Author Topic: I need advice from everyone!  (Read 7724 times)

Offline hairprincessnyu

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I need advice from everyone!
« on: March 16, 2006, 01:34:06 pm »
Ok, here's the deal. I moved to Jacksonville, Alabama in August. I am attending my fourth college here and moved into an apartment complex called Jacksonville Place Apartments. I have realized that it really isn't a safe place to live, but I haven't been able to get out of my one year lease, which is up in August. The rent here is really cheap, and I also can't afford to live anywhere else. I will just highlight the major things that have happened here. A few robberies, breakins, assualts, but to me personally, 3 men tried to break my front door down a few months ago, someone pushed my car up past the curb onto the grass, and stupid things like that. Now, a whole different problem is the guys who live above me. One guy is wanted for armed robbery, yet the cops haven't picked him up. I have no idea why. Last month, my apartment was flooded because one of the idiots above me left their water running and it came in through my ceiling and my fans causing a MESS. Now this morning the worst has happened. I was sitting in the living room when a bullet came through the ceiling. Yes, you read that right. A 9 mm bullet came flying through my ceiling bringing pieces of white paint and ceiling chips with it. I was here alone so I called the main office. They came down here and called the cops. They told me they could help me and my roomates move to another apartment, but that it still doesn't qualify for me to get out of my lease. I asked them if they would finally get rid of the guys above me, they said probably not. As I am writing this, the cops are leading one guy in handcuffs to their car. They said they found 2 guns in the apartment. They also asked the apartment manager if she knew one of the guys was wanted for armed robbery? She pretended she didn't know. I know this all sounds very confusing, and I apologize. I am very stressed about it all. I am suppossed to be working tomorrow 9-7 and then driving 6 1/2 hours to Fort Knox, KY to see my bf for spring break. I have no time or money to move. I don't even know anyone here that could help me move. I am beyond angry that the cops and the apartment complex staff don't get rid of the idiots that live above me. My roomate is convinced they are scared of them. I am beginning to agree. My mother is freaking out saying that now they will get revenge on me for reporting them. I just don't know what to do. What is the point in transferring apartments, if this whole place is a ghetto? I feel like I will probably just run into more idiots in another apartment. Ultimatly, I need to get out of here into a new apartment building, but like I was told, I still cannot get out of this lease. I lived in NY my entire life, and I never felt as unsafe as I have felt living here in Jacksonville, Alabama. This is just crazy. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know! I carry mace around with me everywhere, but how much can that really do? There are still cop cars outside, 3 have left, 4 remain, but they haven't said anything to me in 3 hours. I still can't believe this happened! I feel like it has all been a bad dream since I moved in here. My ceiling is molded from the "flood", a few nights ago I found cockroaches in my bedroom and spent $40 on "deroaching" supplies, and now this? Grrrr!!!!
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Offline hairprincessnyu

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Re: I need advice from everyone!
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2006, 01:36:46 pm »
ok, guy number 2 just got led to another cop car in handcuffs, 2 more to go! Come on Jacksonville police, PLEASE!!!!!! Take the other 2!!!!
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Offline Winslow 151

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Re: I need advice from everyone!
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2006, 01:49:45 pm »

Wow if your ceiling is ruined and you have had bullets pumped into the apartment SCREW THE LEASE. Take him to court (the building Management) any Lawyer will do that for a settlement fee (no money up front) It sounds like the building management has broken your lease on several different levels they can not make you stay in those conditions.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2006, 01:50:52 pm by Winslow 151 »
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Re: I need advice from everyone!
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2006, 01:54:42 pm »

That sounds like a terrible situation. Well, being a landlord myself, I can give you a teeny bit of advice. They don't have to necessarily let you out of your lease. If you just move, they will have to take you to court to get anything out of you. (As far as the remainder of the lease or whatever penalties they have) In which case, you would get the opportunity to make your case to a judge.

Keep records of EVERYTHING. Get a copy of the police report. Take pics of your cieling. Everything. And then just move. Let them take you to court. No judge will side with them. That is just nuts.

They probably will keep your deposit, but its a small price to pay for feeling secure. (Ha, kind of ironic that they call it a "security" deposit, huh? Its for THEIR security)

I don't know what to say about you not having time or money to move...that sucks. Can your mom help you out? Or can you find a roommate?

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: I need advice from everyone!
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2006, 01:56:31 pm »
I believe there are laws governing rental property that says the owner can't keep an unsafe property...Loo k into the rental laws in your area...I would about bet my last nickle that this should be more than enough to get you out of your lease & good luck!...B.t.w., after getting the facts instead of all that messy legal stuff I would just tell the owners or managers that they need to let you out of your lease or you will be contacting whoever is in charge of governing rental properties there.

Offline brandon

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Re: I need advice from everyone!
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2006, 01:59:42 pm »
Thats what I've been trying to find.  I can not find a provision for unsafe condition caused by other tenents though, it seems mostly like, a hole in the floor , etc type of stuff.  I hate this is happening to you.
These are what I have found so far.

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Re: I need advice from everyone!
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2006, 02:08:34 pm »
Just move.

I wouldn't worry about paying a lawyer to take THEM to court. Let them take you. They can't screw up your credit or anything like that without a judgement. Which is where you could make your case.

