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Topics - mastiffmommy

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Old English Mastiff Discussions / Sharing the slobbers
« on: June 06, 2005, 03:27:33 pm »
So, we went to petsmart a couple of days ago. Galahad did his usual thing, went through the store and picked out a toy and then strolled down the food isles. We met a lab. puppy with an older lady in the other end of the leash. By then Galahad had worked up a couple of looooong slimy cables hanging from both corners of his mouth. The lady of course asked what kind he was and asked if he was okay with other dogs. I said yes and they started to play. First thing that happens is that Galahad places his head on the labs back, drags it all the way down to the tail and leaves a loooong big yucky slimy slobber allllll over the poop puppy  ::)

Did I have the always needed "snot rag" with me???? NOOOOOO of course not. The lady looked at me in a way that made me feel like I was 6 years old and I said "ohhh I am soooo sorry, he slobbered a little on your dog" The lady said "I can see that" and I was now 4 years old. I usually dont come into a situation where I dont know what to say or do, but for some reason this lady made me nervous, I mean NERVOUS....... .... Before I knew it, I had stretched out my hand and wiped it off with my bare hand  :o There I was with a handful of slobber and a husband who looked at me as if I had totally lost it. The lady stared at me as if was I a freak, so what do I do...... I wipe my hand off on my black dress  ::) :P :-[ I smiled pretty and said "see you" which I really really hope I never do.

I have had several slobber moments with other peoples dogs involved but none like this, huuuuu..... thinking of her eyes still makes me blush


Anything Non-Dog Related / HOW DO YOU ADD A PIC TO PM???
« on: June 05, 2005, 09:50:55 pm »
I was trying to send Jamie my entry but I cant figure out how to get a pic into the message, anyone knows???


saw you were online now, sooo.... when are we entering the padgent and when voting. I have gone a little crazy here, stoole clothes from hubby and lend a dress to hera that Malin said "mommy I didnt get to borrow that dress, and now you put it on the dog" hehehe But now I cant wait to enter this padgent, I am not a padgent mom, my kids never entered any, so I am "padgent starved"


Anything Non-Dog Related / HEEEELP
« on: June 03, 2005, 10:36:33 pm »
K... Girls, Now I am wide open for virus and god knows else. And I still get "a pop up window was blocked" I have exited all my  pop up blocking programs, virus programs and it still says it is blocking this pop up window meanwhile I have gotten 15 stupid pop ups already. Anyone has any idea

Okay Jamie can you send Michael over please  ::)


Anything Non-Dog Related / Nicker and Gypsy......
« on: June 03, 2005, 11:38:36 am »
I was just thinking about you two, and wondered how things are.

with you nicker...... Did you have that x-ray yesterday??? Do you know anything more, or will you have to wait longer before you know how good or bad things are. Please let us know.

Gypsy...... I have not heard anything about how your brother is doing in a while, I hope he is doing well, is he home from hospital yet, or will he have to go to some kind of rehab. place first?


Old English Mastiff Pictures / Crazy pics.....
« on: June 02, 2005, 03:28:37 pm »
We have all shared the cute, the pretty, the hadsome and the adorable, how about sharing the crazy, nutty and silly ones with flying lips and ears and not very flattering  ::)

Ill go first hehe  ;D


Old English Mastiff Discussions / Galahad has been to the vet
« on: June 02, 2005, 03:14:31 pm »
Soooo we are home and Galahad is totally upset with me, because not only did he endure the first shot, I told the vet to go get another one, Bordatella. So the poor guy had to get another one.

But maybe he got over it when we stopped and got him the burger, he was tired though, so he only gulped it up and went back to sleep.

He is growing nicely, last visit he was 33 lbs, today he was 58,2 lbs, he is 14 weeks, I would rather he didnt grow quite as fast but as long as all his joints look like they are not suffering, but I spoke to the vet about starting to feed adult dog food, with only 17% protein, and he thought sounds like a good idea, so ill start to change over while I still have the other food.

