Author Topic: Favorite reads!  (Read 6387 times)

Offline Moni

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Re: Favorite reads!
« Reply #15 on: March 28, 2006, 08:07:21 am »
As of now, my FAV book is Lamb by Christopher Moore, I've read it like 4 or 5 times since first reading it last year.  His other books are great as well, but Lamb just takes the cake.

I love Anne Rice (in HS I named my twin black cats Mekare and Maharet) and Poppy Z Brite is amazing as well.

I also like Anne McCaffrey and I thought I was one of the few people who loved Melanie Rawn.  Just the two dragon prince series though, I haven't read her newer stuff. 

Any of R.A. Salvatore's Drizzt Do'Urden series.  I'll throw in the Dragonlance series as well by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman.

Then going into another different style of writing there is Jim Kjelgaard's many wonderful books; Big Red, Outlaw Red, Desert Dog, Firehunter(another all time favorite).  Also Albert Payson Terhune's Sunnybank collie books are a joy.  :)

Last and certainly not least is Jk Rowling.  Gotta love those Potter books.  Tori actually just finished all of them by herself a couple of months ago as well.  Pretty good for a kid who'd not yet turned 9yrs at the time.   ;)
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Offline Boobearsmom

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Re: Favorite reads!
« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2006, 08:17:01 am »
Anything by Tami Hoag

"The Historian" by Elizabeth Kosova

Basically anything with vampires in it. Only the good ones, not the stupid cheesy vampire books.

I'm always up for recommendation s!

Have you tried anything by Laurell K. Hamilton?  We sort of have a book exchange here at work and when anything by her comes out its pure chaos!  And if you want a "cheesy, romance but laugh your butt off" vampire book, try the series by MaryJanice Davidson.  Also in the "cheesy but funny" genre is the series by Charlaine Harris.  I haven't read the Historian yet but someone recommended it to me.  If you want a list of the series I have just PM me.  I have boxes upon boxes of books  ;D  I also like the Weather Warden series by Rachel Caine.


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Re: Favorite reads!
« Reply #17 on: March 28, 2006, 08:34:51 am »
Anything by Tami Hoag

"The Historian" by Elizabeth Kosova

Basically anything with vampires in it. Only the good ones, not the stupid cheesy vampire books.

I'm always up for recommendation s!

Have you tried anything by Laurell K. Hamilton?  We sort of have a book exchange here at work and when anything by her comes out its pure chaos!  And if you want a "cheesy, romance but laugh your butt off" vampire book, try the series by MaryJanice Davidson.  Also in the "cheesy but funny" genre is the series by Charlaine Harris.  I haven't read the Historian yet but someone recommended it to me.  If you want a list of the series I have just PM me.  I have boxes upon boxes of books  ;D  I also like the Weather Warden series by Rachel Caine.

Cool! Thanks! I pm'd you.

Offline NoDogNow

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Re: Favorite reads!
« Reply #18 on: March 28, 2006, 01:28:42 pm »
I thought I was one of the few people who loved Melanie Rawn.

Do you keep up with Melanie's boards?  I check in there about every six months, and it looks like she might just be ready to start working on the 3rd Exiles book.  Maybe.  I'm afraid getting the rest of that story out of her is going to be like getting RJ to finish TWOT!

And I also adore me some Drizzt.  I think he's one of the top 3 characters in the whole D&D subgenre--right behind Raistlin Majere and Tasselhoff Burrfoot--or should that be Tas and then Raistlin?  I think all of Weis and Hickman's fantasy stuff is pretty solid. 


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