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Messages - nohesnotahorse

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Mattie often gets labeled as a greyhound, which is understandable because she's a small dane with unusual coloring, but she does not have a pointy nose!

Now I need your help coming up with a fake breed name to tell people.  Nobody we meet has ever seen a dog that looks like her, so I could be very convincing, I'm sure.  Any ideas??  I mean, what could THIS be?????  ;D

Isn't that one of those Apalusian Polkenhunds?   ;D

Great Dane Pictures / Re: Lazy Bum
« on: December 09, 2005, 12:17:53 pm »
lol  - I have his negative image doing the same thing right now...

Mixed Breed Pictures / Re: Pita pictures I promised
« on: December 08, 2005, 07:38:08 pm »
She's gorgeous!  Hope that she will keep those beautiful blue eyes.

When you were in school were you the jock, class clown, nerd, stoner,  average joe or what?

What was your field of study and, looking back, would you change it?

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: New--and unexpected--great dane owner
« on: December 08, 2005, 11:07:39 am »
Welcome!!  It's wonderful that you have taken in that girl and given her a home and a wonderful name.  We're all wishing you many happy years with her.  And, as has been said previously, we will definitely need to see some pictures!

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: santa??? no, just a big newfie puppy!
« on: December 08, 2005, 10:51:24 am »
LOL - I've been trying to work with my boys this week in prep for taking our Christmas card phto this weekend.  It hasn't gone particularly well, neither of the big boys are as easy-going about it as m last dane, Alexander was.  But I did get this shot of Chance with a Santa hat on (it stayed on for 3, maybe 4 seconds and I got this shot just before he sent it flying  :o ).

"Sometimes if I can sense the person asking already has an attitude I tell them he's a Lochbuie Lurcher imported from England and he cost me $5,000. "

I love that... I've been known to tell particularly obnoxius people that Feste is a 'rare Macedonian Chihauhau'... and I've had them take it hook, line and sinker - and all with the most mpressed-sounding 'wow'.  ;D

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: too many "cooks" in the kitchen
« on: December 07, 2005, 09:53:01 pm »
LOL.. y'all are really making me glad I made the kitchen the cat's "safe" room and that the boys respect the baby gates!  :D

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Adding to the pack-suggestions, please!
« on: December 07, 2005, 09:42:46 pm »

(man! Am I going to catch h*ll for that statement or what! At least this is in the Pyr Discussion forum, and not the general BPO forum. I'm not worred about the Rotty people reading this, I'm supprised THEY can read at all. But the great dane people do read, and they stick their big snouts in EVERYWHERE!)

(gee! I just don't know when to shut up, do I!)

OK PupD, here goes another 'Big-Snouted' dane person nosing in (of course since I also have a rotti-chow mix, you nailed me with that jab too. (?!) )    ::)  :P

Anyway, I have had to go through the intro phase 2 times in the last 7 months.  I definitely agree that it would probably be better to do this sooner rather than later.  Get all the change over at one time rather than letting him just get comfortable and then up-ending his world again.

As long as you have the ability to train and/or the access to assistance with training, having 2 big dogs really shouldn't be a problem.  My 3 weigh a combined +/- 320 pounds - I'm nowhere near that and I take them walking at the same time by myself. 

Definitely go with a rescue if your heart is leaning that way; they make incredible pets and you are literally saving a life.  PupDaddy's intro to a rescue in your area could be an invaluable foot in the door.  Who knows, he might even give you an intro to one of those 'heathen' dane rescues in your area....  ;D

There's no better place than home when you aren't feeling well.  I hope he makes a full and speedy recovery.

Feste gets the 'What a big greyhound' comment all the time.  Sometimes i correct people, and other times I just wonder to myself where there are seeing all these 6'4" greyhounds that they are comparing to.  As if Feste would stoop to chasing a mechanized stuffed bone in a circle!!  ;D

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Happy Birthday Jamie
« on: December 05, 2005, 01:14:39 am »
Happy Birthday!!  :D  :D  :D

Games & Jokes / Re: Guide to Cross Breeding DOgs...
« on: December 04, 2005, 11:07:11 pm »

Keeshond x Setter = Keester, you can't get this dog off its duff.

They've already crossed this one... they just call it a 'Great Dane'!

LoL  thanks for the laugh, Cricket.    :D

I'm the same way... I love seeing other Danes (and other big paws in general).  I always try to meet the pooch and the person and exchange "saddle stories"... LoL

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Bryce!
« on: December 01, 2005, 04:05:18 pm »
It's easy - hit reply or post  and below the window that you write your post in is a link for additional options.  Click on that, use the browse button to select the photo you want to add and post.  If you want to dd more than 1 pic, click on (more attachment) to the right of the browse button.

Anyway, welcome!, and please put some more pics up.. he's a handsome boy.

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