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Messages - patrick

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Nope I feed raw all the time with no problem

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Having a problem...
« on: February 26, 2009, 04:24:56 am »
To keep dogs out of the trash I don't put anything in that might be tempting  All trash with enticing smells go in a bag on top of the fridge which then goes out when the trash can gets emptied.  I have 7 loose dogs in the house and they never touch the trash can which is easily accessible and doesn't even have a lid on it.  They can't reach the top of the fridge so everything is safe- including the dogs.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Having a problem...
« on: February 25, 2009, 05:56:31 am »
When you are not there to correct her things should be put up where she can't get them  Dogs have no concept of 'that's the baby's stuff'  We have a rule- if the dog gets it its my fault cause I left it out

To put weight on I try one of 2 things  First I have had great success with feeding half raw- same amount of kibble but add 2 pounds of raw meat each day  If you are not brave enough to do raw I also use a 'doggy stew'  This is a chicken or something boiled to make a rich broth which I add veges, rice and pasta too.  It is high in fat and carbohydrates thus lots of calories and I mix with the kibble to encourage them to eat more.  Then there is always the 'cookie' diet- just give them a LOT of dog biscuits in addition to their meals.  I do use satin balls as well but decrease the oil in the recipe as my dogs get diarrhea from them.

Great Pyrenees Pictures / Re: Introducing.............Ursa CGC!!!!!
« on: February 21, 2009, 02:13:43 pm »
HA!!  And you were so worried!!  Congrats!!

Australian Shepherd Discussions & Pictures / Re: Kedge o mania
« on: February 20, 2009, 02:47:06 am »
I thought the CPR series was great!  Wonderful pics!

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: CGC Practice Test Disaster!
« on: February 18, 2009, 01:04:11 am »
She is definitely a Pyr  One of their charms?? is that they really don't see us mere humans as superior.

There is a wonderful book titled When Pigs Fly by Jane Killion and deals specifically how to motivate the dogs that are not prone to be obedience minded.  GREAT book

He should be neutered NOW and you also should immediately contact a trainer- preferably one with a background in animal behavior.  This is a problem that can worked with but you need to get with someone with experience in aggression and fear aggression.  This is probably due to him missing critical socialization as a puppy and young dog.  Mastiffs are a guard dog and all that time alone in the yard he is doing what he thinks is right.

Australian Shepherd Discussions & Pictures / Re: Say hello to.......
« on: February 13, 2009, 02:40:12 pm »
He is a beauty!  Lovely head!

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Pyrenees/Wolf mix?
« on: February 12, 2009, 02:38:54 am »
He does actually look all Pyr and actually pretty nice at least from that pic.  The shorter coat is known as the 'working' coat- several of my Pyrs have it- wonderfully easy to care for.

Big Dogs with Jobs / Re: Anyone watching the dog show?
« on: February 11, 2009, 04:47:50 am »
The dane was indeed striking but unfortunately backed off the judge when examined  I liked the Dogue a lot too- very handsome fellow indeed and the Neopolitan with out a doubt is the most hideous breed on earth can you imagine the drool???

Breeding Questions & Information / Re: Why oh Why
« on: February 09, 2009, 01:40:40 am »
Actually 1/2 brother to 1/2 sister is considered line breeding IF there is an outcross in there.  If both parents also share identical lines then it would be inbreeding.  It all depends on the genetics of the other '1/2'.  The article referenced by Oleysa does discuss line breeding rather thoroughly and it is still widely used and still considered a valuable tool in preserving the good traits in the breeding program.  There is a thin line though between inbreeding and line breeding.  Outcrosses can be a crap shoot- you have no idea what you will be bringing in.  Most breeders who do an outcross will only do so if the outcross is linebred as well. Selective breeding is how you eliminate genetic problems as well- hence the reason for line breeding. There is an excellant software available in which you can calculate the co-efficient variance in your breeding program which will tell you just how inbred your dogs are. 

Breeding Questions & Information / Re: Why oh Why
« on: February 07, 2009, 08:48:44 am »
Line breeding done carefully is a valuable tool for breeders.  However outcrosses have equal dangers as they can bring stuff in your lines that is totally unexpected. Some outcrosses are a total disaster- all dogs have recessive genes in their background and doing an outcross is no guarantee of non affected offspring. The article Oleysa recommended discusses the pros and cons of both and is an excellant resource. The best bet is to check out genetic problems and rescues in the area and make a determination from there. 

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Hades food question
« on: February 05, 2009, 01:18:08 am »
You have to be careful in following the growth charts - they are a guide only  The ideal weight for your dog is determined by his condition and the amount of food is adjusted to maintain a healthy condition  You do want to be able to easily feel ribs but spine and hip bones should not be prominent.  One thing in determining food is also the quality of food - a brand with a lot of fillers in it the dog will eat more to get adequate nutrition.  Often switching to a food with little or no grain in it will result in the dog consuming drastically less. 

I free feed all my dogs and find that no one gulps their food nor is anyone overweight.  However it is more the accepted practice to feed at specific times only. 

Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts / Re: Occasionally want to strangle her.
« on: February 03, 2009, 12:46:13 am »
Me I would just take the bedding away or give her something to lay on that doesn't matter if she tears it up. Some people just use a piece of carpeting.  I have had some dogs that their whole life they would destuff their toys-some of which were very expensive.  Solution was to get them inexpensive toys and let them destuff away.  But also at 11 weeks old is she getting enough exercise to burn off some of that excess energy?

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