He will be going back in 3 weeks to get his rabies, and for the vet to see how he is doing on adult dog food


Old English Mastiff Discussions / We are going to the vet.
« on: June 02, 2005, 11:13:20 am »
Well today is our appointment for boosters for Galahad. The app. is 2.20, he tells me he isnt looking forward to it  ;) I will also have a good talk about Hera when I am there anyway.

Last time we went to the vet. he was 33 lbs. so it will be interesting to see how much weight he has put on since last time.

He is now trying to push me away from the puter, so he can type a "sos, 911" message to you all, hmmmm wonder if he feels he needs rescuing  :P


Old English Mastiff Discussions / Galahad does not like rain....
« on: June 02, 2005, 11:10:03 am »
Hi and morning everyone, well not morning anylonger. But I have realized that if I want anything at all done here, it has to be done before I go online, after that its just not going to happen. So this morning I have cleaned X-mans cage (Mattias My son named the poor bird) And it takes a long time to feed and potty all dogs, since I have to keep them separated. Pyppydog we picked up, hasnt really helped, since that added another one having to keep away from Zeus and Galahad (Zeus because he is grouchy and Galahad because he has boosters to get) Anyway its been a real rainy morning here. Galahad woke me up around 6 and said mommy I need to go peepee, so up we went and when I opened the front door Galahad must have thought I was crazy, I didnt for real expect him to go outside in that horrible rain did I???? He totally bolted, I tried to do the silly talk, nope..... I tried to pull, nope...... I tried to actually put a foot in his behind and push him out, nope...... He just looked like I was about to break his neck, his rear end was moving towards the head but he would still not move. I dropped the leash to re-arrange the umbrella, HE WAS GONE, he ran back into the bedroom, and up into the bed, with leash and all. When I came in there He was pressed onto my pillow and looked like he was getting ready to hang on for dear life in the headboard should I try and get him out of there again. HE DOES NOT LIKE RAIN  ;D

It was raining real hard, they said on the weather that it came down about 3/4 of and inch per hour, I thought okay well if you dont have to go thats fine (knowing that he had to, he had woke me up after all) You could tell it was raining, it hit the windows in the bedroom quite hard, so I am sure Galahad figured out that that was what that wet nasty stuff out there sounded like. He didnt move until 10.50 when it didnt rain much anylonger, He almost ran into the kitchen (he still hasnt got the hang of the going to the door thing) we JUST made it out, I think he peed for 10 min  ::)

It is now raining bad again, so I'll have to see how this day is going. I wonder if they have doggy umbrellas??? I used to have boots to one dog with very sensetiv pads, when I lived in SW. in the winter when we walked her on sanded and salted roads it hurt her pads, so she had cute little green boots, now.... I can picture Galahad in boots  ::) but if he doesnt get over his rain fobia, I have to figure something out, or he will get bladder inf.


Anything Non-Dog Related / Good Night All.....
« on: June 01, 2005, 11:47:20 pm »
I am on the east coast, so it is 1.44 am here. Hubby thinks I have totally deserted him and the kids are all grouchy because mommy is spending way too much time on BPO. I guess I have to leave you for tonight, if I could I would bring my puter to bed, but I dont have wireless puter yet, so it will be some time before I can do that   :P

Keep your paws crossed for puppydoggy and that her owners call tomorrow and cant wait to get her home. She is a darling but is an escape artist, so to the point where my hubby thinks that someone dropped her off, just so they wouldnt have to have the problem with her constantly trying to get out. I sure  hope not, that would be too sad. I still have hope that she will have a home to go to and wont need a new one.

Nighty night everyone see ya tomorrow


Old English Mastiff Discussions / Now I've seen it all
« on: May 31, 2005, 11:18:43 pm »
Now I dont think there is anything more I can see that will make me wonder what in the world is that dog doing...... Today Galahad made me laugh soooo hard I almost fainted. Okay it wasnt all funny but as usual when he does bad things he crackes me up so I can't get mad at him.

