Author Topic: Hot Seat #25 is........................SoftHug!  (Read 16952 times)

Offline BarkleysMum

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Hot Seat #25 is........................SoftHug!
« on: April 09, 2006, 03:31:02 pm »
I checked and didn't see that you had been in the hot seat yet (that I could find anyhow) so let's go!!!

What was the first dog that was part of your life?

What is your favourite song and why?

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and what would you do?

What is your favourite thing about the city/town in which you live?
Newly owned by Anna Banana, kind of owned by Sheba
and always remembering Barkley - crossed the Bridge on May 19, 2006.

Offline Softhug

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Re: Hot Seat #25 is........................SoftHug!
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2006, 09:32:29 am »
I checked and didn't see that you had been in the hot seat yet (that I could find anyhow) so let's go!!!  Like I don't have enough to keep me from working...<giggling>

What was the first dog that was part of your life?  My dad was out hunting and found an older basset hound that he brought home for me.  I was two.  Buckwheat was my buddy for 6 years when he escaped from his pen and was found shot along the railroad tracks. :'(  I was scarred and cried for about 2 weeks.   

What is your favourite song and why?  Probably "Good Morning Beautiful" because it was the song my husband and I danced to at our wedding.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and what would you do?  I would like to take a tour of Europe.  I have been to France, England and Switzerland but would love to share it with my husband.  Not to mention there are so many more places to see, things to do...Germany, Italy...I would take in the historical sites.  I love seeing things that have been around for centuries!

What is your favourite thing about the city/town in which you live?  I like that Tuscaloosa is a college town.  There are things to do. 
« Last Edit: April 10, 2006, 09:42:38 am by Softhug »
Jacquie-Undercover Princess
Tsu Ling-Chow Chow-RIP 5/08
Boudreaux-American Mastiff
Griffey-Pi55y, fat, yellow cat
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"Lots of people talk to animals," said Pooh.
"Not that many listen though."
"That's the problem."

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Re: Hot Seat #25 is........................SoftHug!
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2006, 04:19:59 am »
I haven't taken part in this one in a while so here goes.

1. Who is your hero and has really inspired you throughout your life so far?

2. If you could only eat one thing every day for a year, what would it be?

3. What is the essentials for living a happy life?

4. Why are there so many different and conflicting religions?  Is only one group right or is nobody right or is there another explanation?
My Newfoundland Lives My Life As Passionately As I Live His.

Offline Softhug

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Re: Hot Seat #25 is........................SoftHug!
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2006, 05:43:56 am »
I haven't taken part in this one in a while so here goes.

1. Who is your hero and has really inspired you throughout your life so far? I don't know that one specific person has inspired me.  I guess I see different people as inspirations for different reasons.  One example would be the mother of a girlfriend of mine.  Since HS, she has passed from Kidney disease but I found her to be an inspiration because as a mother of 6 children and the wife of a farmer she chose to live a rather meager life but was there for ALL six of her kids.  Her kids were athletically and musically gifted and she volunteered as the band bus driver, the sports bus driver for the kids sporting events, was active in Special Olympics as her youngest (now 27)has Down's.  Rarely did she miss an event.  All her children's friends were like kids to her as well and everyone truly loved her.  Momma Lude touched hundreds of lives.  :) 

2. If you could only eat one thing every day for a year, what would it be?Pizza, not necessarily because it is my favorite food, but because you get your grain, your dairy, you meat and your veggie group!  I am such a nerd!

3. What is the essentials for living a happy life?[/b]*Being happy with who you are.  If you aren't happy, make a plan to change it. 
*Be versatile.  Life has speedbumps, don't be so set in your ways that you are blindsided when life throws you a curve.
*Once you have kids, do your best for the next 18 years to do what is best FOR THEM first.  I think it will come back to you. 

4. Why are there so many different and conflicting religions?  Is only one group right or is nobody right or is there another explanation?There are so many different/conflicting religions because people have different perspectives on the same concept.  I don't think that any one group is necessarily "right", however I have a problem with the religions that think if you aren't their religion you won't get into Heaven.  As a Christian, I believe we will get the answers to all our questions eventually!  ;)  Sticky subject, so I will leave it at that.   
Jacquie-Undercover Princess
Tsu Ling-Chow Chow-RIP 5/08
Boudreaux-American Mastiff
Griffey-Pi55y, fat, yellow cat
Comrade-red/white Siberian Husky
"Lots of people talk to animals," said Pooh.
"Not that many listen though."
"That's the problem."

