Author Topic: Had to get ugly at the dog park...  (Read 6972 times)

Offline Beth

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Had to get ugly at the dog park...
« on: April 17, 2006, 03:35:33 am »
Ok…I am just curious…
My town had the grand opening of their first open- dog park this weekend.  I know these are common everywhere else…but around hee this is big stuff and many dog owners were excited to see it come.

Because Kuma was not allowed in the puppy area (She was 15 pounds over the weight limit!  :D) we had to go into the regular area.  Since she is only 17 weeks I was SO apprehensive about this but have to admit was pleasantly surprised by the politeness of the dogs and their owners.  Everything from toy poodles to massive Mastiffs…everyone was getting along wonderful and all the dogs were respectful with Kuma.  (Including one LARGE St. Barnard who was extremely patient with Kuma’s over affection!  LOL  Kuma LOVED this dog and would not leave the poor thing alone!)

Everything was wonderful until an un-neutered Boxer arrived…causing chaos through-out.  The boxer was in testerone (SP?) overdrive and kept attaching several dogs…but picked out Kuma from all others. He attached Kuma the first time and the owner was very apologetic and I said “It was ok…that’s part of it” as I felt it caught the guy off guard.  But about the 3rd time the dog singled Kuma out  >:( I was getting really annoyed and made it apparent.   The guy was telling me (And everyone else his dog attached) he “didn’t know what was going on…he didn’t act like this at home!” (Hello?? You aren’t at home!) Ggrrr…I finally put Kuma on a leash and wouldn’t let her off until the guy left.  At which point the part returned to peace and quiet despite 30 dogs running around.

My question for those of you that are familiar with these parks…is it normal to have unsprayed or neutered dogs in these areas? I am not sure if that was the problem or the guy just didn’t have any control over this dog??
Beth &
Kuma (Newfoundland)

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Re: Had to get ugly at the dog park...
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2006, 03:56:47 am »
Both dogparks close to me allow all dogs, big and small, neutered or not. There is no puppy area, they are not seperated in anyway and the park is controled by the people who are there with thier dogs. Angus is a big guy now and handles himself pretty well, but sometimes his excitement is too much for the smaller dogs to handle and I have to leash him till his excitement subsides. If a dog starts acting out of line, or aggressive (including Angus) then the owner is always quick to corral thier dog and restore peace to the park. It seems there are a lot of regulars and I have to watch them to get cues as to what was acceptable and what is not. So far so good for me, Angus is a hit at the pdogark and he has only stepped on 1 retriever (accident while playing) and got into a 5 second fight with another golden (they were running together again within 5 minutes).

Offline fatfutures

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Re: Had to get ugly at the dog park...
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2006, 04:03:49 am »
I think it MOST common to have owners who have no control over their dogs. Who do NOTHING when their dogs misbehave (" Awww... aren't they cute?") A dog that behaves that way simply doesn't know any better because, they haven't been TAUGHT any better!

The dog parks that I've been to have rule. Overly aggressive behavior is a no-no. And, so are owners who cannot control their dogs.

We visited a park in Southern Cal while we were there, for a month, on a job. When took both our Danes with us. One day at the park there was a small shepard mix that was all OVER Ike. Ike is a 160+ lb pussy-cat. He is always the first to back-off from agressive dogs, cats... squirrels! But, this dog wouldn't leave him alone. She was humping him, he'd walk off she'd run at him and practically tackle him, she was biting him. It was jusBARELY short of a true attack on this part. Ike, bless his gentle soul, tolerated her... walked off, ran away, tried to ignore her. I'm trying to determine who is the owner, with no luck. And, finally I see that Ike has about had it! This dog has been so persistantly after him and now other dogs are joining in. (Fiar to sya that those owners stepped in). Ike is starting to snarl at this bitch. And I'm thinking, " this is gonna be bad, he is going to rip a whole in her, trying to defend himself and it will be all his fault".

So, I run over and place myself between them. Stupid I know... but, I didn't know what the agressive dogs laws were in that area and I was NOT going to have Ike facing some sort of punishment/quarantine.  I get ahold of Ike and lead him off. Telling the other do "NO!". Finally see this woman standing there watching us... LAUGHING AND GIGGLING. OK, I'm fuming now!

I tell her that she needs to control her dog that the park has rules against this type of behavior. She laughs more and says there is nothing she can do to stop her dog. I'm starting to boil at this point.

I tell her to put her dog on a leash or I will report them. Still laughing (and I'm now considering a little violence of my own) she tells me that she doesn't have a leash! AAAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!  >:(

We are drawing a crowd at this point. Other dogs owners are backing me up! People are berating her for her dogs behavior and she finally has to drag her dog out of there. I say drag... due to the fact that the bitch was still trying to attack Ike. She was snarling and barking at him and I was keeping her off with my boot. Not kicking her... but, blocking her.

