Author Topic: nipping  (Read 6136 times)

Offline lindar5928

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« on: March 31, 2006, 07:38:39 pm »
Hi all,
We have the most beautiful and loving saint in the world (ok I'm prejudiced) He is 8 months old and a sweetie. But we have a couple of problems. He likes to nip our feet as we go upstairs (safety hazard) and steals everything.
Any advice?

Offline chaos270

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Re: nipping
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2006, 08:16:52 pm »
Hi and welcome to BPO!!!!  You have to post pictures!!!!!  We are picture obsessed ;D

As far as the heel nipping try having someone walk up the stairs in front of him and follow them with him on a leash and whatever training collar you're using.  As soon as he goes to nip their heels give a quick correction (even better is to correct him when he shows interest).  Maybe try having him lay at the bottom of the stairs and have people go up a few steps so you have more room to manuver.  Yet another way is to put him in a down stay at the bottom of the stairs and teaching him to wait there until you get to the top or have him wait at the top while you go down.  I strongly suggest you look into the dog psychology method of training (most noted is Cesar Milan "The Dog Whisperer"  TV show).
As far as stealing it depends on what he's stealing where you keep it.  The best way for any case is to set him up and hide as soon as he goes to steal throw a bottle of rocks directly behind him (it should startle him).  But in the meantime place any items he likes out of reach (I know it's hard but Kali loves laundry so rooms with laundry are kept closed unless she's under supervision).  You can also take the items he favors and teach a leave it command by as soon as he shows interest give the correction and if you want you can teach a take it command as well.  If you have any more questions feel free to ask.
Erin and the critters
Kali ~ the newf
Lacey ~ the aussie 
Gabby ~ Holsteiner mare
Fire ~ Appendix Quarter Horse/Belgian gelding
Lilah and Hannah ~ Kali's kitties


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Re: nipping
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2006, 11:18:03 pm »
Hi, and welcome to BPO!
I have a counter surfing fool of a Great Dane who has trained me to keep desireable items well out of reach. It is a bad habit (his only one) that I have been unable to break. He will not surf if anyone is awake or in the room, only at night and when no one is home. We even tried the baited mouse traps, and he simply sprang (sp) them and got the stuff anyway. I have the cleanest, most organized counters in town. LOL.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2006, 11:18:48 pm by GR8DAME »

Offline Fumble

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Re: nipping
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2006, 05:28:24 am »
haha the nopping.. fumble is getting into the "hard core" stage of his adolescence.. and is starting to nip a little more now and then.. but w/ the stealing!  ahha.. fumble steals, but shows it to you to get your attention.. i don't know where he learned it, and when you're actually busy doing something it's quite annoying. but most of the time it works. i've just learned that things are meant to be as high up off the ground and tables as possible. 
"My newfoundlands live my life as passionately as i live theirs"
"I slip the hater of what i've become.  they slip the halter of what they've been, and we live together, passionately, changed"
-Both from "in the company of newfies"


Offline raygoza6n510

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Re: nipping
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2006, 12:20:42 am »
I agree with Erin and the critters Post #1, for the heal bitting up the stairs. The part about having him in a down stay until told to come up or down is best!  ;D It’s kind of like when your going thru a door way, You first, then on command your pet. The more control the better. Plus we take adidas the rottie to my moms and her stairway inside and outside safely allows one at a time in either direction. So adidas only goes up or down after she is told when others are present. :o  It is pretty cool when we have parties and she listens so well!

Now for the stealing when you see it happen do not chase! It becomes a game and when you follow your K9 it puts them in charge! :o Find a favorite treat and say come and make baby kisses then show the treat let him smell it and say Release. You may have to take it out of his mouth the first few times but with enough times and tries you may end up with the best fetcher on the block!  :D

Good luck,
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."