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Messages - TwoNewfies

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Boxer Discussions & Pictures / Re: New member
« on: June 25, 2005, 10:39:26 am »
Hi Dawn! Welcome to BPO! We're loking forward to talking with you and seeing more pictures of your babies! they are really adorable.  We have 2 Newfs, one is 11 months and the other is almost 4 month. We just took some new shots so we hope to post them soon.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Odd questions from groomers
« on: June 25, 2005, 10:36:40 am »
You guys are so great ;D  Thanks for the feedback!! Its so nice to know that others can relate!
It was funny because the other night we were walking the gang (that's what I call Rocco and Bella now) in our development and one man asked if Bella was a golden mix?!  Now that's one we havent gotten yet!!!  Another person the other week asked  if Rocco wasa Chow too.  And like sosmeone just said, we went into the explanation that he is a Newfoundland puppy, and the woman looked at us like "Yeah right. You obviously got screwed from the breeder. That's a Chow."  Now Mike and I can laugh about it. My husband, Mike, who is a jokester said that next time we're asked what breed they are, he is going to say a Chiuahua and Rottweiler mix, just to see the expression on their face ;D

Meet & Greet BPOers / Re: ANYONE IN MY AREA
« on: June 24, 2005, 11:19:30 am »
Sorry we're in Michigan! Hope you find some people out your way:)

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: Hello, Magick & I are New Here!
« on: June 21, 2005, 06:12:37 pm »
Welcome to the coolest site ever! You'll have so much fun! Can't wait to see more pictures of your baby!

Newfoundland Discussions / Odd questions from groomers
« on: June 17, 2005, 12:37:45 pm »
Hello! I don't know if anyone can relate to this or not.  It seems like whenever we take Bella out people always say, "What a beautiful dog! Is she a lab mix?....or is she a golden mix? or is she a Cheaspeake Bay Retriever?" Last time I took her to her first grooming appointment the woman said, "She's so cute. Is she a newf mix?" Mu husband and I just want to scream. I think what it is is this: Bella has a flat coat for a Newf, and people seem to expect that all Newfs have the fluffy coat. Many are sure she is a choc. lab. We feel like we should put a sign around her head saying "I'm a Newf people!!!"  Today I took Rocco to get groomed (just a bath and nail trim).  I said that he is a Newf and is about 45 lbs, and then he asked if he was 8 months old. HELLO!  Wouldnt an 8 month old Newf be just a BIT bigger than 45 pounds? He's only 13 weeks old.  Oh my gosh, I have to laugh it off because I thought that groomers would be a bit more knowledgabe than they present sometimes.   Just had to vent! thanks for listening ;D

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: I'm evil & a quick vent...
« on: June 17, 2005, 12:26:41 pm »
Gypsy, we totally relate with you. My family is good with our babies but my husbands family is another story. Mike's sister can not stand animals PERIOD.  She thought we were nuts when we got a matter of fact her response was, "A puppy?! You need to be working on having a baby."  I wanted to shoot her. Little does she know the infertility issues we are experiencing. It bothers us because she will never ask about Bella.  Bella and Rocco are huge part of our lives and by ignoring them she is ignoring us!  And now, if she comes over with her 2 kids she will take a ton of pictures with the kids and the babies because she wants them for her scrapbook.  She will have them pose with the dogs and I sit there and seethe. It kills me, that is really the only time she shows any interest in the dogs. When we got Rocco, she and Mike's dad really thought we lost it. His dad shook his head and said something like we're crazy.  They don't understand why we got such big dogs.  It really bothered us for a while but now we have the attitude that if they don't like the decisions we've made by getting Bella and Rocco then  too bad and if they don't care to be around the dogs, then they don't need to come over.Some people are judgemental, especially when you have large breeds, but our babies are so well behaved and so full of love and kisses, I swear you can't resist them.  Sorry if I sound a little testy, its a sore subject with us.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Newfs and their water drinking
« on: June 14, 2005, 03:21:28 pm »
Jen,  Good questions!  .." if he does have unlimited water will he take a drink and be done or will he have at it constantly?  Because the answer to those questions would change the advise given.

Rocco would take a drink and be done  and a few minutes later he'll drink again. He only "freaks out", maybe I should say, feels more stressed, when there is no water and will mouth the rug where the bowl is, and will paw at the bowl until its tossed several yards away and will whine a little bit.  I do think that his love affair with water is breed specific. He adores water..any shape or form!  If we are walking in the neighborhood and people have sprinklers on, he puts his mouth over the sprinkler, takes a few  gulps and then gets his head and chest wet to cool off. Its pretty funny. We bought him and Bella a little kiddie pool to cool off in. I think they both think its a big water bowl, because they prefer to drink out of it then get in it!

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Puppies X 6
« on: June 14, 2005, 03:11:27 pm »
Oh my gosh are they CUTE!!! Good job Sadie ;D
I swear, seeing those puppies makes me want another one.....but I have enough on my plate with 2 newfies. Post more pics when you can. CAn't wait see them grow!!!!