Offline Mom2Sadie

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Re: Hot Seat #25 is........................SoftHug!
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2006, 06:59:37 am »
Random questions today - didn't get enough sleep last night and I'm a little loopy today ;)

1. Do you think it's scary that doctors call what they do "practice"?

2. Are you addicted to any reality TV shows?

3. Is there one stranger you've met who you'll never forget and why?

4. Why didn't Tarzan have a beard?

5. What is your favorite thing to do in your 'down time'?

6. How did you decide on an American Mastiff for your next dog? (P.S. When is he coming home ;))?

7. Why does the Easter Bunny carry eggs? Rabbits don't lay eggs.  ;D
Dear Lord,
Just for today, let me be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.

Sadie the Newf
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Offline Softhug

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Re: Hot Seat #25 is........................SoftHug!
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2006, 07:25:28 am »
Random questions today - didn't get enough sleep last night and I'm a little loopy today ;)

1. Do you think it's scary that doctors call what they do "practice"?There are some drs. that I think "practice" is quite fitting... ;)

2. Are you addicted to any reality TV shows? OMG I love reality TV.  Big Brother, Biggest Loser, Surreal Life...and my VERY FAVORITE The Girls Next Door!  However, I do not care for Survivor, The Amazing Race, Black and White or the Little People one. :P 

3. Is there one stranger you've met who you'll never forget and why? As a matter of fact yes!  I was in Sam's Club with my little boy who was about 8 months old at the time(over a year ago).  I came up to this Indian lady (Indian feather, not Indian dot) and she struck up a conversation about my son.  She told me about her family (her son's name is Justin Eagle-"just an eagle"-because eagles fly above the storms and she hoped he would be able to rise above problems in his life-how cool is that?!) Anywho, as strange as it seems, it was like I had known this lady my whole life.  I bet we talked for an hour standing there. 
Before we went our separate ways, she put her hands on my son and whispered a little blessing to him that he be healthy and happy and no harm come his way, etc. and it totally touched me.  I mean I am teared up about it a year later.  So I am thinking I met an angel and decided if I ever ran into her again that I would tell her how much that meant to me.  About a month Sam's Club...who do I run into...yea.  Still don't know her name, but I will never forget her.  I told her about thinking she was an angel and how much it meant and SHE was having a hard time for a couple reasons and that lifted HER day.  So I guess I returned the favor.  I know, my husband thinks I am crazy too...

4. Why didn't Tarzan have a beard? Cause it wasn't in the script... ::) duh!

5. What is your favorite thing to do in your 'down time'?  BPO now that I found it!  I have crocheted a couple blankets and like cross stitch too.  Keeps the blood pressure down.  TV and reading are always a nice escapes.     

6. How did you decide on an American Mastiff for your next dog? (P.S. When is he coming home ;))?  Hubby chose it.  First it was an OEM, then a Neo, finally after running across the AM he HAD to have one.  We wanted a BIG dog for our son (and the girls) to grow up with.  We wanted a dog we didn't have to worry about stepping on and squooshing!  We leave Thursday after work and get him Friday!!! Wooo Whoooooo!!!!

7. Why does the Easter Bunny carry eggs? Rabbits don't lay eggs.  ;D  The Cadbury Bunny does, I have seen it on TV! Bawk! Bawk! Bawk!
« Last Edit: April 11, 2006, 07:34:37 am by Softhug »
Jacquie-Undercover Princess
Tsu Ling-Chow Chow-RIP 5/08
Boudreaux-American Mastiff
Griffey-Pi55y, fat, yellow cat
Comrade-red/white Siberian Husky
"Lots of people talk to animals," said Pooh.
"Not that many listen though."
"That's the problem."

Offline Softhug

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Re: Hot Seat #25 is........................SoftHug!
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2006, 08:13:10 am »
I don't have hotseat questions for you... i was just wondering if there is any sort of puppy update?  When is pick up day? Are you CRAZY excited?

I am so past crazy excited!!  We are leaving Thursday after work and driving thru the night.  We will get him as soon as she opens Friday morning!  I am going totally crazy because we could have picked him up yesterday!!  Just too far and can't be unreasonable and take off work.  <My nails are gone.>
Jacquie-Undercover Princess
Tsu Ling-Chow Chow-RIP 5/08
Boudreaux-American Mastiff
Griffey-Pi55y, fat, yellow cat
Comrade-red/white Siberian Husky
"Lots of people talk to animals," said Pooh.
"Not that many listen though."
"That's the problem."

Offline chaos270

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Re: Hot Seat #25 is........................SoftHug!
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2006, 08:32:15 am »
Ok are you ready to be grilled?  Jk I'll be nice I promise  ;D.

How do you like your popcorn?

Favorite type of food italian, bbq, chinese, american, thai, etc?

Which came first the chicken or the egg?

If you were to get any other breed besides what you've have/had which would it be?

What dog breed best describes you?

Which wild animal best describes you?

What color crayon would you be?

Describe your dream home including location.

Mountains or ocean?

