Author Topic: American Idol Fans!  (Read 58869 times)


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American Idol Fans!
« on: March 23, 2006, 12:38:06 pm »
I know there's a lot of AI fans on bpo, so I'm starting this thread. Here's my thoughts so far.

I want to hear Tyler play the harmonica again. He's awesome! Chris is really HOT! Oh my he makes my blood boil. Yes I know I'm married. I can look can't I!?

Kelly is so funny! Katherine is really good too! Can you believe Bucky has a twin brother named Rocky!

Offline BabsT

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Re: American Idol Fans!
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2006, 12:39:26 pm »
I am 100% with ya... Chris makes my heart skip a beat... especially after his last performance LOL
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Re: American Idol Fans!
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2006, 12:43:40 pm »
I agree about Chris - and I love me some Tyler - i love to watch him sing with so much passion - I would love to hear him sing some old Joe Cocker(Litlle help from my friends)!

I was sorry to see ol' Chicken Little go... I know he wasn't going to win but he was cute as a button - I want to carry him around in my pocket all day... and he had such a good attitude.

Mandisa has a set of pipes on her - she can really belt em' out!

As for Bucky having a twin.... how funny is that!

Offline Mom2Sadie

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Re: American Idol Fans!
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2006, 03:47:47 pm »
I am 100% with ya... Chris makes my heart skip a beat... especially after his last performance LOL

As much as I agree with you on the "hubba hubba" factor, I'm voting Mandisa all the way. That chick has pipes that could kill a small child! She just gets better every week.

Each time I see Ace I think "Wow, he's hot" but then almost immediately, he says or does something that makes me want to hurl.

Kevin should have gone a long time ago. Nice kid, good voice, totally wrong genre. He belongs on Broadway I think. I'd have been POed if I was one of the contestants who got voted off before him.

I like Bucky, but he doesn't stand out for me. Neither does that kid Elliot. I like both of their voices and I think they do a great job, but I just never find them very memorable.

Lisa should so not be in the bottom 3. What's up with that.

I LOVE Taylor. He's the man! He totally should bust out that harmonica more often. He's just so fun. In my ideal world, it would be between him and Mandisa, but something tells me it won't happen that way. I also really like Paris, she has a really different sound, it's something you don't hear everyday on the radio. Refreshing.

I'm so addicted to this show. It's becoming a legitimate problem. As is this board. I'm a mess!!!

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Sadie the Newf
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Re: American Idol Fans!
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2006, 03:55:17 pm »
I was never really into AI until this season... i'm completely hooked now!

here are my thoughts!

I loved Melisa and wish she would have stayed around longer.  I thought she had a really cool personality and a cool raspy voice.

I've been hooked since the very first season!

I have to agree with you about Melissa. I really wish Kevin would have gone before her. I was really dissapointed. I thought she was awesome and I love her voice. I wanted to hear her sing "Black Velvet".

Offline Softhug

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Re: American Idol Fans!
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2006, 04:08:33 pm »
Taylor is my favorite!  He has character!  I was bitter over the Ruben/Clay deal I didn't think Clay belonged in the top two so I boycotted <sp> the next season.  ;)  But I broke down and started watching this season and just LOVE Taylor! 

If he can't win it, I would like to see Mandisa make it...she is beautiful and has pipes!  'whew' 

Winning on the HOT factor?  Chris.  Hands down.  <sigh>  He reminds me of Ami on Miami Ink...another hot bad boy in my book...
« Last Edit: March 23, 2006, 04:12:44 pm by Softhug »
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Offline roxygirl

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Re: American Idol Fans!
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2006, 05:47:50 pm »
Taylor Hicks is my favorite too! He has such energy while performing that he is just so fun to watch and he has a great voice to boot!
Go Taylor!!
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Re: American Idol Fans!
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2006, 10:37:03 pm »
I LOVE AMERICAN IDOL! And I would have to say Chris has to be my Favorite! Hes like a Vin Diesel??? (spelling) smaller version of course, look alike! Gotta love that bad boy immage! sigh  :-*
I was glad to see (chicken little) go last night!
I didnt even know his real name haha.
Anyway thats my oppinion! Great thread!


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Re: American Idol Fans!
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2006, 11:21:03 pm »
WOW I can't believe I'm admitting to my addiction in public, but your bravery made me feel safe to say that, 'I TOO HAVE AN AMERICAN IDOL ADDICTION'
I love Taylor Hicks and I love love love when he plays the harmonica.  I also love Mandeesa, she can SING.

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Re: American Idol Fans!
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2006, 06:30:03 am »
Some of my friends got me watching about 3 weeks ago, and now I wonder why I never watched it before! My favorite of the girls is Katherine--wow, looks and great voice all rolled into one fine package!  My favorite of the guys would be Taylor--he really enjoys himself on stage, and he has a helluva voice, too!  That Elliott guy--I can listen to him, but cant look at him--all I can see is Gomer Pyle!  ;D Gaaawwlleeee!


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Re: American Idol Fans!
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2006, 03:15:56 pm »
YAY American Idol's on tonight! After the show post who you think will go home tomorrow night. This will be so much fun! None of my friends around here watch it. :( I only have my vitural bpo friends to chat with! :)

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Re: American Idol Fans!
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2006, 03:16:48 pm »
Taylor, baby.  Taylor all the way!
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Offline jennifer

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Re: American Idol Fans!
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2006, 03:41:10 pm »
Haha! What fun! My family is absolutely addicted to American Idol. Here it is:
Elliott -- okay voice, but we can't watch him.
Taylor -- great voice and personality, but a bit too goofy.
Ace -- way hot, but a bit on the "dumb blonde" side.
Chris -- too hot for words, way talented, ooooh baby!  :-*
Bucky -- needs to go home, maybe this week.
Mandisa -- amazing voice, great presence, should win (but probably won't).  :(
Lisa -- eh, okay voice but bores me.
Paris -- immensely talented and confident, love to watch her.
Catherine -- beautiful and talented but needs a bra.  ;)
Kelly -- dumb blonde ('nuf said).

I hate to admit it, but I usually agree with Simon and I really can't stand Paula. But I LOVE the show.  I'll post after the show re who should go home (but I'm still hoping it's Bucky).  :)
:) Jennifer
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Re: American Idol Fans!
« Reply #13 on: March 28, 2006, 03:50:20 pm »

I hate to admit it, but I usually agree with Simon and I really can't stand Paula. But I LOVE the show.  I'll post after the show re who should go home (but I'm still hoping it's Bucky).  :)

I could not agree with you more. I sometimes think Simon is a bit harsh though. I grew up in theater and whenever I auditioned for something and didn't get cast they would say, "Thanks for coming, we'll get back to you" and then you'd get a polite phone call saying "No thanks". They never told you you were absolutely "apalling". Know what I mean? I guess it just makes for good TV.

Anyone else think Paula's on something? :P
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Sadie the Newf
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Re: American Idol Fans!
« Reply #14 on: March 28, 2006, 07:06:00 pm »
I agree Julie. I often wonder about Randy. He always says the samething over and over. UGH!