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Messages - MafiaPrincess

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See most dog parks up here are come when you want.. You aren't a 'member'.. you just show up use the park, and no one is there to challenge you..
But some of the new parks beign set up have very specific rules, people to monitor the park all hours it is open, enforce rules..
Guess depends what type of park it is if anyone really ares or not :(

I think you were in the right.  While there is a fine line, you asked him to call his own dog off, and he was a jerk about it.
I like pits, they don't make me nervous, but 99% of them don't belong in a dog park, and too often that's when some trouble starts.

LOL, If Cider had your guys waking up skills I'd be in the clear, lol.
Having been litter trained, she's still a year later sketchy on informing me she has to go.. so she gets taken out a good number of times in a day and almost always goes.. she isn't a barker, so there's a bell on the door.. she understands the concept, when she's really gotta go she rings it.. but it isn't the easiest method especially when she's sick, and trapped in my bedroom.. :(

Some of the Americans on another board I'm on are shocked when I mention what local dog parks are like.  One lady goes to a park with doggie water fountains that they can puddle in the pool of water surrounding it, benches everywhere, lots of lush grass..

I'd like to see a do it yourself grooming area so you can at least wash and towel down your furkid if they got super dirty at the park.  That was a chronic problem at the last fog park I went to.

Thanks guys.. I took her out hourly, and finally had to crash at 5:30 this morning.. and feel crappy from a bad/ not enough sleep... but she seems okay this morning.  Though not too happy about being crated while I was home..
But this morning's poop was fairly formed, though not up to normal poopy quality, lol.

Just makes me wonder for future how to handle it best so she isn't all stressed out you know?
She was litterbox trained by her 'original' owner.. because we lived in an apt building.  Took a ton of dedication to get her to go outside, and then being firm when taking her outside and reinforcing it.. since being allowed to go in the house, and then not was confusing, and I totally felt bad for her.. but I needed her t ogo outside only..
So I think it's been ingrained that you don't go in the house, even though if I found an oops I wouldn't say anything to her about it.. not like she knows this.

Big Dogs with Jobs / Re: Dog Scouts of America
« on: May 02, 2006, 11:13:47 pm »
LOL that would rock.. we'd have to do get togethers to get the badges though :)

Long story..
AT my Gram's a few weeks ago Cider wouldn't settle in bed after we'd been there 3 or so nights.  Kept shaking (she does this when scared and excited.. thought maybe noises were bugging her) Couldn't sleep she was shaking circling wouldn't settle.. She does this some nights.. but it's going on 630am, I'm gettign a headache from lack of sleep.. so I crate her (she's crate trained, sleeps there if I'm away from home or can't watch her).  Get up at 11am, and before I can see her I smell her..

Dear lord.. There is poop on the crate bars, on the dog on the bed..  I feel so so bad for her I carry her outside and she lets more liquid poop go, but perks right up after.  Major clean up, and a few more poop during the day and by evening she seems herself.  Next day solid poops no probs.

Tonight.. She seemed good, get ready for bed and it sounds like a circus in my bedroom.. so I bring her into the bathroom.  Sniffing her bum non stop, won't settle, pacing.  Bring her to bed she shakes.  Take her out she poops.  Bring her to bed she shakes, take her out she pees.  Bring her to bed she shakes, back out lil more pee.  Currently crated, but now I can't sleep.

I think when it's pooped out she will be okay, and I'll fast and go to rice and chicken, that's fine.  I think it's a tummy bug, we've been recently to the vet, she's vacc against almost everything under the sun, and it came on pretty suddenly..  If it doesn't obviously I'll go to the vet..

My long winded story brought up this Q..
When your dog is ill, what do you do?  Crate and hope for the best, sleep by the door in case they really gotta go, something else?

I'm not sure what to do exactly to be as helpful as possible and make her feel okay.  My Mom thinks part of the shaking is due to her being so well house trained that she is afraid to let it go in the house.. and the thought that she doesn't feel well is making her more upset than she already is... I don't know but I think she might sorta have a point.

Food Discussion & Information / Re: Energy Boost.. What the.. ??
« on: May 02, 2006, 12:23:11 pm »
LOL.. I've been the queen of the food switchers..
when I didn't know better she came with nutrience, then iams, then I started to research.. couldn't find better than nutro, then wysong, eagle pack holistic, canidae, solid gold hund n flocken, wellness, and now solid gold wolf king.

And even though most of what we went with were 'good' foods.. I don't think she was doing as well with wellness as I thought.  As the amount of wellness per day goes down because it is finally being used up.. ber energy is going up.  Pain in the butt because my wellness suply was cheaper and had larger bags..

But, I totally understand an energy switch difference.  The hyper dog I had before was enough.. now she's like JRT hyper, lol.

Big Dogs with Jobs / Dog Scouts of America
« on: May 02, 2006, 12:15:51 pm »
So.. I think I am an uber geek.  I was reading old topics on a few boards maybe even this one.. I don't remember.. and found the dog scouts of america..
I was a brownie, a girl guide, a pathfinder, a ranger, a sparks leader and a brownie leader (yes, I know, I'm a geek) and I lived for collecting badges..
And I think it would rock my socks to earn badges with my pup.. Only I'm in Canada.. and the only group up here is in Alberta :(
They even offer camps with you and your dog involved.
So, am I super geeky.. or does this at least amuse other people even if they aren't the outdoorsy type?

Great Dane Pictures / Re: Hes such a sweet baby
« on: May 02, 2006, 10:26:39 am »

I'd crash totally if Cider wasn't wearing her seatbelt so she has to stay on the seat no matter ehat it is she'd like to be doing..

Great Dane Pictures / Re: Hes such a sweet baby
« on: May 02, 2006, 10:06:26 am »
How did your fur baby cause a hole in your van??

When I lived in St. Kitts we used to go to the park often.  Cider was liek 5-6 months old.. had basic OB, didn't listen worth a dam*.. but was far better at following my commands than almost any other dog we met.

They were mainly monsters.. Cause their dogs couldn't escape the fence.. they figured no training required.

I wouldn't want to take my dog who doesn't reliably listen to the park, but the majority of people in parks are the ones who's dogs have no manners...

I always take treats just in case I really need my dog to push it for something, like keeping her away from danger.  Though with permission I'll play and treat other people's dogs.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Watch dogs
« on: May 01, 2006, 04:32:33 am »
LMAO super cute.  Everyone should have a watchdog like that.

Great Dane Pictures / Re: Hes such a sweet baby
« on: May 01, 2006, 04:03:46 am »
*cries* I want one, they are all so beautiful..

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I've never read that it was a dominant behaviour.  It's a fairly normal one.  I've had plenty of submissive puppies try to lick me to death.  It's just a behaviour that you've accidentally taught.  Kinda like teaching a dog to pull harder on a leash unknowingly.

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