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Topics - KiraNGunnersmom

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After I get him full and I thought satisfied with his green beans and cottage cheese add ins,  he decides he wont eat his kibble anymore!!!  the little/big turd actually licks and picks out  the beans and cheese and leaves the kibble on the floor!!
Now he will walk over to Kira's bowl and eat her food, and she eats plain kibble most of the time.  I dont get it!!!
Kira's food is alot higher in protein so he cant have that.  He was on BB large breed puppy with 28% protein, switched him to Nature's recipe LB puppy(he had BAD gas and loose stools on it) switched him to Eagle pack holistic LB puppy and all the baddness from the NR went away, stools are great, gas is minor or should i say normal :-\ but now big head is being picky!! He has been eating the EP for 3 weeks and I really dont want to do another switch on him. He would be happy to eat green beans and cottage cheese all day long.  Anyone else go/going through this with thier puppy?
Anyone want to take him, figure him out for me then send him back(j/k I couldnt imagine not waking to his snoring or him plopping on me when wants some love)

Group Discussions & Photos / They left this morning......
« on: June 23, 2008, 07:34:36 am »
Our friends left to go back to NC this am :'(   Sometimes I despise military life, you meet great people and then have to leave them behind or they leave you...freakin sucks!
We had a great time though, it's been a year since we all saw one another and it was as though we werent apart for one day,  even the kids picked up where they left off.
Poor Gunner walks around looking for Drake and Kira is sulking.

Click the link to see pic's from the pups time together.

Akita Pictures / My poor Kira
« on: June 21, 2008, 11:18:03 am »
She is soo sore from all the playing she is doing with the boys.  She was struggling to get up and it looks like she may have pulled a muscle on her left rear side.  She isnt limping once she gets moving though.  The vet said she could have up to 400MG buffered asprin a day.  She also isnt eating as much as she usually does, I think it may be all the distractions in the house with 4 additional kids and 2 adults and Drake running around here.
The boys were sore the morning after the first full day everyone was here.  They play so much and almost non-stop.
It has been so much fun having Drake here for Gunner and Kira.  Gunner plays alot more than Kira but he and drake are both still so young and she is almost 7.
I have been having issues with Gunner humping male dogs,  he doesnt do it to Kira at all but our friends husky and now Drake, he will hump at any given moment.  we cant seem to get him to stop.
I will post some pic's and maybe some video soon.

and so excited because friends that we were stationed with in Va with and took orders and moved to WA with us are coming to stay with us. 
I miss them so much.  They have 3 kids, same ages as ours and a chocolate lab, drake, that I miss.  He loved to goose my hubby and oh my, does he love Kira.  I cant wait to see those two reunited and for him to meet Gunner.
Dont mind me for the next few days as I will probably flood the board with posts.  I have some new pic's i want to upload of the puppers and my family.

He thought Gunner was a fila mastiff.  He showed me the bandaged up thigh of his that a 7 mos Fila gave him 2 weeks ago.  He had 13 stitches on his thigh. He said that Gunner was identical to the one that had attacked him.  Gunner is an english/bull mastiff mix.
I had ordered some food from K9 cuisine and it finally got here.  It's been awhile since this guy as delivered to us and he has met Kira before but never met Gunner.
I tried to convince him that Gunner is non-aggresive but he said it's too soon for him.  I felt bad for him and Gunner.  Gunner looked so hurt that the man wouldnt pet him.

Gunner is 15 weeks old and weighs 40 lbs.  the vet says his weight is perfect and he is on the lean side and she wants him to stay that way through puppyhood and is better for his joints and growth pattern but my problem is he wants more food. He will walk over to Kira's food and push her out of her bowl and eat what she has.  I feed him 2 cups twice a day(cant do a mid-day feed because im at work) and that is already 1/4 a cup over the recommended amount.
Is there anything I can add to his food to be more filling and satisfy him but not make him a tub-o-lard?

The kids want to bake cookies and I refuse because I will eat them all :o  So I asked them what they thought about making some for the pups and for once in my life my teenagers AGREED with me!!!
SO if anyone has any recipes or a site that has any and is willing to share, please let me know.

Games & Jokes / NDR- a little PMS humor
« on: June 04, 2008, 08:01:25 pm »
The Hormone Hostage

The Hormone Hostage knows that there are days in the month when all a man has to do is open his mouth and he takes his life in his own hands! This is a handy guide that should be as common as a driver's license in the wallet of every husband, boyfriend, co-worker or significant other!


