Author Topic: Hot Seat #28....our Drama Queen.....Shawna (Mom2Sadie)...You're up!!!  (Read 15737 times)

Offline chaos270

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hehehe it's your turn I figured I'd spread the love to a fellow member of the NE Newfpack.

Ok here's your first few questions:

Favorite play?

What do you love about theater?

How do you like your popcorn?

Describe your dream home.

Just how many newfs would you like to own?

Are you now plotting ways to kill me?

Name your top 10 BPO dogs.

ok I got to go but i'll be back later with more questions....

Erin and the critters
Kali ~ the newf
Lacey ~ the aussie 
Gabby ~ Holsteiner mare
Fire ~ Appendix Quarter Horse/Belgian gelding
Lilah and Hannah ~ Kali's kitties

Offline Mom2Sadie

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Re: Hot Seat #28....our Drama Queen.....Shawna (Mom2Sadie)...You're up!!!
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2006, 02:03:25 am »
hehehe it's your turn I figured I'd spread the love to a fellow member of the NE Newfpack.  Uh-oh, I'm in trouble now!
Ok here's your first few questions:

Favorite play?  Proof by David Auburn, favorite musical is The Last Five Years

What do you love about theater?  The fact that I get to escape my own problems and worries for a few hours and be someone else for awhile. The applause doesn't hurt either ;)

How do you like your popcorn? Drenched with butter.

Describe your dream home. I like modern, clean lines, open space. Hardwood floors throughout, lots of color. Two full bathrooms, huge kitchen with stainless steel everything, big open living room, master bedroom with a loft (I have that in my house now and I love it up there), and a big fenced yard for Sadie.

Just how many newfs would you like to own? All of them :) I think I'll probably do one more in a year or so when I'm able to move out of this place. I think my neighbors would probably flip if they saw me with another one, and I don't really have enough space right now for another, but in a year or so...we'll see

Are you now plotting ways to kill me? Of course not! Revenge perhaps, but I could never want to kill you! Don't be surprised if Sadie pees on your foot at the next gathering though ;)

Name your top 10 BPO dogs. Oooooooh tough one. Fumble, Kali, Winslow, Zoey, Bear, Jack, Cowboy, Chester, Ruckus, Bava, I can't pick just 10! There are so many more that I love!
ok I got to go but i'll be back later with more questions....
yeah, thanks...punk ;)

Dear Lord,
Just for today, let me be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.

Sadie the Newf
Gus and Maggie - Maine Coon Kitties
Lady the Boxer waiting at the bridge

Offline Tspanos

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Re: Hot Seat #28....our Drama Queen.....Shawna (Mom2Sadie)...You're up!!!
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2006, 06:06:24 am »
Hey Shawna,
You are to good to be true, you love Newfs!, you like modern architechure, your cultured, intelligent, and beautiful. So here goes I am getting in on the act.

Did you go to college? If so where and for what?

How did you choose Sadie's name? What about Gus and Maggie.

What kinds of pets did you have growing up?

You like theater, how about movies? Favorite movie?

What food can you absolutely not live without?

What is your favorite drink?

Favorite type of music?

Favorite artist/group?

Favorite TV show?

Do you have any siblings?

Where was your favorite vacation?

What is your dream vacation?

Okay thats enough for now. Erin pointed out that I have to be careful, you can get back at me in a week if I don't play nice.

Offline Mom2Sadie

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Re: Hot Seat #28....our Drama Queen.....Shawna (Mom2Sadie)...You're up!!!
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2006, 08:56:07 am »
Hey Shawna,
You are to good to be true, you love Newfs!, you like modern architechure, your cultured, intelligent, and beautiful. So here goes I am getting in on the act.

Wow, I don't know about all of that, but if you say so! Thanks!

Did you go to college? If so where and for what? I did go to college. I went to the University of Massachusetts Lowell (hence the reason I live in Lowell) and I majored in Psychology, concentration in Animal Behavior. A useless degree really. I don't use it today.

