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Messages - Ali

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Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: It's really happening-NDR
« on: June 26, 2008, 09:55:18 pm »
Awesome! Good for you!!!! :D

Group Discussions & Photos / Re: doggie treats on the camera...
« on: June 24, 2008, 08:18:40 pm »
WOW! is Penny small for a Saint, or am I going to have a huge dog?? Wait, didn't you say she's a Saint mix? It will be interesting to see if Penny and Kai end up the same weight. I have no idea what to expect for growth from here on out. My guess was that Kai would be about 60 pounds when she was done growing. Lighter than Tani, but taller and leaner. Tani is build like a truck - she's not a huge dog, but she's SOLID.

Group Discussions & Photos / doggie treats on the camera...
« on: June 24, 2008, 06:13:45 pm »
it's the only way!

So, Kai is 6 months old now, and is catching up to my 4 year old Tani girl...can't believe it! Tani maxed out at 64 pounds and Kai is about 45 now. I KNOW ya'lls danes, pyrs, saints and newfs are practically BORN at 45 pounds, but you know - it's all relative!

Kai is scheduled for her spaying after July 1st. She's a marvelous little girl and I love both o' my pups to bits!

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: New Hair!
« on: June 24, 2008, 04:59:27 pm »
Awesome - it goods great!! You're gorgeous! I wish I had the cojones to go change my's so...blahhhhhh ....

Welcome to the world, Covan! You are a good lookin lad! Enjoy growing up with puppies. In fact, I think that's the rule. A boy must have a dog of his own. Sooooo, is it puppy time? Gonna get a puppy pal for Covan??  ;D

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: Hi from southern Arizona!
« on: June 23, 2008, 06:14:32 pm »
Welcome to BPO! Lovin' Diego and need more pics, please! I'm in Northern Cali, but I lived in Tucson for 11 years (high school, college, and a few more).

Elvis is cute! Keep an eye on Roscoe, though. Just in case he became addicted to the "hoof with leg included" snack that he brought home!!  :P

Aw, my poor demented little doggie....I hope it's nothing I did!!

She has lots of chewing things, but really prefers hard things like bones. She currently has a bone and a cow hoof that she works on. Problem is, she chews the cow hoofs to bits, eats the bits, then yacks them back up, so that doesn't seem like a safe thing for her. Are they supposed to actually consume those cow hooves? Maybe I should find a whole leg with a hoof attached like Audrey's Roscoe!

Awww, he's great looking! He totally looks like a Jason to me. I think it's hilarious when people give people names to dogs. I always wanted to have a dog named "Donna" just because it sounded funny...but, turns out our theme is Japanese names. No "Donna" in the mix! So, I vote for "Jason". If he's used to Bosco, though, you might need to find something that sounds similar, like Ross. Keep us posted!

The title says it all. She's been literally chewing up and crunching up rocks. Like, with her teeth! I take them away and then examine all her teeth to see if she's broken any, and so far so good. But really, is this necessary? She's like 4 years old, so it's not teething. Is her body craving some kind of mineral? Any ideas?? Is she becoming neurotic?In all seriousness, I'm afraid she'll break her teeth. She's primarily an indoor dog, so I watch her when we go out, but I have 3 sons. Those of you that have sons (old enough to use pockets) know what I'm saying - there are as many rocks IN my house as there is outside. So, what's up with the rock crunching? ???

It's kind of like having your first baby. You don't really know what to expect, but what you assume is that you will be up to your elbows in dirty diapers, crying and screaming, spitting up, sleepless nights, etc. You PANIC and try to change your mind, because really, who can handle all that?? Then, the baby (puppy) comes, and you can't imagine your life without him. All your previous concerns are insignificant, because you find out that there's nothing you'd rather do with your time than care for your new little (giant) guy. Love puts it all into perspective. Good luck!

You can't lose with a rescue. Keep looking in general, and the right dog will most certainly pick YOU, rather than vice versa. You know how that works. Having said that, since your other two are bully breeds, and your siggy fondly misses other bullies, maybe you want an athletic bully?? What would that be, anyway? They all seem like big goofy lumps. Some friends of mine have a big white american bulldog, and she is awesome, but I can't see her going for a "jog"!  ;D

And if you do what Winslow's dad says, and wait till a good moment to bring it up, his response will tell you volumes. If he stays calm and talks to you, that's good. Less good if he calmly says "Well, that's just the way I am. You wanna watch a movie?" But still good. HOWEVER, if your question makes him fly off the handle, uh, that oughta be the final straw. The red flags you are describing are SIGNIFICANT, and could put you at risk in the future, especially if marriage and kids enter into the equation. He sceamed at and shoved your dog for ruining something of his. What would he do if his baby spit up on his work clothes? Or if a toddler colored on his computer screen with a crayon?

Great choice! Your husband is probably feeling really good and loving you to pieces right now!

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