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Messages - ReneeB

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Doberman Pictures / Re: First-timer...
« on: November 27, 2006, 09:25:33 am »
Hello and welcome,  I am sure you will enjoy your time here.  I am a newcomer and am already addicted. It is great to see all of the pics and read the stories...the BIG guys and girls are all soooo funny.  Can't wait to see and hear more about your baby.

Old English Mastiff Discussions / Re: Lucah gets bitten!
« on: November 27, 2006, 12:09:41 am »
Poor Lucah.  I was considering taking Bray with my neighbor and their Pit-bull to the dog park.  But maybe we should just let them continue to play in our yards.  They are good buddies now, would hate to have an unfortunate accident by introducing strange dogs to their playtime.
Thanks for the info, hope Lucah feels better soon.

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: I can't read her potty language
« on: November 21, 2006, 05:15:18 am »
We use a bell in our house... its great.  What we did to get our animals (the cats too), familar with the bell and ringing it was; we tied a bell to the door handle and each time we took them outside we would ring the bell, we would also use their paw to ring the bell by 'pawing' at it, showing them how to make the noise.
It is a simple process our animals have picked up on it quickly.  We are now teaching our new 7 week old, Max how it is done.

I got a package of Christmas bells and tied two to a long shoe lace.  Just ring it every time they go out the door.  When you use their paw to make the noise tell them good 'boy' lets go potty and they will learn.  Most important is consistency and lots of praise.

Good Luck

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Limping on front leg
« on: November 20, 2006, 01:54:04 am »
Sometimes large breed dogs can get Panosteitis.

Copied and pasted from...
Encyclopedia of Canine Veterinary Medical Information

Panosteitis is a spontaneously occurring lameness that usually occurs in large breed dogs. German Shepherds seems to be particularly predisposed to this condition. Due to this, it is possible that the disease may have genetic causes. Some veterinarians feel that this disease may be induced or worsened by stress.

Affected dogs are usually in the 5 to 14 month age range and male dogs are more commonly infected than female dogs. The disease has been reported in dogs as young as 2 months and can occur in young mature dogs. The lameness tends to occur very suddenly, usually without a history of trauma or excessive exercise. In most cases one or the other front leg is affected first and then the problem tends to move around, making it appear that the lameness is shifting from leg to leg. There are often periods of improvement and worsening of the symptoms in a cyclic manner. This makes evaluation of treatment difficult since many dogs will spontaneously recover with or without treatment and then relapse.

X-rays usually reveal that the bones have greater density than is normally found. If pressure is applied over the long bones, pain is usually present. The X-ray signs do not always match the clinical signs.

In most cases, the worst pain lasts between one and two months but may persist in a cyclic nature for up to a year. Analgesic medications like aspirin can be be helpful. In severe cases, corticosteroid s may provide relief.

Currently, a common rumor is that low protein, low calcium diets may prevent this condition. It should be noted that the energy level of low protein/calcium diets is often lower as well. If this is the case, a puppy will eat much more of the diet in order to meet its energy needs, resulting in higher total calcium consumption. It may be preferable to feed a puppy diet and restrict total quantity to keep the dog lean than to use a low protein/low calcium adult dog food.

This condition is self limiting, meaning that it will eventually go away, with or without treatment. Pain control can go a long way towards helping your pet feel more comfortable and should be used, though.

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Binky's bad behavior-advice please?
« on: November 20, 2006, 12:12:06 am »
How old is Binky?

I love the pic where he is being ganged up on by his big bro and sis ;D.  Looks like you have your hands much puppy fun going on. :D

Bullmastiff Discussions & Pictures / Re: Christmas came early for hubby...
« on: November 19, 2006, 12:42:26 pm »
We were talking about a puppy breath air freshener just the other day...Wouldn't that be a great idea for us dog lovers.

Tonight Max was trying to get Bray to play with him...he was doing the "puppy plaly with me dance and growl", it was so funny when Bray finally responded with a very soft deep growl back, Max fell over on his side.  He had no idea what had just happened.  Max decided to lay down for awhile and excute a sneak attack to the rear, while Bray was distracted with the "I have your tounge game" that my daughter loves to play.  He has figured out when and where it is safe to move in (LOL).

I still have puppy fever!!!!

Max weighed in at 18.6 lbs on friday at the vet. 

Bullmastiff Discussions & Pictures / Christmas came early for hubby...
« on: November 19, 2006, 12:45:41 am »
Well Hubby and I came to a compromise.  The dilemma was that I wanted another Newfie...he wanted a Dogge De Bordeaux. After much consideration we agreed on a Bullie'.  I found one locally who's Daddy weighs 115 and mom is 97 lbs...

My daughter took a quick 2 hour drive (one way) to see the puppies and came home with a boy.  Of course I did not tell hubby so when he got home from work he found his new baby with a red bow chewing on a bone.

Brayden was happy to get him, he came with us to pick him out.  They seem to be getting along so far...we are sure to give Bray extra special luv and hugs so he doesn't feel pushed aside. This morning I found the puppy Max curled up at Braydens tail sleeping.

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Visit with the Surgeon Tomorrow
« on: November 16, 2006, 12:48:37 am »
Sorry about your recent loss.  Good luck with the surgeon...I agree that spring would be a good time for rehab, lo-impact exercising in the pool would be great.

Keep us posted

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: I'm new everyone.
« on: November 14, 2006, 09:33:38 am »

I am Renee, Mom to Brayden Newfoundland 11 mos.old.  Welcome and enjoy!

I have NO experience with Dogues but am standly firmly next to you on the two-Newf experience!!!  One IS good but two is FAR better!!! ;D ;D ;D

Yea, I would love to have "book-ends" like next would be brown :)

Okay so Hubby wants a Dogue de Bordeaux  and I want another Newf...( in my opinion the only thing better than one Newf would be two :D and so on...)

Hubbys main reason for only having one Newf at a time is the shedding.  We had an English Mastiff and I would swear that he was constantly pared to the twice a year big shed that we have with our newf.  I am totally sold on Newfies however I love all dogs.  I was raised with German Sheps., imports...they were bread to be big 120#.  If memory serves they shed less than our Mastiff.

Does anyone have any experience with both breeds that can answer my question? 

I wish they made that shirt with a Newf...I would get it for my husband...he too still gets annoyed at the comments and having to stop every ten feet... I dont mind the attention, if I did I guess I would not go out with him  (Brayden, not my husband, LOL) but the one that gets me is..."look at that black Saint Bernard".  Of course I am only too happy to educate folks on the breed.

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: Home from the pound
« on: November 10, 2006, 05:49:52 am »
Hubby says we should have just gotten another the kids and I have voted...we want a BROWN NEWFIE
Girl.  My husband is not thrilled with the ammount of shedding (Black hair) that we already have so, though he loves Brayden as much as we do, I'm sure he will not be impressed that his vote does not count (lol).  Maybe I can convince him it will be a NewfiePoo ::) no shedding... ;)

so let the search begin...we are looking for something after the holidays.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: oooh poor fumble :(
« on: November 10, 2006, 02:46:13 am »
Poor Fumble,  send him lots of hugs and Newfie drool from us too.  Hope he is feeling better soon.

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