Newfoundland Discussions / Newfs and their water drinking
« on: June 14, 2005, 08:41:13 am »
Like most, my  Newfs LOVE their water to drink, and are funny because they are almost "possessive" of their water bowls. They freak out if there is no water left, and Rocco will bat around the bowl and toss it across the room.  It has been super hot here lately, and I know they are thirsty a lot. But our problem is that we are house breaking Rocco, he's 13 weeks, and I feel bad by limiting his water  intake because of the heat, but if I don't watch it, he'll have accidents all over in the house. We're very patient with him and arent expecting him to be housebroken ASAP, but what do you do? Thoughts anyone?

Thank you, thank you, for sharing that article.  When I had my Golden, I fed him Iams or Eukanuba and thought I was buying a "quality" product.  After we had to put him down and now have 2 Newfies, we use Solid Gold food.  My friend and fellow BPO lover, educated me on dog food....and explaind what this article said.  I didnt "get it" before, but since we have been using Solid Gold we can see the difference food really does make.  Our Newfs are healthy and have great coats and I know a big part of that is what they are eating.  I wish so many other people would educate themselves on what they feed their dog :)

Newfoundland Discussions / Soft Poop Anyone
« on: June 08, 2005, 06:24:27 pm »
I know this is kinda gross, but I was wondering if any other BPO dogs have soft poop?  Both of our Newfies (Bella - 11 months, Rocco - 3 months) poop is pretty soft - not runny, but not that firm.  Is this normal or ok?  We feed them both Solid Gold Wolf King and Merrick Working Dog Stew (in am, split 1 can between them).  Also, like probably every other Newf, they drink gallons of water a day ::)  Would that cause it?  Any feedback is appreciated.

American Mastiff Discussions & Pictures / Re: Feeding a BIG puppy
« on: June 07, 2005, 05:01:39 pm »

We feed our 2 Newfs Solid Gold. I'm not sure what the cost of Diamond is, but Solid Gold is a great food, but runs about $40 for  the large bag I buy (not sure how many pounds that is...30 maybe?). Many dog owners I know are using it for their large and extra large breed dos. We have ours on the Wolf King adult mix, even though both our puppies.  It has a good ratio of fat, protein and calcium, as you have to be careful that it doesnt contain too high amounts of the above.....due to the concern of what the others above have stated.  My vet endorsed Pro Plan which I didnt like and we checked with other big paws owners and found Solid Gold. Good luck to you and Duchess!

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: My puppy is driving me bonkers!
« on: June 02, 2005, 06:01:47 am »
Hello!  Welcome to the site!!  We have 2 Newfoundland puppies, our Bella is 11 months and Rocco is 11 weeks.  Bella was quite easy to potty train, but our little Rocco has been a bit more challenging.  What someone said above is true, make sure the crate is just big enough for them, but not spacious enough where they have "room" to go potty in the crate.  With Rocco, he eats teice a day and I make sure I feed him by 4 or 5 pm, so that gives him time to digest and potty a few times before bed time as he sleeps in his crate for now.  As for the biting, that's something that you'll want to tackle now as it could become a larger issue as the puppy grows and you don't want your sons injured by a biting dog, or have the dog bite others and other animals. Rocco is mouthing a lot, and what we did is this: we went for a private session with our trainer who we take Bella to for obedience class..our trainer suggested we do a tongue press, similiar to holding the pup's snout and saying "no bite". The key is to be consistent, and it does take a while to see improvement... .but if you keep at it you will see progress being made. I think its great that you rescued one of the puppies from this litter. It makes me sad when I hear stories about animals being abused and beaten, even though I know it happens!  Keep us posted on how things are going with your puppy :)

Bernese Mountain Dog Discussions / Re: names for a male puppy
« on: May 30, 2005, 02:43:43 pm »
Hi Ann Marie!  Congratulation s on your new boy!  That's such a fun and exciting time.  We just brougt home a new addition to our family as well. We got another Newf, a black male 2 weeks ago.  We currently have a female Newf so we experienced the same as you with what to name a male dog.  I like some of the ideas others have listed, such as getting your family involved.  We didnt do that, my husband and I (no kids) brainstormed a few. We named our male Newf Rocco.  It fits him perfectly!  Other male names we liked were: Zeus, Ceasar, Storm, Thunder, Guiness, Max, Boulder, or Tank. Good luck and let us know what you decide to name him.   :)   Gina

Hi Jerry!  We have a an 11 month old Newf and had wanted to get a second dog as well.  Bella does so well with other animals that we knew she would do well with a companion.  Initially, we planned on rescuing an older dog. We even went to the humane society and met some potential new members to our family.  We ended up deciding on getting another Newf because we like their temperment and demeanor so much.  We were able to find a good breeder a few hours away and brought Rocco home 2 weeks ago.  Bella is now about 95 pounds and he now weighs 35. We watch them very carefully as Bella likes to play a little rough at times, to ensure that Bella doesnt hurt him due to her size. So far they are getting along really well, and she does well with his small size but at times she forgets and starts rough housing with him. So my only recommendation is that you really need to supervise the two, and hopefully Bella wll soon learn more of her boundaries with him.  Best of luck  to you! 

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