Author Topic: New to Newfs:-)  (Read 6974 times)

Offline Mom2Sadie

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New to Newfs:-)
« on: January 12, 2006, 11:42:52 am »
Hi there,
I'm about to be (as of tomorrow morning) the proud mother of my first Newfie Sadie. I have been in love with this breed for years but wanted to take the time to really research the breed and make sure it was right for me, as well as taking the time to find a good responsible breeder. This took much longer than I expected but I suspect she will be well worth the wait. (Also proud Mommy of 2 Maine Coon Cats, Gus-Gus and Maggie, lol, even my cats have big paws.)

I guess I'm just a little nervous about baby's arrival tomorrow and I figured people here might be able to offer some advice or calm me down a bit. Nervous about how kitties will take it, although they have both lived with dogs and loved them. Any advice for a smooth transition? Pointers for training Newfs? Anything at all you can think of that would have helped you to know? I'm all ears!

Don't get me wrong, I fell in love with Sadie the moment I held her and even though I'm nervous, I can't wait to have her home. I'm just nervous that I'll do the wrong thing and scar her for life! Drama queen, can you tell? Anyway, look forward to "meeting" all of you and hearing about your "kids"  ;D
Dear Lord,
Just for today, let me be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.

Sadie the Newf
Gus and Maggie - Maine Coon Kitties
Lady the Boxer waiting at the bridge


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Re: New to Newfs:-)
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2006, 11:54:58 am »
Hi Shawna!

You definitely came to the right place! Big Paws Only is an absolute WEALTH of knowledge! There are so many people here with such wide expanses of experience. You will have no doubt learning everything you need to know.

I'm Nicole, and while I don't have a Newfie, I do have a Chewfie! hehe! Cabeza is a 6 year old Newf/Chow mix. He's not as big as a Newf (only 100 pounds) and I rescued him at a year old, so I didn't have the same growth/nutrition issues as a purebred Newf.

That's one thing that you definitely need to consider early...what you'll feed Sadie so that she doesn't develop too much mass too quickly. Also, many Newfs that I know have sensitive tummies, and that is something to consider as well.

As far as training goes, Newfs are super sensitive and don't like it when you're angry or frustrated, so always keep training fun and interesting, using POSITIVE reinforcement. Do you have a local Newf Club? They are a great place to join other Newf mom and dad's, learn about training, go to drafting and water competitions, etc.

I'm just passing along knowledge that I've gotten from Big Paws Only Newf mom and dads They're all awesome, and you'll definitely grow to love and appreciate them (and ALL the BPO Moms and Dads, from Danes to Mastiffs to Berners to Swissys to Dobies to the loveable mixed breeds!)

Welcome!!! Oh, and one of our initiation requirements is MAJOR AMOUNTS OF PICS OF SADIE! HAAHAHAHA!

And those Maine Coons, too!

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Re: New to Newfs:-)
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2006, 12:20:32 pm »
Congratulation s!  Owning a Newf is so much fun!  Just make sure Sadie has lots of toys to play with and chew on, so you're stuff doesn't get used for that.  My advice to you would be, socialize her as soon as it is safe, get her into obedience training as soon as possible so bad habits don't form,  get a Carder, Rake and undercoat cutter brushes as soon as possible, and enjoy the puppy times, they grow so fast!  Pretty soon you won't even be able to pick her up!  Have fun and love her every second you can!  What type of Newf is she?  ;D
My Newfoundland Lives My Life As Passionately As I Live His.

Offline newflvr

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Re: New to Newfs:-)
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2006, 12:31:48 pm »
Welcome Shawna!!!  I have two Newfs:  Cowboy, a three year old Landseer and Chester, an 11 month old (today!!!) brown.  There's just nothing like your first Newf pup!

I completely agree with Nicole on everything she said.  Be careful with the food....what is your breeder recommending?  They need a slow and controlled growth to protect those soft bones and joints. (most breeders recommend NOT using puppy food...too much protein.  Protein amt's should never be above 22%) Have you read any books on Newfs?  One of the biggest issues is to not let them run or jump on hard surfaces until they are at least a year.  Soft grass is fine.  Don't let Sadie jump in to or out of the car!!  It's really hard on elbows and hips.  Minimize stairs....same reason.  Do you have slick floors?  Then you need to get area rugs with rubber pads under so she won't slip.  Everything at this point is to protect her delicate skeleton!  They look big and tough but they aren't! ;D  Cowboy's previous owner let him run and jump for frisbees and when we got him at 18 months, he already was limping from the arthritis in his elbows.

