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Topics - schelmischekitty

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tattooed fish are being sold now from singapore.  they use a laser to tattoo (sp?) things on the sides of fish, apparently you can even get them custom done.  also, as a side note, the little clear fish with blue purple, pink, and green streaks in them are injected with dye, as are some parrot fish.  the dye causes them to sometimes be really sick, and die earlier than non-injected fish.

Anything Non-Dog Related / what about ME? just a rant
« on: March 11, 2007, 02:55:25 pm »
i've been a little upset lately, because my hubby has decided that i don't give him enough attention, and is now constantly starting fights about that.  i get aggravated at him because i spend all day trying to keep the house clean, entertaining the kids, taking care of the dogs, etc.  it's a full time job here and he doesn't think it is.  the second i wake up, it's all about the kids, and potty the dogs.  the kids take a nap and it's all about feeding, watering, etc of the dogs.  i get done with the dogs and it's back to the kids.  when the kids finally get to bed, brandon walks in the door and it's all about him then.  i don't even have time for MSN messenger anymore, only pop on to post then chase the kids.  finally somewhere around 11 or 12, i just crash and sometimes can't even make it to the bed b/c i'm so tired.  i stay so busy here at the house trying to keep everyone happy that i've gotten very unhappy myself.  in 8 months, i've made one "associate" (my neighbor) and my only friends are the people who work at the store.  sad.  pathetic.  i hate it.  i don't even know how to make friends anymore. i'm antisocial, i have a social phobia about new people, the only way i've found to get around that and to be comfortable is to take a dog with me.  lately, it's gotten where i only get to go somwhere with the dogs once a month, other than that i only go grocery shopping and to get dog food.  i've found that my hubby is very immature in what he expects of me.  he just doesn't understand, regardless of how i try to explain, or how many times.  it's like i get done explaining and he's standing in the middle of a room screaming he wants attention.  i try really hard to keep up but i've been so stressed that i get sick and can't stop puking, i feel sick to my stomach constantly, and have a lot of heartburn.  i go through two bottles of malox a week now trying to get my stomach calmed down, i honestly think i might have an ulcer.  if it's not my stomach it's a headache that will keep me in bed, or i'm plain exhausted and falling asleep within 5 minutes of sitting down.  my hubby just doesn't understand i'm giving him all the attention i can, and he just won't accept that i HAVE to have a break soon or i'll end up losing my mind from all the stress.  does anyone have advice on how to get him to understand??

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / update on weight...
« on: March 10, 2007, 08:48:26 pm »
it's still going great!  diesel is looking better every day now!  all we have left is those pesky hip bones.

Anything Non-Dog Related / an unwanted new house guest *funny story*
« on: March 10, 2007, 11:26:02 am »
ok, so last night i forgot to close the window in the bathroom (i was wondering why the heater wasn't working as good as usual ha ha) and this morning hubby got up to open the door to get rushed by a finch who had made a home in there last night!  well, he DIDN'T want to go back outside, and would avoid the doors and when he did go near them would do a u-turn!  we finally got him out, but now he stays on my back porch and every time i let the dogs in or out he tries to fly in my door!  really cute, yes, but my dogs are jumping in the air trying to eat him, so he's super lucky my dogs are so fat and lazy.  anyone else ever have a bird decide they want to move in??

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / do what?!
« on: March 09, 2007, 06:35:45 pm »
ok, so recently, i posted about 4 dogs running loose in our neighborhood every day harassing the snot out of everyone, and causing problems with our dog.  well, caine has gotten really good at escaping into out neighbors yard, and we told her and she said it was fine (she's never ever home and lives alone with her 2 y/o when she is, and likes the security he brings showing up in her yard a few times a day) as long as he didn't do it this summer when she had set up a big bouncer thing (the blow up ones).  no problem.  we're trying to get in touch with everyone to get permission to fix the problem, but it's kinda hard b/c it's a connecting corner for four yards, and two people rent and two are never ever home.  in order to fix it we have to add chain link connecting all 4 yards, so i really need to get permission just to be "neighborly" and legal.  well, the neighbor of our neighbor apparently has a problem with caine being in maleena's yard, even though we have her permission  ??? and started a fight with hubby saying he "doesn't want to have to take care of the dog on his own"  WELL, lemme tell you.  i found out that ALL FOUR of the dogs who have been running the neighborhood belong to him, i saw him in the yard with them all.  the smaller ones have tried to bite not only me but the AC officer too, and have even gone as far as attempting to back me into our fence corner (they're small, but what if it were my kids).  talk about double standards!  hubby said not to call AC b/c he doesn't want to start a pissing contest, and one of our dogs get hurt by him, but i feel like he doesn't have any right to start a fight because our dog is in our neighbors yard who doesn't have a problem with it esp. considering all four of his run the neighborhood daily ???