I was cleaning my bathroom (after Galahads big makeover last night) Galahad was in my bedroom playing with his toys. I sat down on the bed for awhile to take a break from all the magic eraser work, and saw him laying down, then he kinda tilted over just a light bit to one side. I didnt think much about it, then he just a tad lifted his tail. I got worried because I thought he was hurting somewhere, he looked totally uncomfortable. So I petted him and said ohhhh Galahad how are you doing...... That's when I heard it...... He was peeing!!!!! My baby dog was lying down peeing, and he was doing it in my bedroom...... ::)

I have never before seen a dog lie down while peeing, when he was done he had to move because he did not want to lie in it. So that much for being lazy and not getting up to pee...... I have no idea where it came from, he is usually real good and dont have many accidents at all, but this wasnt even an accident, just totally lazy and couldnt be bothered to get up.

It is bad though, when you are supposed to say BAAAAD BOY and instead you have to give it your all to not crack up so he sees it lol.....


Not one day goes by without reading how nice this site is, how everyone feels so at home and relaxed and accepted here. There are a few people who are working very hard to make this place run and work the way it does. And listen to all the ideas that comes from the members. Not only listen but work even harder to make it happen.

I would like to post this thread so we all can tell how much we appreciate the wonderful work they do.

Thanks a million you guys, we love you and if we were there you'd get lots of hugs and slobbery kisses


Doberman Discussions / How should puppies be raised???
« on: May 31, 2005, 04:29:26 pm »
I am throwing out that question after I visited my MIL over the weekend. She had dobie puppies and I dont think we have the same idea about how puppies should be kept or taken care of. I am not saying my way is the right so it would be interesting to hear what you all think.

First of all, the mama is 5 years old and had puppies for the very first time, to me that is a bit too old for a first litter. The puppies are now 5 weeks old and she has them separated from their mom the whole day, they only get to nurse and be with her during the night. To me the mama looked like she was not comfortable, since she is nursing during night, she is still producing milk, but then has to be without any nursing the whole day so she seemed very "milk heavy" and a bit hard and red and warm. The puppies, being only 5 weeks, well I think they need to see a bit more of their mommy than only at night, after all 5 weeks isnt very old  :)

They have a puppy box in the garage, it is an attatched garage so its not like they are in an "outhouse" but since it gets rather hot here during daytime, and there is no aircond. or heat, I have a hard time seing how she can keep a good temp in there at all times. The box has wood shavings, you know the kind you can buy in stores for pocket pets, it must have been cedar in it too because it smelled like that. The puppies had eye discharges, not a lot but it was absolutely there, and I was thinking that the dust and little particles from the shaving may cause that, but I dont know. And the over all impression of the puppies was that they were not clean, a little dusty and just  not the shiny, nice looking coats you usually see on pups, and the nice wonderful puppy smell, well their breath but not their bodies. It is 3 girls and 1 boy

She has been breeding dobies for years, or rather she used to breed for years, have not in the last 10 or so, until this litter that is. She is going to keep one and give one to my sister in law, the two other well, she asked me to look up a place on internet, a site to sell the puppies  :o She had heard from the guy who is the owner of the male, that he always sold them on the net, because he got so much more for them there, than he did if he just sold them around here....... I did see the "breeder" who had the male and how he keeps his dogs, and hmmmm it is not so bad so you could report it, but small runs, and I mean SMALL, dirty and poop everywhere in there, since it was so small they pooped everywhere and he obviously didnt clean up too often. He had like 7 to 8 females and said he had about 10 litters a year. Sooooo obvious that the only reason he is breeding is for the money, not for the good of the breed, not because he loves dogs, just for the money.... and that makes me feel sick to my stomach.

Soooo there I was, trying to nicely point out the things I thought the puppies and their mom needed but even though she didnt say anything I know she will not do anything about anyting and thought I was a big "know it all'er" Soooo how would you all keep puppies, how do you keep them if you breed??