Bottom line... read the rules of your dog park. Everyone is required to follow them. If they are not being followed you have the right to report those animals and owners. Also, don't be afraid to speak up! I think we tolerate such behavior not wanting to commit a faux-paw or offend anyone. Those type of owners NEED to be offended! And, you might be suprised that others will support you!

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Re: Had to get ugly at the dog park...
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2006, 04:50:21 am »
I've decided there are too many variables at dog parks.  On the whole the dogs and their owners are responsible, fun and (the owners) educated about dog behavior.  BUT there's ALWAYS someone who shows up with a dog who seems to be out of control and the owner is oblivious. 

And then there's the problem of really stupid pet owners:

Recently we had an incident where a dog (who races along the fence barking at any other (smaller) dogs walking by) went crazy over this chow-chow who was on a leash, walking outside the park.  The chaser dog actually dug a quick hole under the fence and got on the sidewalk attacking the chow.  Chaser's owner fortunately is very vigilant and was quick to hop the fence and pull chaser dog off.  A few days later he told me he'd passed the owner on the street and they talked.  The chow-chow has distemper.  Okay, forget about all the other million problems with walking a dog that has distemper (especially next to a park full of children and a dog park full of dogs) -- chaser dog could have been exposed to distemper!  And of course, chaser dog went after the chow because he's

After that I started to get the idea that I didn't want to trust the health and well-being of Einstein to the thirty-odd people at the dog park at any given time. 

I'm going to post on Craigslist to see if I can get a small group of dogs together occasionally -- with other responsible pet owners.  Kinda like a playdate for a toddler.

Maybe if there was a hall monitor at the dog park. . .

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Re: Had to get ugly at the dog park...
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2006, 12:36:00 am »
I completely agree with you, Sara!  I've given up on dog parks and we just have play dates with dogs and owners that we know.  I've just seen too much ugliness at our closest dog park: 

A brother and sister came in to the dog park with their two pit bulls.  For whatever reason, the pit bulls attacked their owners and each other.  The brother was on the ground trying to pin his pit down and the dog is gnashing at the guys legs.   The sister was screaming as her dog continued to lunge at HER!  They eventually got things calmed down and left the park, both bleeding profusely.

Then there was the guy (again, with a pit) who was trying to pick up a lovely young woman as his dog jumped the fence seperating the big dog park from the little dog park.  The pit got a small dog in his mouth and was repeatedly shaking it as the owner was screaming.  The #$%^ pit owner had his back turned still trying to woo the cute young thing as all the other dog owners were yelling at him to get his dog.  He finally realized what was happening, went and got his dog, came back in to the park again....and the pit DID IT AGAIN!!  Climbed the fence, got another small dog and once again the other dog owners went nuts.  He went and got his dog and screamed profanities at the rest of us. (Eyes rolling wildly, here!!)  I kept thinking what if he'd attacked one of the Newfs??!!!  I might have had to attack that idiot!

That doesn't count the attacks my big guys have had by the smaller say nothing of dog influenza,etc.  It's just not worth it!!! :(

Offline Beth

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Re: Had to get ugly at the dog park...
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2006, 12:49:12 am »
I too was extremely apprehensive about going…some of the rudest people I know have dogs!  :D  Seriously, there are a LOAD of un-socialized dogs around here and I thought it might possibly be the making of a disaster…but it really went smoothly.  I know at one time there were at least 30 or 35 dogs in there…and they all sort of did their own thing.  (Some hung in packs…some with partners…other by themselves…it was cute)

<< I am more worried that an aggressive dog will attack her and without her being on a leash, I won't have much control to help stop it>>
And this is sort of what happened to me.  Kuma was having SO much fun and tagged along behind this St. Barnard…it wasn’t until this Boxer (That came out of nowhere) did it go sour.  At this point I immediately put her on a leash because I swear the guy was singling her out!

<< That dog and his owner should have left immediately... intact or not.>>
This morning I read on the Park’s web site that any aggressive dog must leave immediately, but I didn’t see these rules posted actually on site.  I wonder if it’s a money issue (They are in need of donations) …but hope a sign might be in the making.  I never did actually see anyone “policing” the area??

Another thing is that the rules stated they dog had to have ID and current rabies tags on….Kuma didn’t have hers on (Rabies tag)…so nobody checked us. (Which now makes me wonder if any of the other dogs where check?? Uggg….)