How did you choose Sadie's name? What about Gus and Maggie.
Sadie's name came from the fact that when I went to look at the litter, when I put her down after holding her, she jumped up on the side of the box and cried. That's what made me pick her. So when I went to name her my dad said "What about Sadie Hawkins, since it was her choice not yours" I kind of liked that and she looked like a Sadie. Her AKC name is Sadie Hawkins Ladies Choice. Gus got his name from the TS Elliot poems that the horrid musical Cats is based on. In the poems, Gus was the cat at the theater door. We started calling him Gus-Gus though because he's chunky and if he could talk he would sound like Gus-Gus from Disney's Cinderella. Maggie got her name because I had just played Maggie the Cat in Tennessee Williams Cat on a Hot Tin Roof when I got her. Maggie the Cat was a bit of a psychotic b*tchy, prissy character and when I went to pick Maggie up, she hissed right in my face and when I put her down she laid down and crossed her paws. She was named Maggie the Cat immediately

What kinds of pets did you have growing up? When I was a baby we had a beautiful Collie, named Heather and two cats named Bones and Samantha. Then I had two bunnies, Lopiedops and Hopiedops. Don't ask. Then my father got Kerry a Golden Retriever, for me in the 7th grade right after my best friend moved away. I had Kerry until college. My parents got Rocky and Bailey, German Shepherd and Golden Retriever right after that, but it took me several years to get another pooch.

You like theater, how about movies? Favorite movie?  Ohhh that's a tough question. I love the movie "Glory". And even though it's cheesy, there's a special place in my heart for "The Wizard of Oz"

What food can you absolutely not live without? Ummmmm....probably ice cream. I might die without ice cream.

What is your favorite drink? Coffee, no question about it

Favorite type of music? Showtunes. I know, it's pathetic. I grew up in theater so that's pretty much all I ever heard. I knew all the words to Les Miserables by the 4th grade.

Favorite artist/group? I love Tori Amos

Favorite TV show? Sex and the City, The Apprentice and Project Runway.

Do you have any siblings? Yes, two, I have a half sister who's 8 years older than me and a brother who's 4 years younger.

Where was your favorite vacation? Italy

What is your dream vacation? I think probably Ireland

Okay thats enough for now. Erin pointed out that I have to be careful, you can get back at me in a week if I don't play nice. Yes I can, so you better watch out!
Dear Lord,
Just for today, let me be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.

Sadie the Newf
Gus and Maggie - Maine Coon Kitties
Lady the Boxer waiting at the bridge


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Re: Hot Seat #28....our Drama Queen.....Shawna (Mom2Sadie)...You're up!!!
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2006, 08:45:52 pm »
we cant have you falling off the board... here are some more for you. Enjoy!  :)

Favorite song?

Favorite book?

Favorite food?

Favorite ice cream flavor?

Food you dislike?

Favorite time of the day?

Favorite time of the year?

If you could meet/have dinner with someone present or past, who would it be? why?

Favorite color?

Favorite school teacher? why?

Favorite childhood memory?

Most embarassing childhood memory?

Do you remember your first crush? When was it? Who?

Offline Mom2Sadie

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Re: Hot Seat #28....our Drama Queen.....Shawna (Mom2Sadie)...You're up!!!
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2006, 09:34:14 pm »
we cant have you falling off the board... here are some more for you. Enjoy!  :)

Thanks, I actually could use something to keep my mind off of things right now.

Favorite song? You know it's silly, but I'd have to say "Dulcinea" from The Man of LaMancha. I would marry a man who sang that song to me.

Favorite book? Pride and Prejudice

Favorite food? Anything that involves chocolate of any kind

Favorite ice cream flavor? Starbuck's Java Chip. Coffee and Ice cream all in one, can't go wrong.

Food you dislike? Anything that lives in the ocean, or water in general.

Favorite time of the day? Late at night, just before bed.

Favorite time of the year? I love Christmas time, but I hate the cold. I also love early fall when it's still warm out but the leaves are starting to turn.

If you could meet/have dinner with someone present or past, who would it be? why? My grandfather. He died before I was born, when my father was very young. He was a fireman in South Boston, off the boat from Ireland, and from what I understand, the funniest guy in the neighborhood and the kindest too.