That's all for now I'll be back later though!!
Erin and the critters
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Offline Kelly89084

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Re: Hot Seat #25 is........................SoftHug!
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2006, 08:38:19 am »
Where are the new pics of your new baby?  and when are you going to bring him for a visit?   ;D
"If a dog jumps in your lap, it is because he is fond of you; but if a cat does the same thing, it is because your lap is warmer." - Alfred North Whitehead

Offline dober_gurl

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Re: Hot Seat #25 is........................SoftHug!
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2006, 09:25:54 am »
If you went to a petstore that sold dogs and you saw a REALLY bad family trying to a get a dog as a guard dog, would you buy it so they couldn't get it?
"None left to rescue, none left to buy, none left to suffer, none left to die. None to be beaten, none to be kicked...all must be loved and all must be fixed"

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Offline Softhug

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Re: Hot Seat #25 is........................SoftHug!
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2006, 10:04:09 am »
Ok are you ready to be grilled?  Jk I'll be nice I promise  ;D.

How do you like your popcorn? buttered and salted!
Favorite type of food italian, bbq, chinese, american, thai, etc? Cheesy, so Italian and Mexican

Which came first the chicken or the egg? the chicken...I looked it up on the internet and I am saying "the chicken".

If you were to get any other breed besides what you've have/had which would it be?  There are two.  First off a Newf!  I have wanted one FOR YEARS!  I love those big ole balls of furry love!  The other one is a Brussels Griffon.  Verdell in "As Good As It Gets" with Jack Nicholson and Greg Kinnear. 

What dog breed best describes you? Pitbull...I dont' have a nice temper and when I angry.
Which wild animal best describes you?  A momma bear.  I am fat and sassy and TOTALLY protective of my family. 

What color crayon would you be? Ecru or some crazy sh*t that no one quite knows the color.  Gotta be different!

Describe your dream home including location. East coast...Maine or Massachuttes I think.  2 story, lots of windows, Tuscan inspired kitchen, pool & hot tub, game room and workout room, intercom system, 4 bedrooms with a master suite, a master remote control that does EVERYTHING, lots of texture and neutral colors, lush landscaping, 8' privacy wall and gate, and a guest house! 

Mountains or ocean? ocean

That's all for now I'll be back later though!!
Jacquie-Undercover Princess
Tsu Ling-Chow Chow-RIP 5/08
Boudreaux-American Mastiff
Griffey-Pi55y, fat, yellow cat
Comrade-red/white Siberian Husky
"Lots of people talk to animals," said Pooh.
"Not that many listen though."
"That's the problem."

Offline Softhug

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Re: Hot Seat #25 is........................SoftHug!
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2006, 10:08:19 am »
Where are the new pics of your new baby?  and when are you going to bring him for a visit?   ;D

He will be here this weekend!  I will drop in and post photos from our adventures from OH to AL and of course new puppy/kid photos.  I may even get some video and put it on  Zac is going to go nuts over this puppy!
Jacquie-Undercover Princess
Tsu Ling-Chow Chow-RIP 5/08
Boudreaux-American Mastiff
Griffey-Pi55y, fat, yellow cat
Comrade-red/white Siberian Husky
"Lots of people talk to animals," said Pooh.
"Not that many listen though."
"That's the problem."

Offline Softhug

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Re: Hot Seat #25 is........................SoftHug!
« Reply #12 on: April 11, 2006, 01:17:20 pm »
If you went to a petstore that sold dogs and you saw a REALLY bad family trying to a get a dog as a guard dog, would you buy it so they couldn't get it?

If I had the money and was feeling saucy...maybe.  How would I know they were REALLY bad?
Jacquie-Undercover Princess
Tsu Ling-Chow Chow-RIP 5/08
Boudreaux-American Mastiff
Griffey-Pi55y, fat, yellow cat
Comrade-red/white Siberian Husky
"Lots of people talk to animals," said Pooh.
"Not that many listen though."
"That's the problem."

Offline K9ldy00

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Re: Hot Seat #25 is........................SoftHug!
« Reply #13 on: April 11, 2006, 01:48:11 pm »
If you had the chance to spend a whole day with any person living or dead, who would it be?
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Offline Softhug

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Re: Hot Seat #25 is........................SoftHug!
« Reply #14 on: April 11, 2006, 11:11:11 pm »
If you had the chance to spend a whole day with any person living or dead, who would it be?
My great-grandma, oh to have another day.  She was a HUGE influence on me and I was blessed to have her in my life for 19 years.  I would love for her to be able to meet my husband and son.   
Jacquie-Undercover Princess
Tsu Ling-Chow Chow-RIP 5/08
Boudreaux-American Mastiff
Griffey-Pi55y, fat, yellow cat
Comrade-red/white Siberian Husky
"Lots of people talk to animals," said Pooh.
"Not that many listen though."
"That's the problem."