Author Topic: help/ideas?  (Read 2873 times)

Offline ambulance_Driver

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« on: January 05, 2006, 03:02:03 am »
Hey everyone Thor and I are well, just need a little advice.  Thor was not socialized by his "breeder" (I use that term very loosely) and I got him when he was 12 weeks old.  Well he has some aggression issues.  He gets growly and snappy when introduced to new dogs.  Only certain new dogs though i.e. the jumpy, excited, let's play variety.  He's now 16 weeks old and goes to day care twice a week when my schedule allows and he's doing well there.  He also goes to my coworker's house when I have to work and loves to rough house and play with her doberman puppyn and her toy rat terrier.  Some dogs he's great off the bat with, and others he's not.  Usually after about five minutes he's ok and gets along great and then prceeds to play.  Any ideas other than going to day care, and on Sunday we'll start obediance school.  I just want him to be a happy out going puppy that I can take to the dog park etc and not have to worry about him getting aggressive with other dogs; with people he's fine. 
Ellie: Bichon Frise
Dash: Chinese Crested
Ginger: Paint filly

Offline nostaw

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Re: help/ideas?
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2006, 08:24:29 am »
Just keep doing what you're doing. Socialise, socialise, socialise its the only way. Remember too that your dog will sense your emotions too as he would a pack leader. If you are tense and worried about meeting a dog he'll sense it.

I know when out with my two on leads and I see a strange dog coming I will stop, take a few deep breaths and start talking silly to my dogs as when I'm playing or cuddling them, just to get me to calm down. Ive found that if I expect trouble the dogs will sense it and try and protect me. They seem to sense the tightening of the lead because you are worried your dog will do something wrong and want to stop it before it starts.

I'm sure the locals must think I'm a sandwich short of a picnic but this works for me. Examine what you are doing when YOU meet a strange dog, are you relaxed?

Hope this helps, lol Andy, Bell & Hovis
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Offline ambulance_Driver

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Re: help/ideas?
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2006, 09:04:01 am »
I usually just let him go up to the other dog, while i'm talking to the other dog's owner and carry on like nothing is different until he acts different, then I try to distract him or I have found if I get a treat out and put it between the two dogs (stupid I know but it worked for his obediance teacher) then he's fine and will let the other the other dog sniff it and him and then either he will eat the treat or let the other dog and then they get along fine.  It's good to hear that I'm on the right track though :)
Ellie: Bichon Frise
Dash: Chinese Crested
Ginger: Paint filly

Offline Saintgirl

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Re: help/ideas?
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2006, 10:17:05 am »
Thor is so cute- you have to add more pictures!! Sounds like you are doing all of the right things so far. My only suggestions to you would be to not pull a treat out and put it between the two dogs ESPECIALLY if you are doing this after Thor has already started to act up, and displaying some of the behavior that you are not comfortable with. The reason behind this is Thor is inadvertantly being rewarded for his misbehavior, he may soon realize that if he acts up, gives a growl or snap or two, Mommy will give him a treat!! The other advise you have been given is great- I used to have the same sort of problems with Hutch, but then I realized it wasn't Hutch with the problem, it was me. I was anticipating his reaction, and he could feel me tense up triggering his nuisance behaviors. Once I learned how to react properly, he just followed my lead.
Leah, Hutch, and Abbey

Offline greek4

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Re: help/ideas?
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2006, 10:41:39 am »
I think dogs are like people.  I don't like everyone I meet right away so why should I force my dogs to like every dog they meet.  I just remain calm but on guard and watch my own dog closely for signs of discomfort. 

It sounds like you are doing a great job socializing him.  I struggled and still struggle with socializing my OEM, Maia, she will be 2 soon and still fears most people.  She is getting a lot quicker to warm up and takes a lot of ques from me and Rocco, especially Rocco.  Just keep it up and you will have a friendly dog.

Emily and 1 husband, 1 boy, 1 on the way, and 4 crazy dogs