Favorite color? Green

Favorite school teacher? why? Mr. Lovell taught my Music Theory class in high school. He actually turned me on to composing and writing music instead of just learning how to read it. I got an amazing understanding of the language I love, and also was able to write some really cool pieces that I'll have for the rest of my life.

Favorite childhood memory?The day my father brought my Golden Retriever Kerry home. I was 11 or 12 I think and my childhood best friend had just moved away and I was severely depressed over it. Dad just came home from work one day with him and pretended to be mad at me and yelled at me to come outside to the driveway. I walked out like "What the heck did I do?" and Kerry was standing there next to my dad. I gave them both a big hug. I don't think I've ever been happier.

Most embarassing childhood memory?When I was 15, I was playing the lead in the high school musical.I was in a scene where we drank ice tea (it was supposed to be brandy) for the entire scene and at the end of the scene I had to pee SO bad. The sound guy forgot to turn my microphone off when I walked offstage and the entire audience heard me peeing.

Do you remember your first crush? When was it? Who? Yes, I was 5 or 6, and it was my next door neighbor Michael.
Dear Lord,
Just for today, let me be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.

Sadie the Newf
Gus and Maggie - Maine Coon Kitties
Lady the Boxer waiting at the bridge

Offline Winslow 151

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Re: Hot Seat #28....our Drama Queen.....Shawna (Mom2Sadie)...You're up!!!
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2006, 09:44:33 pm »
Hi Shawna,

Lets see

Where would you prefer to be the mountains or the beach?

Do you prefer an extra sweater or just a tee shirt?

Pj's to bed or something else? If something else what?

Next house (sounds like a nice one from Erin's question) In Lowell or not?

Movie night tissues and a quart of Ben and Jerries or The gang with pizza and beer?

So CATS is it really that bad?
Happy Tails to All
Winslow's Dad


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Re: Hot Seat #28....our Drama Queen.....Shawna (Mom2Sadie)...You're up!!!
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2006, 10:01:47 pm »
we cant have you falling off the board... here are some more for you. Enjoy!  :)

Thanks, I actually could use something to keep my mind off of things right now.

It's the least I can do to help... my crew and I are pulling for Gus' quick return home!

now here for some more questions...

do you remember your first kiss?  who? when?

do you have a boyfriend?
if so, who? what's he like?
if not, do you have a current crush?

What do you like best about yourself?

What do you like least?

What is your favorite physical feature?

What is your least favorite feature?

If you could live anywhere, where would you live?

What city would you like to travel to?

What is your biggest pet peeve?

What makes you smile?

What makes you laugh?

What makes you cry?

What makes you angry?

What is your dream job?

What subject in high school did you find useless?

What subject did you like the best in high school?

What city were you born in?

Did you grow up in that city? if not, where?

Do you want to have kids some day?
If so, how many?

What would you do if you won the lottery?

Offline Softhug

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Re: Hot Seat #28....our Drama Queen.....Shawna (Mom2Sadie)...You're up!!!
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2006, 11:00:40 pm »
More questions for you!  Keep you busy!  Prayers up for Gus too by the way.  :-*

Who do you most admire?
What fun activity (not workout related) do you do that helps keep you centered?
What is your most treasured keepsake?
What one thing has made you a better person today?
What year of school had your favorite school picture and will you post it?
If you could have grown up in any decade, which would you choose and why?
You can pick one super-power to possess…which do you pick?
Favorite fast food restaurant?
Favorite sit-down restaurant?
When you were little did you like braids or pony tails? 
What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use?
What is under your bed?
Favorite way to have your  potatoes, mashed, French fries, baked, curly fries, etc.
Polished nails or natural?
If you had to live with a family member for a year, who would it be?
If you had $10,000 to spend in one store ON YOURSELF, what store would you choose?
Jacquie-Undercover Princess
Tsu Ling-Chow Chow-RIP 5/08
Boudreaux-American Mastiff
Griffey-Pi55y, fat, yellow cat
Comrade-red/white Siberian Husky
"Lots of people talk to animals," said Pooh.
"Not that many listen though."
"That's the problem."

