Author Topic: very sad possibilities...  (Read 1493 times)

Offline Leah...

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very sad possibilities...
« on: April 08, 2006, 05:50:01 am »

Sammie and Bailey have always wanted to assert their dominance, but they have REALLY started fighting a lot lately. to the point were they are getting hurt. my vet bills are stacking up, and i really will not get rid of one of them. i need advice. they are best friends, but they both want to be top dogs. they are both male, but neurtered. bailey is older and he was here first. Sammie usually starts the fights, but i don't think they ever come to a conclusion. it is usually over food, so i separated them when they ate (duh!) then they fought over me, so i tried to see who was more dominant, and who was winning fights, (so i could feed him first, scratch him first etc.)but it was a constant battle. it is weird, because they are best friends, they throw hissy fits when they aren't together, but the fights are about 1 every 2 weeks. and i can't figure out what trigers them! in the house they are fine, but outside, it is war. neither will accept the fact that the other is "better" so they fight more. i don't want to separate them, and i won't/can't find either dog a new home, but i am at a loss. i am gonna ask my mom, and my friends/doggie class teachers, but i thought i would ask y'all too. Sammie tore his ear (or should i say Bailey tore Sammies ear) and i can't figure out for the life of me how to dress it. he also has a hole in his leg from Bailey that won't heal, and i tried to wrap it, but it is either too tight, or loose enough he can get it off. i might try a E-collar. sorry if i am rabbling, but i can't think strait. Bailey seems to win less fights, but comes out of it better (???). he has 1 scar over his eye that is barely noticable, from a long time ago. he has really thick coarse hair, and i think it helps. sam is fluffy, and soft, so it can't protect him much. Sammie is 5 in april (i think) and Bailey is 6 or seven in august (???). i am so confused right now, i can't even count. they are sleeping away right now, and passing gas every now and then :). they sleep separetly, Bailey in a crate, and sam loose in the house. might that have anything to do with it? i cannot add another dog to this caos, particularly a girl, they would fight over her, right? i dunno...i am gonna be sick if i don't try to sleep. i can't slepp thinking about this though....
please try to help, even if you are just guessing. i need help from people who have dealt with agression between dogs before. i thought i had this over with when i "tamed" Sammie. he was dog agressive. bail is the only one he doesa this with. it seems pretty equal-not one dog or the others fault.

Mom to:
Sky- Australian Shepherd
Sammie- Newfoundland/Border Collie mix
Rose- Tortie/Tabby cat
Stinky- Silver Marten rabbit
Ruby, Mambo and Charlotte- Rats
Trevor- Frog
13 Millipedes
Bailey the Wolf-Dog 1998-2007
Spanky- Rabbit 2000-2007

Offline Kermit

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Re: very sad possibilities...
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2006, 07:07:05 am »
Sounds like Zoot and Nigel at my house. How long have yours been fighting? How long have they lived together? Have you consulted a behaviourist?

I am in the same situation but my dogs are younger. They have been completely separated for several weeks now, ever since the worst fight of all when Nigel almost took out Zoot's eye and nearly paralyzed his front leg.

My journey through this is going to take a while and a lot of money. But I am like you- these are my boys and I am not "getting rid" of either one of them. No matter how long it takes for this to work out, I'll make it somehow.

The only difference actually is my boys have never fought outside. They have always fought at feeding time inside or over me petting Nigel in the living room. We seem to have somewhat "consistant" triggers.

I am reading about 20 books on dog behaviour right now do let me get back to you on this!!! And you can read everyone's advice to me in the thread "Nigel's gone psycho" on the behaviour forum.

Hang in there!!!

Offline kildeskennel

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Re: very sad possibilities...
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2006, 10:44:38 am »
We had to rehome a male this summer who would have ended up dead literally if I had not done it.  Same thing literally a pissing match, unfortunately one outweighed the other by 100 pounds.  Have you tried coban to wrap the leg?  Its stretchy disposable, like an ace wrap but conforms to whatever area it is wrapped on.  We buy it either from the vet, cheaper though to get it from a livestock farm supply store.  Another thing to be careful of if you have more than 2, we have 5, whichever is on the losing end, if the fight occurs around the others, and is a serious fight, may incite the others to join in.  Pack mentality, natural instinct, survival of the fittest all that jive.  It can be quite terrifying to have a MAJOR dog fight on your hands.  Especially when there are many dogs in the fray.  Ears are harder to wrap, but you cuold try the coban.  I use stop bleed powder or wipes, and you can use a liquid bandage if its not to deep.  Ears are hard. Good luck. 
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Offline chaos270

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Re: very sad possibilities...
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2006, 01:58:41 pm »
If they're only fighting outside just make sure you take them out seperately until you can help restore pack order.  Are there any behaviorists in your area that could help you because they may help you see the trigger to the attack.  If they are out together keep Sammie on a leash and watch body language.  Start exercising them with long walks every day where you show your dominance by walking out the door first and they have to stay beside or slightly behind you.  Their shoulders should never go past your leg.  Do the work with each seperately walking calmly and assertively with the leash slack until they go to get ahead or aren't paying attention then you give a quick jerk on the leash or nudge with a leg.  Once you get them behaving seperately try taking on on each side of you then eventually they should be able to walk side by side with you leading them.  This will help you assert yourself as the alpha and hopefully help them settle.

There's a alot of other things you can do to help too that were mentioned in past aggression discussions.  Good luck.  And I know how you feel I have two dominant females that like to duke it out luckily it's gotten alot better and they've never gotten to bloodshed.  Also is Sammie on any meds that could be causing it...Lacey's problems turned out to be mostly caused by Proin a med she was on.
Erin and the critters
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Offline Leah...

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Re: very sad possibilities...
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2006, 07:14:03 pm »
neither of the dogs are on any medication.

me being the dominant one is not the problem. i can break up the fights by grabbing one of them (usually Sam) by the scruff of the neck and i say "Drop It!" and "Leave It!" and they both let go imediatly. my problem is the pecking order of the dogs. of course i can walk them both on a leash! it is impossible to have a good relasionship (sp) with any dog, much less a BP, if i cannot even walk them! they go on walks about twice a week each (we have a large yard). Sammie has all training needed to enter a open obedience class. Bailey just has basic training. i only have the 2, but Barkley is at my house a lot! (he has never been involved in a fight) i have had Bailey since he was a pup (8 weeks) and i got sam when he was around 8 months old. i think that answers everyones questions. they were alone in the yard all day today (they didn't want to come in the house and be calm), and they are both in the house now (Bailey is in his fav spot, the crate)

BTW, is the stuff you are talking about the colored stuff that is spongy, and sticks to it-self?

Mom to:
Sky- Australian Shepherd
Sammie- Newfoundland/Border Collie mix
Rose- Tortie/Tabby cat
Stinky- Silver Marten rabbit
Ruby, Mambo and Charlotte- Rats
Trevor- Frog
13 Millipedes
Bailey the Wolf-Dog 1998-2007
Spanky- Rabbit 2000-2007