Author Topic: Neo is settling in  (Read 11232 times)

Offline chantaje

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Neo is settling in
« on: May 24, 2005, 03:10:19 pm »
So, Neo and I have made it through our first 5 obedience classes.  Tonight will be our last one.  As I was warned, obedience was a bit of a crap shoot.  Some days he did really well and other days he just wouldn't do a thing.  He is so good natured about it though, that you just have to laugh. It was pretty comical, me with my 3 year stubborn dog and everyone one else with 6 month old labs and poodles.  The puppies would do the same thing 30 times in a row.  Neo would do it 4 times then lock up and stare off into space.  It was if he was telling me, I know how to do this but will not degrade myself to the level of a puppy.  Instead we would just stand there and he would slobber.  The trainer seemed to know a bit about Pyrs so she said this was normal behavior and let him be. 
His separation anxiety has greatly improved.  He gets rawhide and kongs when I leave and I've started leaving the TV on for him for motion and noise. I am so happy he is settling in and finally feels at home.
I take him to the dog park 3 to 4 times a week (whenever it's not raining.  I have never met a dog more scared of water.  Living in Seattle, this makes going out for potty quite traumatic sometimes). He only seems to have bad days if we haven't been to the park in a few days.  Hopefully with summer coming, this won't be an issue soon.
I can't thank you all enough for all your help. This is a wonderful site!


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Re: Neo is settling in
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2005, 04:50:37 pm »
I had to laugh when I read your post.  Brought back memories of Rufus in obediance class.  We got him when he was 2 yrs. old from the breeder and he didn't know how to do anything except comingle with llamas.  He was the biggest and oldest dog in class.  He learned how to do everything and did it a couple of times.  Then he would just sit down and stare at the wall with his back to everyone.  He wouldn't move for anything unless I talked baby talk and kissed him and then he would participate again.  Pyrs are very stubborn and trained to think for themselves so if they don't see a good reason to do something, they just won't do it.  He will do anything for a kiss though but that is kind of embarrassing.  Rufus hates water too and we don't live all that far from Seattle so I know what you mean.  I have to drag him out for potties if it is raining.  He can hold it for hours and hours!!

Offline jabear

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Re: Neo is settling in
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2005, 05:44:06 pm »
Glad to hear that obedience went well.  :) I know a certain little Bear that would love to trade places with Rufus or Neo. He LOVES the water and is already hating life here in CA- 92 again today! Grrr.......
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

Offline pyrmom420

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Re: Neo is settling in
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2005, 08:51:32 pm »
Gandalf was the biggest in puppy school, and of course he was totally intimadated by all the other puppies! We had our issues too. It does make a difference to have a trainer that knows Pyrs.

Gandalf was afraid of water too until he had knee surgery. Part of his rehab was walking on a treadmill in a water tank. Now we have tobe sure the bathroom door is closed securely, or he will try to get into the tub with us!

I don't wish surgery on Neo, but maybe you could try a few sessions at a dog PT place. If we have one or two in Anchorage, I'm sure you must have one on every corner of Seattle! lol