Food Discussion & Information / has anyone ever bought these...
« on: March 09, 2007, 11:45:05 am »
dog treats??


Great for older dogs and puppies to digest and is a favorite natural treat. It contains 72% crude protein and it is 100% beef lung dehydrated without artificial flavors or preservatives. They are very light weight large pieces that are easy to chew, approximately 10 large pieces in a four ounce bag.  They have a light pleasant odor.

Food Discussion & Information / BAD treats for your dog...
« on: March 09, 2007, 11:40:24 am »
just thought i'd post a topic to start a discussion about treats.  i know i've found a few treats that i just don't think are good for my dogs, so i thought maybe we could share for our own info. 

one treat i will NOT give my dogs are the Omega Paw DRLG Dental Rings.  i got this when i had first got axle b/c it was recommended that i get a dental ring for him.  well, being new to BIG dog treats, i didn't know what they were, and found out after i had bought it that they are made from corrugated cardboard layers!  not only are they super messy, axle destroyed it and ate the pieces while he was chewing it in his crate (his "bed").

there is a group of FOUR dogs that run our streets EVERY day, like clock work.  there's a golden retriever looking dog about 70lbs, and then, i know you're going to laugh at me, 2 chihuahua mixes about 20lbs and a jack russel terrier.  it really bothers me b/c they're trying to get IN my fenced yard, WITH my dogs.  it causes fights between my dogs, like today caine got his head stuck in the fence and it got REALLY messed up (we're going to see the vet right down the street to see if anything needs to be done), and axle then went after him, for some unknown reason.  so today, i called animal control, because we're ALWAYS having problems with these same dogs, and they told me "we'll try to have someone come out today and see if they're still running loose" i was like, well, UH, they all went in different directions right after i got pictures of 3 out of 4 of them!  he then asked if i knew where they lived...  WELL, if i did, i would have already said something to their owners!!  that's YOUR job to catch them and find out WTH!  i'm so frustrated with this, because i can't even leave my dogs outside for a little bit b/c these dogs are out all the time!

Great Dane Pictures / oh diesel! you are SO caught! *pics*
« on: March 01, 2007, 02:08:50 pm »
came into my living room to find this, and thought it was too cute and i just hadda share!

hope you have a great birthday today, and get to do a ton of great stuff!

Group Discussions & Photos / i'm so excited!
« on: February 27, 2007, 02:32:57 pm »
today me, axle, and the puppy went SHOPPING!  we got an offer from the petsmart trainer that if i pay for an intermediate class for axle, i'll get a free puppy class for the baby, too.  the problem = the days that the classes are on, hubby works and the times are really iffy on if he'll be home yet or not, so i had to say no.  :'( anywho, we bought the puppy a second shirt (a "summer" shirt), a bed, and a ton of toys.  we also got everybody else some treats, too!  it was a ton of fun to get out and be able to buy little cute stuff, instead of practical, "big paw" things!

Food Discussion & Information / question about red dye in food
« on: February 27, 2007, 09:09:09 am »
i read that red dyes in food can cause tear stains in dogs to be pretty bad.  here's the question.  the puppy will eat the red pieces of food more so than the others, and is starting to get really bad tear stains that go all the way under his eyes, like bags.  should i change his food??

Group Discussions & Photos / i'm so proud of axle *pics*
« on: February 26, 2007, 06:10:01 pm »
he was such a good sport today, and behaved SO great!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / puppy pictures
« on: February 26, 2007, 12:01:44 pm »
just thought i'd share a few puppy pictures.  i know he's not a big paw by standard, but he's family and has the heart of a giant paw!  things are straightening out with him, i caught him sitting with diesel on the couch, but couldn't get the camera fast enough.  we went out and bought him a kitty toy, that's about his size.  still no potty accidents!

my hubby's attempts to be a "better husband" are making me laugh so hard.  he asked what i consider a great hubby, and i told him, "the sweet kind of guy who does things unexpected like bring home unexpected puppys, or flowers or something"...  well.  he took me literal, and we had been talking about my mom's two chihuahua's coming to visit for a month (she's going to south america b/c she's been activated for the army) which went through b/c she doesn't have the time to meet us to drop them off.  i was a little upset b/c i love them SO much, and was so excited to have visitors who would actually fit IN my lap, not ON my lap, not to mention it's been overly quite since scout left  :'( so, today, hubby comes home with an "unexpected gift" with four legs who breaths.  he got me a little bitty apple head chihuahua puppy.  he's so cute!  hubby said his name is "chewy" b/c my dogs look at him like he IS a chewy!  very unexpected, very much a surprise, and a big shock!  i had to share pics.  now for the problem.  so far my big fur kids haven't shown any aggression towards him, but chewy is very very hateful towards them.  he's 3 months old, and i know it's just him getting used to them not to mention the pure shock of their size compared to his, but i'd like to try to correct it before my dogs get tired of him being attached to their top lips.  any advice?

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