Author Topic: Out, out, out,..............Nope! Poop on the floor!  (Read 3513 times)

Offline PennyK

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Out, out, out,..............Nope! Poop on the floor!
« on: April 04, 2006, 06:38:48 am »
I understand there is a learning curve but Teddy is certainly trying our patience the last couple of days.

Last night when I got home from work I took him out 3 times between 5:15 and 6 pm - he did his pee and then just wanted to play.  We weren't in the house for 10 more minutes and he pooped on the floor! :o  This morning - same thing - except he pooped inside twice! :o after going out 3 different times.  Hubby is not impressed!

He was doing so well too!

Ack!  Its frustrating!!
Every girl needs a Teddy bear!


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Re: Out, out, out,..............Nope! Poop on the floor!
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2006, 06:46:10 am »
I understand there is a learning curve but Teddy is certainly trying our patience the last couple of days.

Last night when I got home from work I took him out 3 times between 5:15 and 6 pm - he did his pee and then just wanted to play.  We weren't in the house for 10 more minutes and he pooped on the floor! :o  This morning - same thing - except he pooped inside twice! :o after going out 3 different times.  Hubby is not impressed!

He was doing so well too!

Ack!  Its frustrating!!
Hang in there.  Grace did the same thing.  One day...she just got it.  She loved to play outside...but always forgot to go potty.  :) 

Offline Mom2Sadie

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Re: Out, out, out,..............Nope! Poop on the floor!
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2006, 06:46:16 am »
Sadie did things like that all the time. She had me to the point where I was ready to strangle her at times. And actually, she still has an occasional accident. But it's improving. And now when she has an accident she knows it's bad, she'll skulk away with this horribly guilty look on her face. I finally put a bell on the door as someone here had suggested and it works 90% of the time now. At first everytime we went out I'd take her paw and whack the bell saying "potty" and after a while she got the hang of it. Just be consistent and eventually he'll get there. At least that's what they tell me. But man can I relate to that frustration
Dear Lord,
Just for today, let me be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.

Sadie the Newf
Gus and Maggie - Maine Coon Kitties
Lady the Boxer waiting at the bridge

Offline PennyK

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Re: Out, out, out,..............Nope! Poop on the floor!
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2006, 07:05:37 am »
Oh, he tells me when he wants to go outside - he sits at the door and whines.  He KNOWS what thats all about - you whine at the door and somebody takes you out - yup - he's got us trained! ;D

At lunchtime I take him for a walk so he gets to potty on someone else's lawn  :-[.  I believe he thinks he should go for a walk everytime he wants to potty now - he's already used up all the good spots on our lawn ;D.

I think I may bring his crate upstairs and begin crate training.  (Hubby doens't think it will work) but I'm sure ready to try it!  NO play time until Teddy is on empty!! ;) 

Every girl needs a Teddy bear!


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Re: Out, out, out,..............Nope! Poop on the floor!
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2006, 07:08:06 am »
Oh, he tells me when he wants to go outside - he sits at the door and whines.  He KNOWS what thats all about - you whine at the door and somebody takes you out - yup - he's got us trained! ;D

At lunchtime I take him for a walk so he gets to potty on someone else's lawn  :-[.  I believe he thinks he should go for a walk everytime he wants to potty now - he's already used up all the good spots on our lawn ;D.

I think I may bring his crate upstairs and begin crate training.  (Hubby doens't think it will work) but I'm sure ready to try it!  NO play time until Teddy is on empty!! ;) 

No time like the present to start crate training.  :) 

Definately no play till he's empty.  I had to do that with Grace and Lady.  I'd stand outside...some times in the pouring rain saying "go poop".  persistance pays off. now poop is the first thing on their minds.


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Re: Out, out, out,..............Nope! Poop on the floor!
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2006, 07:12:05 am »
When I know smudge needs to poop and he doesnt while he is outside he goes back in his crate for a few minutes. Then I go let him out again. Smudge isnt allowed to run around the house till he goes pee and poop outside. And so far that is working for me. He is on a scheduale, so I know when he needs to go and when he doesnt.

