Author Topic: FYI for Livestock Owners and Purchasers of Dog Food  (Read 4030 times)

Offline Good Hope

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FYI for Livestock Owners and Purchasers of Dog Food
« on: December 23, 2005, 06:53:24 pm »
The National Animal Identification System (NAIS), which becomes mandatory in 2009 and affects most livestock species, including horses and all poultry, requires registration of your home if animals are kept there and registration of the animals themselves.

A group has been started to combat this, at, so that is the place to go if anyone is interested.  It has more detailed information on NAIS and how it can be opposed.

Also, it seems that people who purchase food of any kind, whether for animals (includes dogs) or people, must be identified.  It is being discussed a bit on the forum:

Right now the group is less than a week old, so the website and forum are fairly small.  I am trying to help out over there, which is why I know about it and am trying to inform as many people as possible.

Merry Christmas everyone!!!
