.  Greeeeeaaaat.  I'm in my PJs and I'm dreading putting on interview clothes (Due to a discussion last night regarding my attire I was told not to wear a skirt that's too short.  Upon informing all participating individuals that indeed ALL of my skirts can be deemed "too short", it was decided that I should wear pants.)  I only have two nice pairs of pants, a pair of stretchy black ones that have been washed to gray status and have a faulty zipper, or an actual gray pair of pants that have been seam rippingly tight on me.  Because of this lovely quirk, I haven't worn the gray pants since July.  I can't FIND the black pants and have to go with the gray ones.  Joy.

I'm dreading putting these things on, especially with my extra bloatiness.  Visions of me doing the "Get the pants over the butt" shimmy, flopping on my bed, sucking in my gut, and crossing my eyes in order to yank the zipper over my bulges haunt me.  I go downstairs to collect my extra things out of the laundry, reminding myself that I can't breathe too heavy while wearing these pants.  Steeling myself, I get ready to pull on the pants and THEY SLIP RIGHT ON AND ZIP UP WITH ROOM TO SPARE! 

This can't be right?!?!?!!?  I didn't even lay down!  I didn't even suck in my gut!  Something is very wrong.  I take the pants off and put them back on again.  Nope, still wicked loose, zipper still glides with ease, no pudgy love handle obstacles barring it's progress.  But I'm BLOATED!  I am very confused.  I stand there, in the bathroom, contemplating what witch craft had bedeviled my pants.  I wonder if the dryer can, in addition to shrinking clothes, expand them?  While pondering these mysteries it dawns on me I have an interview to get ready for. 

I do my make up (Tastefully), fix my hair (Professionally), pull on my boots (One at a time), call Nee and jump in the freezing cold car.  One of these days I'll learn to warm it up.  I was worried as I wanted to give myself an hour to get to this place.  I was 10 minutes late.  Not to worry though because I got there in 20 minutes, so I was half an hour early.  I talked to Andi, she asked how I was doing and I informed her I was violently ill and wanted nothing more than to spew vomit.  My darling Andi in her words of wisdom said "DON'T PUKE!"  With this tidbit I felt confident, and went off to my interview. 

They had told me that their office was on the second floor and seeing steps on the back of the building, I went that way.  First thing I did was slip on a stupid paving stone and do the "Wave your arms and tense your body and make funny faces as you desperately try not to fall on your rumpus" move.  That crisis averted, I carefully moved to the steps, and opened the door.........

RIGHT into their offices.  Oops.  A nice lady in a sweatshirt said "Ummmm Helloooooo."  I try to gather what's left of my professionalis m and give her a beaming capable smile.  "Hi, I'm Angela, I'm here for an interview."  "Oh, my name is Angela too!"  "Well isn't that nice?"  Then, the president of the company comes out and I swear to GOD he is a Bill Gates CLONE!  He's very nice, says his name is Mark, and takes me into a back office where another nice person (This time a lady) named Deb is waiting.

The interview was rather long and I'll only point out the meaty parts.  They were very impressed with me, they said I was very mature and knowledgable.  When asked about over coming obstacles I told them about the Debate story (SEE NICOLE I WORKED IT IN!), when they asked what my biggest problem is in the work place I said misconceptions about me because of my age.  (See it was a negative but I spun it into a positive!  I'm getting good at this.)  They were impressed with my computer knowledge (Apparently the girl before me said she was a computer whiz but gave a blank stare when they asked her to forward an e-mail), to the point where Mark (The President) gave a big grin and said "Yay she's a geek too!"

They liked all my marketing experience, the fact that I like to learn, that I learn quickly, that I think on my feet, I'm creative, that I'm awesome,.... OK they didnt say that part but it was implied.  They were saying how awkward it would be to have two Angelas, and I informed them that everyone has called me Ang ever since I was little, so that was a relief to them.  They had over 100 applicants who applied for this job and they narrowed it down to 20 for interviews.  I was their second.  They had another 5 today and 6 tomorrow, and then the people they couldn't contact right away.  I WAS told however that I was a "Top Candidate" and that they really liked me and thought I was a good fit.  When they asked if I had any questions, I asked if there was anything I could do that would help make me a better prospect in their eyes.  They told me "Quickbooks".  So I'm going to get a For Dummies book and learn all I can about Quickbooks. 

