Author Topic: Adding to the pack-suggestions, please!  (Read 8054 times)

Offline LaurieW

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Re: Adding to the pack-suggestions, please!
« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2005, 09:15:34 pm »
I don't see any reason to wait & agree with (eeeek!!! Sorry Marsi & Anky!) Marsi's reasoning..... .as for breed specific or mix of breeds - it's more important that the dogs at least start by liking each other - take Bo with you when you go & check out the rescue dogs in your area - get a feel for how she gets along with others that aren't part of her "pack" (mom & uncle)'ll help in the long run too to know that even if the dogs seem to like each other at the foster parent's home, they still  have to go thru an adjustment phase and establish who's in charge of their new pack - it took mine about 10-15 days each time a new dog was added/taken away (adopted) in & out of the pack.
Good luck!  This should be a happy & exciting thing to get to do:  Go dog shopping!!!  ;D

edited to change "Anky" to "Marsi" :-\
« Last Edit: December 06, 2005, 09:19:10 pm by LaurieW »

Offline Good Hope

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Re: Adding to the pack-suggestions, please!
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2005, 11:42:59 am »
Marsi is right. Don't wait. I think maybe Bo is off because of no back up. Since, Bo is used to having back up. Bringing in another dog may solve your problem. Does your trainer have lots of experience with LGD breeds? (Please do not take offense.) I have noticed that many trainers sometimes are really clueless with LGDs. They are excellent trainers with basic obedience and wonderful with the majority of breeds, but until experienced with an LGD, they tend to give advise that is off base. KWIM?

Think about taking Pupdaddy's advise and look into a rescue. Ask him to help introduce you to the local rescue and assist you with the application BEFORE you fill it out. I think you'll be quite pleased when you find another Pyr to add to your family.

Just a thought...

Offline Mark Dozier

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Re: Adding to the pack-suggestions, please!
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2005, 05:06:33 pm »
PupDaddy you are gonna catch Heck away. You stinky little specieist.
My big girl is a 10  y/o rottie. I also have a Walker Coon Hound and of couorse my Pyr. So being a mixed household is cool..
I let the dogs check out each other and if they are OK with the new criiter they join our pack. Sometimes some trainiers don't klnow all they think they do. 6 months if your dog is hurting for a friend is to long to wait. At times like this listening to "Expert" advise is good but listen to dog with you heart and mot just on what say training that doesn't live with the dog says.
My rottie picked out the hound 2 days after Bear, my first Pyr died. So they who and what they need to bring home with them.
Mark Dozier
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Offline CalistogaPyr

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Re: Adding to the pack-suggestions, please!
« Reply #18 on: December 07, 2005, 06:51:15 pm »
Thanks, you guys!  I appreciate all the feedback.  In regards to my trainer...she's great and has been very good with Bo in the past, but I don't know how much experience she has specifically with LGDs.  I am hesitant to get another giant breed, though, because I would, lieterally, be outweighed by the dogs!  My husband works a lot and I am the primary caregiver of the animals, so the size issue is something that I have to keep in mind (currently I'm only about 10 pounds heavier than Bo...wait until after Christmas and I might have some more size on her!).  I keep going back & forth about bringing another dog into the house & sometimes I wonder why I've let our trainer be the boss of me!  Perhaps it's my own inexperience with dogs (Bo's my first), as well as my anxiety about being a good Dog Mom.  My husband is anxious to add to the pack, as am I, but I'm the most insecure of the two of us!! 
Jenn & Bo
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Offline BabsT

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Re: Adding to the pack-suggestions, please!
« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2005, 07:35:39 pm »
I can tell you I am a small female 5'3 and weighed 120-130 before being pregnant and when my dogs are full grown they will both be about 140 & 150.  It has nothing to do with the size of the dog it is how you are with the dogs....Good Luck and that TM i listed sure is a cutie!
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Offline nohesnotahorse

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Re: Adding to the pack-suggestions, please!
« Reply #20 on: December 07, 2005, 09:42:46 pm »

(man! Am I going to catch h*ll for that statement or what! At least this is in the Pyr Discussion forum, and not the general BPO forum. I'm not worred about the Rotty people reading this, I'm supprised THEY can read at all. But the great dane people do read, and they stick their big snouts in EVERYWHERE!)

(gee! I just don't know when to shut up, do I!)

OK PupD, here goes another 'Big-Snouted' dane person nosing in (of course since I also have a rotti-chow mix, you nailed me with that jab too. (?!) )    ::)  :P

Anyway, I have had to go through the intro phase 2 times in the last 7 months.  I definitely agree that it would probably be better to do this sooner rather than later.  Get all the change over at one time rather than letting him just get comfortable and then up-ending his world again.

As long as you have the ability to train and/or the access to assistance with training, having 2 big dogs really shouldn't be a problem.  My 3 weigh a combined +/- 320 pounds - I'm nowhere near that and I take them walking at the same time by myself. 

Definitely go with a rescue if your heart is leaning that way; they make incredible pets and you are literally saving a life.  PupDaddy's intro to a rescue in your area could be an invaluable foot in the door.  Who knows, he might even give you an intro to one of those 'heathen' dane rescues in your area....  ;D
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