Offline Mom2Sadie

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It's the least I can do to help... my crew and I are pulling for Gus' quick return home! Thanks so much, I could not be happier that he's home and ok!
now here for some more questions...

do you remember your first kiss?  who? when? Actually a very sad story. My very first kiss was a stage kiss. The high school play in the 9th grade. Isn't that pathetic? My first real kiss was with my boyfriend in the 10th grade. I was quite the prude!

do you have a boyfriend? I have a "gay boyfriend" like on Sex and the City who escorts me when I need to go somewhere, but no actual boyfriend. if so, who? what's he like?
if not, do you have a current crush? Yeah, I have a crush but he's gay. Of course he is! In theater, you mostly meet gay men or married straight men and neither one does you one bit of good!
What do you like best about yourself? I like my strength - I'm one tough lady when it comes to survival. I've been through a lot and each time come out a bit stronger.

What do you like least? Probably my stubborn independent streak. I like to do things myself and sometimes don't know when to admit I'm overwhelmed and ask for help.

What is your favorite physical feature? I'm going to go with eyes.

What is your least favorite feature? Everything else :P In particular thighs and butt.

If you could live anywhere, where would you live? Concord, Massachusetts - it's quiet, lots of land, safe, and the history is fantastic.

What city would you like to travel to? London or Dublin

What is your biggest pet peeve? Ummmmmm, people saying one thing and doing another. I don't like that at all. I can deal with pretty much anything, just tell me the truth you know?

What makes you smile? Watching my little furkids learn about the world and my "fairy goddaughter" Kerrin.

What makes you laugh? My family always makes me laugh. Funny Irish drunken fools, you know :) And Sadie is pretty much non-stop entertainment.

What makes you cry? Lots of things. Mostly these days being reminded of someone or something I've lost. Sometimes they are happy tears though.

What makes you angry? Too many things to list here, but some big ones are idiots, being stuck behind 99 year old drivers when I'm in a hurry. Getting stuck behind someone who's buying 500 lottery tickets at a convenient store. Injustice makes me mad. When something just isn't right or fair and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it.

What is your dream job? Actually, I'd love to teach theater to kids. I'm thinking of going back to school next year for education, but I'm getting too comfy in corporate America.

What subject in high school did you find useless? Health. And gym. Funny story, I almost didn't graduate because I skipped gym too many times. I had to write an 8 page paper on BADMINTON in order to pass.

What subject did you like the best in high school? Music theory. Hands down.

What city were you born in? Boston, MA

Did you grow up in that city? if not, where? I lived there for 2 years and then we moved to the burbs.

Do you want to have kids some day? I don't know. We'll see how badly I screw up the furkids. But yes, I think so.
If so, how many? Two, max

What would you do if you won the lottery? Take care of my parents so they could retire. Buy a big house with a lot of land and adopt all the dogs and cats I could find. Unfortunately, my dad worked for the lottery for 26 years so we're permanently not allowed to win. Doesn't that stink?
Dear Lord,
Just for today, let me be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.

Sadie the Newf
Gus and Maggie - Maine Coon Kitties
Lady the Boxer waiting at the bridge

Offline Mom2Sadie

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Hi Shawna,

Lets see

Where would you prefer to be the mountains or the beach?I'd have to say beach. I've always loved the ocean

Do you prefer an extra sweater or just a tee shirt?Since I'm always freezing, I'd say extra sweater

Pj's to bed or something else? If something else what?PJ's to bed, definitely.

Next house (sounds like a nice one from Erin's question) In Lowell or not?Probably. Maybe closer to the outside of the city. Lowell scares me sometimes.

Movie night tissues and a quart of Ben and Jerries or The gang with pizza and beer?I enjoy both. There is something about curling up with a box of tissues and Ben and Jerry's and watching "Beaches" or something though

So CATS is it really that bad?No, it's not that bad. It's WORSE! The people in it are very talented, it's just a BAD show
Dear Lord,
Just for today, let me be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.