I'm feeling good about this and the best part is I DIDN"T PUKE!  ;)
BPO's Official Mistress of Mirth
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Offline Fumble

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Re: Just got back from my interview
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2005, 12:35:53 pm »
sounds like you had a great interview!!  :) i can only hope that i get an interview too soon!!
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"I slip the hater of what i've become.  they slip the halter of what they've been, and we live together, passionately, changed"
-Both from "in the company of newfies"


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Re: Just got back from my interview
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2005, 12:37:02 pm »
Wow! That sounds like you did EXCELLENT! I can never think what to say when they ask if I have any questions for them. That was an excellent answer. I'm going to have to remember that.

All fingers, toes and paws are crossed for you!!
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain

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Re: Just got back from my interview
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2005, 12:37:27 pm »
Oh, and congrats on the pants, too!  ;D
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain


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Re: Just got back from my interview
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2005, 01:08:11 pm »


Nothin' like a skinny pants day to start you off right. I'm really glad you worked in the debate story and had something to say when they asked. The misconceptions about your age thing is awesome! Good thinkin' on your feet! That is such a good negative thing (that isn't really negative) spun into a positive thing.

I'm glad that the Angela thing came up. It gave you an opportunity to differentiate yourself, and eased their concerns!

I'm very, very proud of you for not puking!!!!!!

You're fantastic, Ang! You're SO gonna get the job! And I think its so great that you just outright asked what you can do to be a better candidate. That's so cool. Show's that you're ballsy, committed and motivated! All good traits for marketing/sales!

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Re: Just got back from my interview
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2005, 01:12:04 pm »
 They told me "Quickbooks".  So I'm going to get a For Dummies book and learn all I can about Quickbooks. 

I used to work for the company that makes quickbooks in Canada! I worked in the call center, selling tech support, payroll ect. But if you have any questions let me know. I had full training on how the software works, I am no pro but I am here if you need any questions answered. But keep in mind the US version and Canadian one are a little different. Oh and if you go to the US website www.quickbooks .ca you may be able to get a 30 day free trial copy, that would help you out a lot along with the book for dummies, that way you have hands on experience.
Just went on the website and they doo have free trials that you can use, the trials that theyhave are the online version and the Mac Pro version. LEt me know if you need any help.  ;D

Good luck
« Last Edit: December 07, 2005, 01:18:53 pm by Nina »
Nina and Tim
Calgary, AB, Canada
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Offline Anky

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Re: Just got back from my interview
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2005, 03:07:10 pm »
I love you all SOOOOOOO much.  Matt wasn't impressed with the skinny pants story.  When I asked if the dryer could expand pants he said "No Honey, your @$$ did that."   ::)  I keep trying NOT to get psyched up for this.  But they were saying things like I already worked there, and when they're doing that it's hard to not start expecting things.

If I get this job, I'd start out in orders and customer service.  Then (If everyone likes me) I'll move up to management.  There's only 4 people right now, but this company is doing REALLY well.  They've been around 3 years and are doing about $350,000 a year in sales and that's with NO PR OR MARKETING!  When people start to find out about them they're gonna explode!  Another cool thing is I mentioned how I like going to pet fairs and they said that if I'd like to I could go to pet fairs on their behalf, the Vice President just got back from one in Chicago, and they have one in New Jersey in a few months. 

ANYWAYS....... again thanks to ALL of you for your well wishes.  I was so nervous and you helped me out loads!  I love you all and if I get this job it will be because of you (I'll mention you in my acceptance speech) :P
BPO's Official Mistress of Mirth
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Re: Just got back from my interview
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2005, 03:20:57 pm »
"And I'd like to thank Nicole for reminding me that I have the power to accuse Christianity of being classist, and have them accept it and repent...and I'd like to thank my pants, for reminding me that I'm one hot DESIREABLE Mama...and I'd like to thank Tina for encouraging me to go with Angela until asked....and.. .."

Just call me your ghost writer! hehehhehe!

Of course you're excited! YOU ARE ABOUT TO HAVE A BITCHIN' NEW JOB! (Please let me say that, Jaime!) I'm so excited for you! You'll need someone to be your assistant when you go to Pet Fairs...and I'm available....Y ou'll need someone to watch Nee while you're charming the pants off of potential clients! He and the Loads and Cabeza can keep each other company....

Offline Anky

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Re: Just got back from my interview
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2005, 03:39:43 pm »
HAHAHAHA "I'd like to thank my pants...."  You made me snort! 
BPO's Official Mistress of Mirth
Charter Member of the Official Suspicious Chicken Fan Club

"And you will know us by the trail of skank."