I can see both pros and cons…but I will say this, it was fabulous socialization for Kuma.  Being “an only child” she is never around other dogs so when we encounter them on our walks she goes crazy!  She had a ball…and left like a nasty dirty toddler who had been rolling in mud at daycare all day! LOL 

<< And then there's the problem of really stupid pet owners:>>
 And that’s really the bottom line.  I think it would depend on the “crowd” on any particular day.  Group dynamics so to speak.  I would certainly check it all out and make sure the coast is clear before just letting Kuma go.   
Beth &
Kuma (Newfoundland)

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Re: Had to get ugly at the dog park...
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2006, 01:14:35 am »
So true about the group dynamics.  We had the best luck early in the day when it wasn't very crowded and it was usually just the dogs who went to the park regularly and who knew how to act.  Never NEVER on the weekends, when it truly became a pick up joint and the dogs who were locked up all week came and went crazy....and their owners were to busy oggling other owners!

Offline Beth

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Re: Had to get ugly at the dog park...
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2006, 01:31:10 am »
Puppy play dates! 
Thats what I need to find!
I would love to find Newfie owners in this area...
How fun would that be!
Beth &
Kuma (Newfoundland)

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Re: Had to get ugly at the dog park...
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2006, 01:36:48 am »
I've posted a request for a Dallas playdate. But, so far, no replies  :'(

Offline smsmith

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Re: Had to get ugly at the dog park...
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2006, 01:48:51 am »
I've posted a request for a Dallas playdate. But, so far, no replies 

Well -- if you're ever in the Houston area, give me a ring!

Offline Beth

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Re: Had to get ugly at the dog park...
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2006, 02:11:05 am »
HOw did you post it...just someone in your general area?
Beth &
Kuma (Newfoundland)

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Re: Had to get ugly at the dog park...
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2006, 02:55:52 am »
We don't have dog parks here and I'm very glad.  I can't imagine some of the idiots that would show up.  I wish we had a "private" park though.  One that we could sign up for and pay some dues or something.  Petsmart is fun and all but it would be cool to be able to let them run.  And I agree that it's probably not worth the chance of them getting exposed to something horrible.  As for the agressiveness.'s simply not acceptable.  Another reason why I don't know if I would let Bella off a leash anywhere.  She's such a diva queen.   ::)

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Re: Had to get ugly at the dog park...
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2006, 04:09:02 am »
I wish we had a "private" park though.  One that we could sign up for and pay some dues or something. 

As for the agressiveness.'s simply not acceptable.  Another reason why I don't know if I would let Bella off a leash anywhere.  She's such a diva queen.   ::)

In NYC I've heard they have such parks. 

I think there should be a strong warning on the gate of all dogparks that should your dog exhibit overly aggressive tendencies, you have to take him/her for a 45 minute walk before entering the dog park.  So many people at my dogpark seem to bring their over-excited dogs in as a way for them to burn off energy.  This isn't fair to the more laid-back dogs who just wanna hang out.  The hyper dogs end up terrorizing everybody.

The pet owners who don't walk their dogs don't realize that the walk really builds the bond between person and dog.  I've noticed a huge difference in Einstein's willingness to comply with my commands since I started taking him on 30-45 minute walks EVERY day.  Not only is he tired, but I think he feels more like my "pack" after a long walk.  Not to mention that it's helping me lose weight and build muscles!


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Re: Had to get ugly at the dog park...
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2006, 05:02:03 am »

YES play dates!!!! FYI as a Veterinary Emergency Technician I hate dog parks! However I love the business it brings in the summer! Just kidding, but you all now know that a dog park is a good idea only if the dogs have been properly socialized out side of their home! These parks can be a DEADLY place.

What do people think?? "He doen't act like this at home!" OOPPSSS thats right THEY ARE NOT THINKING. I feel so band for these doggies.

We have a dog park and I scope it out to see when the best times are to be there. A small group of us have a play date there when no on else is there. Weekdays and major Holidays.
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Re: Had to get ugly at the dog park...
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2006, 10:42:30 am »
I agree with all the statements given.  I do think that dog parks can be a great experience though, not only for the dogs, but for the owners as well.

Yes, there are ALOT of clueless people out there.  But some of those clueless people really do want to be better dog owners, they just don't know how.  There are alot of people who see well behaved dogs there and ask the dog owners for advice.  True, some of those people shouldn't be giving out advice, but it is a learning experience for everyone.

And most dog parks have rules as to what is and is not acceptable park behavior.  In addition most state they must have proof of current vaccinations. It is usually up to the park participants, however to police and enforce those rules.  Your dog can get exposed to diseases and other "dog illnesses" just by being out in your yard, visiting the local petsmart or going to the vet.  A dog park is no more risky than that.  With most dog illnesses, they don't have to make direct contact to get sick. Plus, if your dog is vaccinated there is a minimal to none chance it will get sick.

I am soooo happy we have a dog park nearby.  When we moved here, and especially after I got Gunther, there was no other place to go to socialize your dog, nor were there any other people I knew of that I would want my dogs hanging around.  For Gunther's type of personality, socialization was key, and without our dog park he would be a very different kind of dog, rather than the gentleman he is today.