Newfs are very easy to train since they want to please you.  Try to keep Sadie with you as much as possible!  Have you read the Monks of New Skete training book?  It's wonderful and simple and most of all very kind!  When we brought Chester home, I got him a kitten collar and lead and just tied him to my jeans.  It made it very easy then to housebreak him.

Joining the local Newf Club is always fun.  You get to meet people that are as nuts about their dogs as you will be.

By all means, PLEASE post pictures TOMORROW!!  We all want to see her!   And there are lots of Newf lovers/owners here that can help you with any questions!!

YIPPEE!!  another Newf lover!!!

Offline chaos270

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Re: New to Newfs:-)
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2006, 12:49:04 pm »
Welcome....I know the feeling of bringing home a pup.  Kalamity or Kali for short just turned one yesterday she's around 100 lbs.  My main bit of advice is remember that they get bigger and what may be cute when they're little isn't very cute when they're bigger than you  :P.  I've learned from experience.  And socialization is very important as well as good training when they're still small enough to control.  And enjoy the time before you become her personal drool rag....

I'm so excited for you I can't wait to see pictures .  And yes we're all obsessed with pictures.
Erin and the critters
Kali ~ the newf
Lacey ~ the aussie 
Gabby ~ Holsteiner mare
Fire ~ Appendix Quarter Horse/Belgian gelding
Lilah and Hannah ~ Kali's kitties

Offline Mom2Sadie

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Re: New to Newfs:-)
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2006, 01:48:59 pm »
Hey there,
Looks like I came to the right place!

Sadie is I guess what is called an Irish Spotted Newfoundland. She's mostly black with white paws and some white markings.

Breeder sent me the name of the dry puppy food she's given them and said to mix it with warm water at first. Should I not be giving her puppy food though? Someone said something about too much protein?

I have read lots of books about Newfies - I did my homework, LOL. One of the things that makes me most nervous is the skeletal issues. I don't have many hard surfaces in my home, just kitchen and bathrooms, but I still worry that she'll want to jump around like all puppies do and hurt herself. Are Newfie puppies less hyper than other breeds? And stairs too. I don't have lots of stairs, but there are a few she will need to walk down eventually to get outside.

No need to worry about her having enough toys to keep her entertained, she's not even home and she's already S-P-O-I-L-E-D. And of course, had to get new kitty toys so they don't feel slighted. Sadie even has her own squeaky purse! Pink, of course ;)

Keep the advice coming! I need all the help I can get!
Dear Lord,
Just for today, let me be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.

Sadie the Newf
Gus and Maggie - Maine Coon Kitties
Lady the Boxer waiting at the bridge


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Re: New to Newfs:-)
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2006, 01:56:18 pm »
Well welcome aboard!  It's nice to meet you and will be just as nice to meet your puppy!  Newf puppies are one of the cutest kinds there are!  :) 

Offline Sami142

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Re: New to Newfs:-)
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2006, 02:22:02 pm »
Congratulation s!  I'm sure you will do fine.  I am also new to Newfs... We got our Jinx (pre-named) at 5 months old.  She's 8 months now and we couldn't imagine life w/out her.  I am still learning the ropes and I hope to learn more from the knowledgeable Newf owners on this site.
Best of luck to you!
Sami, Jinx, and Rookie

Offline Heighway

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Re: New to Newfs:-)
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2006, 02:27:23 pm »
Welcome aboard.  This is a great place to learn how to care for big dogs.  Newfies are wonderful!  (sometimes they can be a bit of a "newfance" though.  Then this is a good place to come and rant and rave and find out how "normal" this is.  I had a newf for 14 years, and I am now the mom to a 5 month old newf puppy.  I know the care and training that goes into raising a puppy, returns tenfold as the dog matures and he/she will be your best friend and buddy!  The younger years are a lot of hard work, a lot of entertainment, and just down right awesome as you discover just how smart these dogs really are.  Looking forward to pictures, we love PICTURES!  In fact, I really need to update Websters.... he is 5 months old and 65 pounds already!

Offline nostaw

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Re: New to Newfs:-)
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2006, 02:34:04 pm »

Welcome to BPO, its great to have another newf aboard, and hurry up with the piccy's :).

Newfs are big gentle loveable dogs, but do need a lot of care especially in the first couple of years to protect their bones and joints. Has anybody mentioned swimming? Swim your dog as much as possible, it's great for building muscle without the problems of impact on the joints.

