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Messages - amberdoggoneit

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Great Dane Discussions / Re: Spaying a great dane at 6 months
« on: June 08, 2008, 12:07:33 pm »
And this is a GREAT board.  No fighting between owners.  Just ppl that love thier pets and want to share it with ppl that "understand" ;)

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Spaying a great dane at 6 months
« on: June 08, 2008, 12:05:29 pm »
I would just ask our vet. We asked our old vet how long we should wait before we got our dogs spayed and nuetered and he said at least a year maybe two if they were a larger breed but then our new vet (old vet retired) said that we could have done it as early as 5 months of age after waiting til they were 2. 

Collars, crates, & other cool things / dog/ baby gates?
« on: June 08, 2008, 10:16:09 am »
Now we think that Bell and Baxter are ready to be loose in the house.  We want to start gradually.  We REALLY want to keep them in the kitchen because it is tile and a very large area.
  the only thing is we need a baby gate that will go across a 13 ft area. It is also going to come in hand y to keep the baby out of the kitchen when she starts to crawl and walk.  Any suggestions anyone???

Great Pyrenees Pictures / Re: Pictures of my Oliver
« on: June 08, 2008, 10:00:13 am »
He looks full pyr to me but I dont own one so I am not sure.  He is beautiful anyways!!!  Our springer Baxter is in LOVE with our wiem Bell like Oliver and Abbigail!!!   ;D ;D ;D  If he wasnt nuetered and her not spayed he would love to make babies with her.  Thank goodness they are!!! ;)

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Leaving high school with a bang!
« on: June 08, 2008, 09:05:17 am »
When I graduated one of the guys family owned pig farm and he brought 30 piglets and set them loose in the hallway!!! 

Nobody ever got caught becasue the guy actually had mono and had a doctors note and was suppose to be out of xchool that week.  So he just let them go and left.  The funny part is the administration caught them all and called his uncle to see if they had room for them not knowing that is exactly where they came from! ;D ;D ;D

The class before ours unlocked the upstairs windows on friday and then came on sunday with ladders and put hoses through them and flooded the whole upstairs for monday.  which in turn also flooded downstairs!!

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: my cow
« on: May 31, 2008, 05:38:54 am »
Hahhha!  Chammie's nickname is Moo. Do you think Peyton can teach her how to say it?

HAhaha  Bell's nickname is MOO also but that is because she is chunky and loves to eat the grass outside!!!!

Yea that was the only thing.  Our other two get bathed otside sometimes but it seems like they really LOVE to get nasty in the winter so we want to have the option of bathing them in a tub. 

Bell and Baxter are so used to baths that sometimes we just tell them to jump in the shower with us so that way they are getting showered at the same time. 

We did Peanut butter on the side of the tub to keep him occupied while bathing that didnt work.  We even tried treats in the tub while he didn t need a bath and that made him liek going in there just not the bath part.

Food Discussion & Information / Re: Missing link plus supplement
« on: May 29, 2008, 07:25:40 pm »
I agree!! I used to give ours greenies and ever since the fact they had dogs dying I cant seem to bring myself to buy another.  To me it was also very wierd how CRAZY the dogs got over them. I could take out some REAL chicken and a Greenie and the dogs would almost knock me down for a greenie. 

Well hubby has taken over the bathing of the pups since I am now 8 months pregnant and about to pop!!

Well he is out of town for a couple of days and he said that he would bath them when he got back.  This afternoon Buble got disgusting with the sprinkler and the dirt.  He looked completely black!!  So I knew that I would have to bath him!

I pick him up to put him in the tub and he immediatly starts crying and than starts to freak out before I even have turned the water on.  It was a complete wrestling match.  I hurt my back in the process.

I dont get it we have had him since he was 7 weeks and he hasnt gotten any better.  It isnt that he doesnt like water becasue he plays in the sprinkler and the baby pool.  He also isnt scared of the bathroom because he goes in there all the time when the others are getting baths or if we are in the shower.  Help he is already bigger than Baxter and I dont know if I can do this much longer!!!!!

Food Discussion & Information / Re: Missing link plus supplement
« on: May 29, 2008, 06:45:34 pm »
Yea they also have Missing Link for horses and cats.  We really do enjoy it.  It also does minimize on shedding somewhat. 
It is really expensive for a small pack at PetSmart I am glad you found it cheaper!!!

Food Discussion & Information / Re: Missing link plus supplement
« on: May 29, 2008, 04:48:06 pm »
We use the Missing Link on our Wiem.  We enjoy it.  Her coat looks awesome when she is on it and she isnt near as itchy and has a wonderful sheen.  I have never tried it with our springers just Bell. 
The only thing is we had to give it a couple of days when we gave it to her because it made her stools softer but not runny.  They firmed right back up though!!!

We sent a boxer off to a training like that where she was gone for 3 to 4 weeks and she was like that.  She always needed us to ask her to do something she didnt play or anything.
I will say eventually she was back to somewhat her original self because we put aside training for awhile

Collars, crates, & other cool things / Hlp with Toys!!!!
« on: May 26, 2008, 09:14:13 am »
We have some baby toys that ppl have gotten us for our upcoming new arrival and the dogs have decided that those are thiers!!!!
This morning they have already torn up two teddy bears that my grandmother got for Payton!  How do I teach them that those toys are for the baby and not for them.  I mean it isnt like they are toy deprived
I counted 30 toys in their basket.  I am not really worried about it now because we do keep that door shut to her room (except for this morning) but what about when she gets older and brings her toys out?  how do I teach them that they have their toys and she has hers?

Welcome!!! My name is Amber and I have 3 "Fur Babies" and a "Skin baby " on the way!!!  We have Bell our 3 year old Wiemeraner, Baxter, our 2 year old Springer spaniel, and Buble (BOOBlay) our 4 month old Springer Spaniel. 

It is getting to be a zoo around here but we love every minute of it!! I love Pyrs! I was lucky enough to become close to two Pyr's whose owner told me about this website and I am so glad she did!

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