Offline Mom2Sadie

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Re: Out, out, out,..............Nope! Poop on the floor!
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2006, 07:18:15 am »
I didn't realize you weren't using a crate yet. I would almost definitely have killed Sadie by now without it ;D It helped her learn to hold it (sometimes). And she actually really likes to be in there. I usually leave the door open when I'm home and she'll often go in there on her own just to take a nap.

We are actually still having the problem where all she wants to do is play on her walks. And I agree with Lins, just be consistent. I say "go potty" over and over again until she goes and I don't pet her or encourage any kind of play until she does it. She hasn't quite gotten the hang of that yet. She has usual spots where she goes, although she changes them up from time to time, so I usually walk her to one of her spots and say "go potty". She does it eventually.

He'll get there. Sometimes I forget that Sadie is still a baby because she's gotten so big. But I'd get the crate thing going ASAP. It will probably help a lot.

Don't kill him yet, LOL, he'll get it ;)
Dear Lord,
Just for today, let me be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.

Sadie the Newf
Gus and Maggie - Maine Coon Kitties
Lady the Boxer waiting at the bridge

Offline PennyK

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Re: Out, out, out,..............Nope! Poop on the floor!
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2006, 07:25:40 am »
How old is Sadie?

Teddy is only 3 months so, really, I try not to expect too much.......... but.......he WAS doing so well  :'( :'( - no messes in the house for a couple weeks! (except in his room where he spends his time while I'm at work)

He likes to sleep in his crate in his room so it shouldn't be too bad to get him used to spending more time in it.

I'll be bringing the crate up to the kitchen today!!!
Every girl needs a Teddy bear!

Offline Mom2Sadie

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Re: Out, out, out,..............Nope! Poop on the floor!
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2006, 07:34:35 am »
How old is Sadie?

Teddy is only 3 months so, really, I try not to expect too much.......... but.......he WAS doing so well  :'( :'( - no messes in the house for a couple weeks! (except in his room where he spends his time while I'm at work)

He likes to sleep in his crate in his room so it shouldn't be too bad to get him used to spending more time in it.

I'll be bringing the crate up to the kitchen today!!!

Sadie is 4.5 months old. The other thing too is that she would be doing really really well and then all of a sudden she'd turn into an idiot for a few days. I don't really know why that is, maybe she was testing me or seeing what she could get away with. She was between 3 and 3 and a half months when she started acting stupid I think. And it's a very recent thing her good behavior and I'm pretty sure it's because she's tired from growing so fast. I'm convinced it's a fluke ;) She'll be back to her normal obnoxious self any day now.

He'll get it. He's still a baby and I know how frustrating it can be when you come in from outside and two seconds later they poop on the floor. But he really will get it. At least he's whining to go out, that's great. Sometimes I think they get it but they can't quite connect all the dots.
Dear Lord,
Just for today, let me be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.

Sadie the Newf
Gus and Maggie - Maine Coon Kitties
Lady the Boxer waiting at the bridge


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Re: Out, out, out,..............Nope! Poop on the floor!
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2006, 07:55:28 am »
I feel your pain. Only with Bubba it was pee. He would pee/poop outside then come inside and 'attempt' to pee on the floor 10 minutes later. I say attempt because I always caught him after the first dribble and rushed him back outside. Bubba was a peeing machine. lol

But I eventually solved the problem by just staying outside longer with him.. sometimes 30 plus minutes just to make sure he was empty. I kept a leash on him so if he stopped to play I could keep him moving and telling him to pee/poop.

We never used a crate with Bubba either.. honestly he was a great puppy. Never chewed on anything he wasn't suppose to.. and he slept through the night on our bedroom floor with NO accidents ever from 9 weeks old on. Our bedroom is small and cluttered though.. kinda crate like in a sense as far as floor space. So I think he just didn't want to soil in his 'den'.

I'm pretty sure Bubba was also about 12 weeks when he had his first regression in housetraining. The second regression was at about 5-5.5 months old and is what I call the 'lazy stage'. From 6 months on it's been smooth sailing with NO accidents since. I thought it would never end. LOL Just be consistant..