Author Topic: VENT about stupid people  (Read 4787 times)

Offline Boobearsmom

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VENT about stupid people
« on: March 09, 2006, 08:26:58 am »
So I dropped my daughter off to school and was on my way to work when the a**%^&e in front of me hits a cat.  Ok, its not like he couldn't have seen the cat because it was RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS CAR.  Sorry, I'm so angry right now.  Don't read this part if you don't want to be upset.  The guy only ran over the cat's head so the cat was flipping out in the middle of the road.  The f-ing guy kept going!!!!!!!  Didn't stop or anything.  So I'm stopped in front of the cat trying to decide what I should do.  Should I get out and try and move the cat and really upset myself by seeing the damage done, or do I follow the moron who did it??  You guessed it, I followed the moron.  All the way to the local high school.  Turns out he's like 900 yrs old.  Said he didn't see the cat.  Ok, the cat was in front of him!!  What if it was a child?  I ream the guy up one side and down the other.  He kept saying sorry but it just didnt' seem like it was sorry enough.  Told him the poor cat was in the road dying and he kept going.  He said he didn't feel a bump.  Um, is it me or should this guy not be on the road??????  >:( >:(  I'm fuming.  So I finally leave and call a friend to get the number for animal control so this poor cat doesn't have to have anything more done to him.  I spent the whole ride to work trying hard to not cry but it didn't quite work.  :'( Ok, I'm done now.

Offline roxygirl

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Re: VENT about stupid people
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2006, 08:50:52 am »
How awful. This guy probably should not be driving. If is was night maybe I would believe that he didn't see the cat but come on. That poor kitty, I am crying right along with ya.
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Re: VENT about stupid people
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2006, 09:51:18 am »
OK, I shouldn't have read the second part of that.  I can just see that poor kitty flipping in the road.....   I'm going to hug my kitties extra tight tonight.  Sorry you had to experience that.  Did you see if the cat had tags?  Every time I see a dead cat in the road, I wonder if it was somebody's precious baby.  :(
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Offline Boobearsmom

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Re: VENT about stupid people
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2006, 10:08:28 am »
OK, I shouldn't have read the second part of that.  I can just see that poor kitty flipping in the road.....   I'm going to hug my kitties extra tight tonight.  Sorry you had to experience that.  Did you see if the cat had tags?  Every time I see a dead cat in the road, I wonder if it was somebody's precious baby.  :(

I didn't see any tags or a collar on the poor thing.  I feel horrible.  Part of me now says I should have stopped but I know there was nothing I could have done.  Although I'm glad I told the guy off.  There should be a law saying you can't hit an animal and just leave.  There's a law for people, why not for animals too?

Offline Newf Lover

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Re: VENT about stupid people
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2006, 11:31:24 am »

I know that here, if you hit a dog or farm animal, you are required by law to report it to the police.  If you hit a cat or wild animal, you are not, but are required to check on the animal, call appropriate authorities if it is still alive, and if at all possible, get it out of the road. I'm not sure why you don't have to call police for cats too though ... I mean, afterall, they could be someone's pet  ???

Anyways ... while that might not impose fines for people who mow down pets and other animals, I think its the least someone could do to stop and check, and notify the proper authorities.   

Probably That rule is in place because Feral cats are so prolific and they are usually the ones who get hit rather than wild dogs.  But people need to stop and get the animal out of the road, as hard as that might be to do.  There's nothing worse than seeing a dead animal in the road that been run over like 1000 times and you can barely tell what type of animal it was.  The highways around here are just littered with dead Jack Rabbits and Raccoons.  It's really sad, especially the Coons, because they are usually killed in pairs, Mommies and babies.  :'(
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Offline hairprincessnyu

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Re: VENT about stupid people
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2006, 11:45:00 am »
Ok, PLEASE report this man's plate number to the police!! I was in my car this summer and an elderly woman rammed into my car hard enough to take out my front fender! My car was parked when this happened! I saw it coming and laid on the horn, but she kept right on backing up into my car! As she statred to drive away, a man behind me started running after her and yelling, all the time my hand was still laid on my horn!! I was in complete shock! The woman didn't stop, but the man got her plate number and I went straight to the cops. Turns out the woman was 75 years old and her license had expired! She shouldn't have been driving anyway! Idiot. Anyway, please report this man, because God knows, he probably shouldn't be driving anyway! Like you said, it could have been a child!! The fact that it was a poor defenseless kitty is bad enough though. If you don't want to report him, please give me his plate number and I will do it!
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Offline Boobearsmom

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Re: VENT about stupid people
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2006, 11:59:00 am »
Ok, PLEASE report this man's plate number to the police!! I was in my car this summer and an elderly woman rammed into my car hard enough to take out my front fender! My car was parked when this happened! I saw it coming and laid on the horn, but she kept right on backing up into my car! As she statred to drive away, a man behind me started running after her and yelling, all the time my hand was still laid on my horn!! I was in complete shock! The woman didn't stop, but the man got her plate number and I went straight to the cops. Turns out the woman was 75 years old and her license had expired! She shouldn't have been driving anyway! Idiot. Anyway, please report this man, because God knows, he probably shouldn't be driving anyway! Like you said, it could have been a child!! The fact that it was a poor defenseless kitty is bad enough though. If you don't want to report him, please give me his plate number and I will do it!

I've actually got someone working on that who knows the police in my area.  And that same thing has happened to me too, but they were in front of me with no brakes on and just rolled right back into me.  Had no clue.

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Re: VENT about stupid people
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2006, 08:10:49 pm »
Awesome, please keep me updated!!!!
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Offline cuttles/sadieMay

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Re: VENT about stupid people
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2006, 09:42:29 pm »
[There's nothing worse than seeing a dead animal in the road that been run over like 1000 times and you can barely tell what type of animal it was. 
Ohhh poor you for having to witness such a horrible thing, and Jenn I totally agree with your statement. About a year and a half ago I see this beautiful Orange cat dead on the road, so I stop in the middle of the highway and move it to the side of the road so it wouldnt get run over again.
All I could think about was if it belonged to someone and how they would feel if they seen it in the middle of the road. I figured if they came out looking for it they would at least be able to see their beautiful kitty in one piece.
And maybe give it a propper burial.
My husband thinks Im nuts!!! ::)
i hope that old man doesnt hurt anyone or anything else and something is done about him before its to late.