Old English Mastiff Discussions / Galahads makeover....
« on: May 31, 2005, 12:45:21 am »
Sooo.... we went to the movies and then to play some pool with the kids this eve. Everyone who read "we found a dog" knows we have a dog here that we are trying to help find mommy and daddy for. She has been outside in the backyard since we brought her home, it has been a super weather and she has been okay out there. I could not bring her in since Galahad still doesnt have all the shots. Anyway, today it was raining so I had to figure out how I could bring her in without having her meet Galahad. So I decided she was going to be in the laundry room. When we left I had to put up Galahad too because he isnt to be trusted when we are gone for more than just a short while. He is usually in the laundry room, but that was occupied  :) I let him be in our bathroom (easy floor to mop)

We had a great time, and when we came home I went straight to Galahad to take him out for a peepee, I was about to fall over...... :o We have dual sinks and a long counter, so plenty of space, and since I was real late when we were leaving I left lots of things out (late because I was on BPO until one sec. before we had to go)

He had decided to do makeup with my foundation, he got quite a bit on himself but most was on the floor and walls. He also wanted to have a good breath so he had brushed his teeth with toothpaste and the toilet brush  :-\ I am sooooo glad it is a brush that is there for "good looks" only and not one we actually use  ::) Well not so good looking now, it is rather chewed and the "holder" was cracked. He also thought he needed to do his hair, but must not have been happy with his new style because he killed the hairbrush. He had somehow managed to open one of the drawers and being such a hard working puppy, figured he needed deo. I have no idea if any of it actually made it to his pitts, but the bathroom mats wont sweat anytime soon  ;D He also trashed a sponge Jennifer keeps in our bathroom, a sponge on a "stick" for scrubbing her back, DEAD.......... And as if that wasnt enough I had forgot to put the trashcan up, he had emptied it all over the floor and I guess he did not like the design on the bathroom stuff I had because he killed the trashcan.

First I was just staring, and then I soooo wanted to laugh. Galahad sat in the middle of it all, gave me the "I have nooooothing to do with this mess" look and had foundation and toothpaste all over and a piece of Jennifers sponge haning from his mouth  ;D He actually looked adorable, I didnt tell him that though lol.......

Galahad is now smelling good again, after his bath. But my bathroom is in urgent care of some kind of magic cleaning, maybe even a paint job. But he is sooooo cute, I forgive him lol......

What would I do without my babies, life would be soooo boring, I would have a clean house, clothes with no dog hair and wouldnt trip over dog toys.


Newfoundland Pictures / PICS OF "WE FOUND A DOG"
« on: May 29, 2005, 02:06:51 pm »
Well I now know that it is a she, and she is sooooo cute, no doubt that it will be no fun when her owner comes for her, well not true I really really hope we can find her parents, she is such a doll and Im sure she misses them as much as I am sure they miss her. But I can for sure see why she was a dirty girl when we picked her up, she loooooves dirt  ;D. We have a corner in the backyard where we have a small run, that we use when we babysit one of our friends dogs (they are not too fond of other dogs, so they can not be with my babies) Anyway, that is the dusty, sandy and when wet muddiest place in the yard, it goes under the name THE corner here lol..... Anyway, puppydoggy loves that place, she has already dug up stuff I had no idea we had in the backyard, every time I go out to check on her, she looks up with totally brown nose and then goes all crazy and jumps all over me, I did a test to see if she had any idea about sit, hehehehe either she is a good actor or she had absolutely no idea. The more I look at her, the more uncertain I am of what she actually is. The profile still looks like a flat to me, but she has too much coat, and in a way she looks a bit like a new. but I think too pointy nose, mind you I have never had any newfs myself so I am  no good there. Let me know what you all think she is, I know it is hard to see on a pic, and she was not exactly "co-oping" as soon as I put the cam to my eye, she was all in it. jumping and climbing on me, but I got a few that shows her.


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