Finally, There is something better than a Newf, thats two or more newfs! Seriously though Newfoundlands are one of the most sociable dogs out there, they are not solitary animals and need company, if your cats are sociable Sadie will soon settle down with them. Be aware of skeletal issues but don't worry, its not that bad, just common sense.

Now, a question for you, will you stick at one?

Andy, Bell and Hovis
Slime flies when you're having fun!

Offline Mom2Sadie

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Re: New to Newfs:-)
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2006, 03:12:15 pm »
Finally, There is something better than a Newf, thats two or more newfs! Seriously though Newfoundlands are one of the most sociable dogs out there, they are not solitary animals and need company, if your cats are sociable Sadie will soon settle down with them. Be aware of skeletal issues but don't worry, its not that bad, just common sense.

Now, a question for you, will you stick at one?
You guys are the best! Thanks for making me feel so welcome!

To answer this question, this was one of the big things I considered in deciding to get Sadie. Companionship for her. My kitties middle names are sociable:-) Maine Coons are the "dogs" of cats if that makes sense. Very friendly and laid back. I have a feeling Sadie and my kitties will be best buddies after an adjustment period. Maggie is like a baby, always wanting to snuggle with something while Gus-Gus always wants to play. We lived with my parents while my house was being built and they have a Golden Retriever and a HUGE German Shepherd. He is almost as big as Sadie's father was! It took a few days but everyone ended up very attached and missing each other horribly once we moved.

I'd love to have two Newfies (or three, or five, LOL) , but for now, I think I better concentrate on one ;D
Dear Lord,
Just for today, let me be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.

Sadie the Newf
Gus and Maggie - Maine Coon Kitties
Lady the Boxer waiting at the bridge

Offline newflvr

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Re: New to Newfs:-)
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2006, 04:31:32 pm »
I agree with Tina.   It is your decision.   Look on the back of the bag and it will give you the percentage of protein.  There are lots of different brands that have low protein am'ts and chances are that's what your breeder recommended.  Maybe start with a smallish bag until you see how Sadie does.  She'll let you know if it doesn't agree with her.  Chester's breeder liked Proplan but it made him itch like mad so we've been switching around to see what he likes. Oh, no!  He's not spoiled!! ;D ;D

Offline nostaw

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Re: New to Newfs:-)
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2006, 07:17:55 pm »
Hey there,
Looks like I came to the right place!

Breeder sent me the name of the dry puppy food she's given them and said to mix it with warm water at first. Should I not be giving her puppy food though? Someone said something about too much protein?

I don't know if your breeder mentioned the reason for mixing the dry dog food with warm water. The food will swell once the water is added. Newfies are absolute gluttons and will eat and eat and eat and when they're full, eat some more. If you feed dry puppy food it will swell in the stomach and could cause problems if they over eat. At the very least you will be cleaning sick off the carpets.

As Sadie gets bigger and you switch to dry food feed little and often rather than all at once.

Andy Bell & Hovis
Slime flies when you're having fun!

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Re: New to Newfs:-)
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2006, 07:57:40 pm »
Sadie is I guess what is called an Irish Spotted Newfoundland. She's mostly black with white paws and some white markings.

Breeder sent me the name of the dry puppy food she's given them and said to mix it with warm water at first. Should I not be giving her puppy food though? Someone said something about too much protein?

We didn't feed Drake puppy food and I think it's because Newfs are a Giant Breed and the nutritional quantities in puppy food will cause them to grow too fast and they could develop skeletal issues.   Adult food helps slow down their puppy growth and they are better off in the long run.

An Irish Spotted Newfoundland?  I've never heard of one of those, it sounds like a Landseer.  Maybe they're the same thing.  Any way, if you have a question you will more than likely get an answer here.  There are a lot of knowledgeable people on this board.  ;D
My Newfoundland Lives My Life As Passionately As I Live His.

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Re: New to Newfs:-)
« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2006, 11:29:10 pm »
Congratulation s!  You will have lots of fun with your puppy, they are a wonderful breed.  We own 3 Landseer Newfies, two 3yr. old littermate siblings and one 1 1/2 yr. old half brother (same Mom, different Dad.)  As I type this note on the computer I have one Newfie at my feet now.  Enjoy your puppy every minute and remember a tired puppy is a happy puppy!  Play, play and take them out very frequently for potty breaks!

Anita & the 3 Newfies from NJ