What's for dinner?
 Can I help you with dinner?
 Where would you like to go for dinner?
 Here, have some wine.
Are you wearing that?
 Wow, you sure look good in brown!
 WOW! Look at you!
 Here, have some wine
What are you so worked up about?
 Could we be overreacting?
 Here's my paycheck.
 Here, have some wine.
Should you be eating that?
 You know, there are a lot of apples left.
 Can I get you a piece of chocolate with that?
 Here, have some wine.
What did you DO all day?
 I hope you didn't over-do it today.
 I've always loved you in that robe!
 Here, have some more wine.

13 Things PMS Stands For:

1 Pass My Shotgun

2 Psychotic Mood Shift

3 Perpetual Munching Spree

4 Puffy Mid-Section

5 People Make me Sick

6 Provide Me with Sweets

7 Pardon My Sobbing

8 Pimples May Surface

9 Pass My Sweat pants

10. Pissy Mood Syndrome

11. Plainly; Men Suck

12. Pack My Stuff

and my favorite one.

13. Potential Murder Suspect

Pass this on to all of your hormonal friends and those who might need a good laugh!

...Or men who need a warning.

And remember: Money talks .... but Chocolate SINGS!!!


Food Discussion & Information / Missing link plus supplement
« on: May 28, 2008, 08:02:20 am »
Last night one of my neighbors brought us a puppy basket that she put together for Gunner.  In it she bought a bag of the missing link plus stuff.  I have never used this and was wondering if it's any good.  she also put some doggie desserts (natural choice, healthy desserts)in the basket.  I have to say both of my pups loved it.  She had frozen them and cut it into halves and she gives them to her labs as treats.
She put a bunch of rawhide chews that I will not give to him or Kira and some greenies (but dont they have to be at least 6 mos old to have the greenies?)and some other squeaky toys.
She is in love with my dogs.  When we first moved here she offered to trade a lab pup for Kira.  That was an affirmative no!!  And now she is spoiling Gunner too!

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Need advice, Gunner hurt himself.
« on: May 25, 2008, 09:33:16 pm »
My crazy pup hurt his rear right leg late last night.  He has a slight limp now.  He has allowed us to touch it and doesnt cry out in pain with it when he walks.
My hubby and I were playing around(totally G-rated) and he was in the bed and I ran out of the room and he jumped off the bed to follow me.  He didnt yelp then or even act like he hurt himself,  it wasnt until later that I noticed the limp.  What should I do until I can get him to the vet on Tues.?  There is no swelling and aside from the limp he is acting normal, trying to play with kira(which im not letting him do)following us from room to room.

and Kira the furmenator and some "dry" shampoo for in between groomings and now I am a broke joke!!!!!

I decided to change Gunner's food after much reading into the protein content.  I was feeding him BlueBuffalo LB puppy but the protein was 28%.  I found Nature's receipe LB puppy at the local petsmart and it has the no corn, no beef, no wheat or by-products I was looking for in a food as well as a much lower protein and it's just about $5-6 $$$$ cheaper.
Then we were borrowing a friend's husky crate and saw that G is gonna out grow that real soon and went bought him the one for the Mastiff sized dogs.  My seven year old has used it as a playhouse already today.  That thing is huge!!!! 

I finally got a furmenator for Kira to keep some of the shedding down.  Last night my husband combed off enough fur to make a body wig for a sheltie!

I want to start Kira and Gunner on hip and joint supplements.  the vet said Kira could be started at 1000mg of glucosamine and it wouldnt be a bad idea to get Gunner on one as well.
Neither of my  guys have any issues, I just want to help Kira as she ages and protect gunner's joints as he grows.
Any advice or recommendation s will be greatly appreciated.
BTW, they ae both on food that has glucosamine and chondrotin in it.

I bought Gunner and Kira each a beef knob bone 2 days ago.
TOday Gunner finished off his, as in ate, the last of his and is now working on Kira's.  She doesnt chew on hers much,  she gets the marrow out and flavor basting off and she's done.
My question is would raw beef bones last longer and be better or just buy the bigger basted ones.  the bones really help when he "needs" to chew and it's a great tool to redirect him when he gets ahold to something he shouldnt be chewing on.
I think I read somewhere that pork bones are bad? 

Gunner went to the vet today and weigh's 32 lbs, was micro-chipped, rabies and the other boosters they get at 12 weeks.
He did great,  still having some leash issues with him.  At least we arent having too drag him now.  It's just in door ways, almost like he has a phobia of doorways.
He got to see a few other dogs there and was so excited. I really need to find some pups his size to play(for with.  he has Kira, but if she isnt in the mood to play, it isnt going to happen!

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