Sadie the Newf
Gus and Maggie - Maine Coon Kitties
Lady the Boxer waiting at the bridge

Offline Mom2Sadie

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More questions for you!  Keep you busy!  Prayers up for Gus too by the way.  :-* Thank you for that!

Who do you most admire? My dad. He's been through so much in his life and he's so strong and cares so much for his kids. He worked his tail off all my life so we wouldn't have it as hard as he did. There's nothing he wouldn't do for me. And he got Sadie for me for Christmas, what's better than that?

What fun activity (not workout related) do you do that helps keep you centered? Theater is what keeps me grounded. It gives me an outlet for whatever emotion I'm having at the time and provides so much catharsis.

What is your most treasured keepsake? The last birthday card my grandmother gave me before she passed. It doesn't say anything poignant but I hang on to it like it was gold.

What one thing has made you a better person today? Every time I've had to struggle has made me a better person and a stronger person. I think when you really have to push yourself to get through something, you find out what you're really made of

What year of school had your favorite school picture and will you post it?I don't know, I'd have to go back and look. Probably a year when I was little since I went through an awkward phase there for awhile. Maybe my senior year of high school. If I can dig it up, I'll post it.

If you could have grown up in any decade, which would you choose and why?Probably the 60's or the 70's just cause it looks like it would have been fun
You can pick one super-power to possess…which do you pick?Time travel. How cool would that be?
Favorite fast food restaurant? Does Dunkin' Donuts count - I'm hooked on that coffee
Favorite sit-down restaurant?The Village Restaurant in Ipswitch MA, right on the water
When you were little did you like braids or pony tails? Both
What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use?Garnier Fructisse
What is under your bed?Lots of furballs, some books, shoes and sometimes a cat or two.
Favorite way to have your  potatoes, mashed, French fries, baked, curly fries, etc.Baked definitely
Polished nails or natural?Always polished.
If you had to live with a family member for a year, who would it be?My dad, he rocks.
If you had $10,000 to spend in one store ON YOURSELF, what store would you choose?Either Neiman Marcus or Saks Fifth Avenue, although I might swing by Tiffany's as well :)

Dear Lord,
Just for today, let me be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.

Sadie the Newf
Gus and Maggie - Maine Coon Kitties
Lady the Boxer waiting at the bridge

Offline Tspanos

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Your flying through these questions! Erin and I have both been waiting we thought you would be overwhelmed by all the questions everyone had posted, I guess not. Here are a few more.

Do you consider yourself a Daddy’s Little Girl?

Do you consider yourself the oldest or the middle child?

If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
Did you grow up with religion? Would you say your religious today?

Do you like to cook? If so what your favorite meal to prepare?

Who in your family is the best cook?

You don’t like seafood by the sound of it, what about chicken, pasta, beef, ect.?

Where do you see yourself in five years?

I don't know how we are going to keep up with you!

Offline Softhug

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Favorite toy as a child?
What are your nicknames? 
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Last thing you ate?
If you were a crayon what color would you be?
What is Your Favorite Dessert? 
Favorite Smells?
What is your favorite place in the whole world?
« Last Edit: May 01, 2006, 04:36:08 am by Softhug »
Jacquie-Undercover Princess
Tsu Ling-Chow Chow-RIP 5/08
Boudreaux-American Mastiff
Griffey-Pi55y, fat, yellow cat
Comrade-red/white Siberian Husky
"Lots of people talk to animals," said Pooh.
"Not that many listen though."
"That's the problem."

Offline chaos270

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What is your favorite type of meal?

What do you want to be doing when you retire?

What do you want to do before you die?

Are you a do it yourselfer or are you a supervisor?

What's your favorite candle scent?

Is Sadie going to appear in any plays with you?

Just how mad is your mother at you for becoming a crazy cat/newf lady?

What breed of dog best represents you? why?

What wild animal best respresents you? why?

What's your favorite breed of dog? why?
Erin and the critters
Kali ~ the newf
Lacey ~ the aussie 
Gabby ~ Holsteiner mare
Fire ~ Appendix Quarter Horse/Belgian gelding
Lilah and Hannah ~ Kali's kitties