Author Topic: I am a total wimp & a question for vegetarians.  (Read 5426 times)

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: I am a total wimp & a question for vegetarians.
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2006, 10:18:20 pm »
Wow!...A ton of new posts tonight...I will check out the new links tomorrow after work...Thanks!...I've been to meetyourmeat.. .I've researched the inhumane raising & slaughtering of animals...It makes me physically sick...Then again, I live in small town USA & the family owned locker plant here gets it's cows from local farmers & I am sure they humanly slaughter but to see a cow standing there waiting to be slaughtered, no matter how humanly, as I was pulling in to buy meat was more than my conscience could stand...This si all still weighing heavily on my mind & soul...I am not sure where I go from here but hopefully I can make this work for me.

Offline aggghgmom

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Re: I am a total wimp & a question for vegetarians.
« Reply #16 on: March 22, 2006, 11:48:07 am »
Well I can't call myself a vegetarian but I haven't eaten any meat aside from chicken in 22 years or so.  I was having a hamburger one day and while I was chewing I just thought about what I was eating and got grossed out so no more meat.  I also don't eat fish (because I don't like it) but I do eat chicken about 2 or 3 times a month only off the bones (bones gross me out also) but I started back with chicken because the doctor said I wasn't getting enough protein - I don't really like beans, tofu, soy or anything like that.  that said I do wear leather shoes feed my family meat and of course Harley gets duck and potatoe food.  It is just such a personal decision and I don't appreciate when people try to make me feel guilty because of my choice of foods.  I must say I hate passing farms with those little cow (veal) houses that makes me SO sad!!

Best of luck to you in your decision


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Re: I am a total wimp & a question for vegetarians.
« Reply #17 on: March 22, 2006, 12:03:31 pm »
Although it would not be the lifestyle for me, I applaud everyone who has made the decision, and stands by their convictions, whether it be for health or moral reasons. Drastic changes in lifestyle are never easy, and you all are very mellow about it. It is nice to read an informative thread on such a hot topic that is not chest pounding, name calling and accusations. Just my two cents.

Offline longshadowfarms

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Re: I am a total wimp & a question for vegetarians.
« Reply #18 on: March 22, 2006, 12:07:58 pm »
I must say I hate passing farms with those little cow (veal) houses that makes me SO sad!!

I don't think you are seeing veal.  I'm almost certain that veal calves don't go out in the sun as that would make the meat red too (as does grain or grass).  I think what you are seeing are replacement calves (girls) at dairies.  They sell off the bull calves to the veal markets but they hang onto the heifers to replace older milk cows.  They are in those little hutches, one calf per hutch.  Doesn't look nice but the calves are healthier in fresh air than they would be in an enclosed barn.  Some of the big places here have open barns (basically just a roof with some wind block low down)with small pens.  Same thing - larger scale.  They need to keep them separate to ensure that each calf gets the correct amount of milk.  Once they are weaned they usually go out with a large group of youngsters.  What really gets me are the large farms where the cows never go outside.  They sit in stantions all day long and never taste fresh grass or lay in the sun. 