They are really hamstrung. I know cuz I've been in this situation. They want to intimidate you and make you feel like they have some sort of power, but ultimately, tenants always have the upper hand. Seriously. And they've got to know that they would really be on thin ice to take you to court. I wouldn't call them or anything. Just move.

But still keep copies of anything documenting your situation. And DEFINITELY take pics of the moldy cieling.

Offline brandon

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Re: I need advice from everyone!
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2006, 02:19:17 pm »
I just read the moldy ceiling.  You show any judge a picture of a moldy ceiling with a bullet hole in it, and they would probably throw the case out, and give a strong reprimand to the landlords. 

Even worse case you had to go to court some day , having to go to court one afternoon to show this stuff to a judge is a lot better than you getting hurt.  I live in Alabama, but have never heard of Jacksonville, wish I knew something about that area.
“Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.”


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Re: I need advice from everyone!
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2006, 02:34:20 pm »
I agree.... move out! Chances are the apt. complex won't take you to court because it will cost them money ... and if they do, I cant imagine a judge would award them anything!

As for the thugs upstairs.... please be careful and carry your mace! They may try to intimidate & scare you - that is how they operate.


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Re: I need advice from everyone!
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2006, 02:48:21 pm »
Yup. They're not going to take you to court. They know that it would be a waste of money, and they know that you've already complained and they don't have a chance in heck with any reasonable judge.


Offline ZooCrew

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Re: I need advice from everyone!
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2006, 06:02:21 pm »
I agree.  Please move out.

I was in a similar bad apartment complex a number of years ago.  My husband was convinced I had drug dealers and Osama Bin Laden living next to me (4 apartments to a floor)  I don't know about the drug dealer bit, but the middle easterners were a bit strange with renting 2 one bedroom apartments for about 8 people (2 men shared one apartment, with everyone else in the other).  The last straw was when there was a murder on the other end of the complex.  I moved out w/i a year after that.

It's better to be safe than sorry.  So pack up and move out as quickly as you can, and let the managers worry about the legal end of it.  Please stay safe.

Offline Kermit

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Re: I need advice from everyone!
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2006, 06:22:16 pm »
Cheyenne, please stay safe!!!! Get the hey outta there!! I wish I were closer and could help out somehow!

Hang in there, sister!!! Turkey sends her love and kisses!!!! :-*

Offline newflvr

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Re: I need advice from everyone!
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2006, 06:47:41 pm »
What about your bf?  Can't you forget about the spring break trip and have him help you get out of there?  Those guys could be out on bail in 24 hours...and you should be far, far away!  Talk to officials at your school, as well.  They can suggest alternative housing.  I agree with everybody else...don't worry about the legality....GE T OUT

Offline hairprincessnyu

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Re: I need advice from everyone!
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2006, 06:53:58 pm »
Oh my gosh, what a day this has been!!! First of all thanks to everyone for all your advice and support!! And Rebekah, thanks for the love from Turkey, please give her kisses back for me!!! So, here is the update on this whirlwind of a day!!! My roomate finally got back from her classes and was freaking out when she saw the mess from the bullet. We managed to meet with the supervisor of the apartment complex. She basically said they realized that they were lucky the bullet didn't kill me and they would terminate our lease whenever we wanted. After a HUGE sigh of relief, my roomate and I decided we had to get out ASAP. We went to a place called Cedar Place apts. and filled out an application. I explained to the manager what I had been through and he accepted us on the spot!! As I am writing this, I am trying to pack up a 4 bedroom apartment by myself, while my roomate is at work! I am nervous to be here by myself, but I am so glad to be getting out of here. I will pack all night, and then tomorrow I will leave for Fort Knox. I will be back Thursday night, and then I have to work, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and classes start Monday again. Sooooo, we told the landlord of the new apt. that we would be in next Friday! I have no idea how that is going to happen, but everytime I hear footsteps above me, I pack faster! It is a more expensive apartment, but it will be worth it. It is $515 a month for a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom. It is unfurnished, but it has a gas marble fireplace, and it is in very good condition. With cable, internet, water, and power it will probably run about $750 a month. But that is divided by my roomate and I so it won't be that bad. The BEST part is they allow pets!!!! BUT, it is a non refundablle $350 pet fee  :-\ So, I will have to wait a while, and try to save some money before I can bring my babies there! That's ok though, they love being at my mom's house, it is a castle to them! Uggg, ok I have to get offline now, all I have packed so far are a few posters. Thanks for the good wishes everyone!! Keep your fingers crossed with me!!!
True love is being gone all day, and coming home to a dog who licks your face.

Offline hairprincessnyu

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Re: I need advice from everyone!
« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2006, 06:57:05 pm »
"What about your bf?  Can't you forget about the spring break trip and have him help you get out of there?  Those guys could be out on bail in 24 hours...and you should be far, far away!  Talk to officials at your school, as well.  They can suggest alternative housing.  I agree with everybody else...don't worry about the legality....GE T OUT"

Bradley is stationed at Fort Knox for OABC. There is no way he can get leave time. I am going up there to see him, but he will be at work from 5am everyday (PT) to about 7 every night. I wish he could come help, with his truck it would only take one trip! Unfortunatly, that can't happen.  :-\
True love is being gone all day, and coming home to a dog who licks your face.