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Messages - zanie

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Moni,  it takes fortitude to stand up to family members and do the right thing.  And really, your children will learn by example and you have set a good one, even though your kids might be peeved about the kittens right now.

Good for you for doing the right thing.

Collars, crates, & other cool things / Re: More than a handful - YUK!
« on: June 26, 2006, 02:22:48 pm »
Oh, this is the perfect opportunity for me to mention Poop Freeze again! :) Where their slogan is "Clean up with poop-freeze.. because it's your dootie"

Sorry, the whole idea cracks me up, even though I am sure it would be less gross to pick up.

 ;D ;DBWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!  That is GREAT! Has anyone tried this?

Collars, crates, & other cool things / Re: More than a handful - YUK!
« on: June 26, 2006, 02:10:09 pm »
I'm sure Harley's aren't as big as some others but they are big enough and smelly enough for me.  I use the bag our newspaper comes in and also tie the leash around my waist or under my foot.  The other hand is covering my nose or I will toss my cookies and I don't want to be picking that up also.

Harley NEVER poops while on a leash until last week I mapped out a new 2 mile route so we didn't have to go over the highway because the noise freaks him out; anyway there is a large grass area on our new route and he ALWAYS poops there.  I am going to try a new route as soon as it cools down around here.

I must say I HATE carrying the bag of poop home so I am considering getting Harley a pack so he can carry it himself!!

That whole carry-the-poop-home thing just grosses me right the heck out!  I have considered a backpack type of thing for Dell but if I'm going to spend the $$ on a backpack, personally I don't really want to shove poo in it, even if it IS in a bag  :-\  and besides, Prince Dell would be MORTIFIED if he knew he was carrying his own poo on his back.

I've tried tying it around the leash but we use a Flexi and it just slides down the lead and gets in the way. 

Collars, crates, & other cool things / Re: Indestructible Crate Mat
« on: June 26, 2006, 01:56:50 pm »
Every store bought (expensive) dog bed I have ever bought Jack has been destroyed in days.

I go to thrift stores and buy comforters for $5.  I fold it to fit into his crate and it provides plenty of cushioning. 

And the joy of it is when he destroys it, I pitch it and put another one in that I keep in reserve.


This is a great idea!  We get fleece blankets in the same manner (at Walgreen's you can get 3 for $9.99 and have one for the car/truck and one as a backup) but they don't seem to be very comfy.  I wonder how long a comforter would last with Dell in his crate...

Collars, crates, & other cool things / Re: The Brake-Fast Bowl
« on: June 26, 2006, 01:48:52 pm »
Sometimes some of the best ideas are also the simplest.  Delly isn't a "wolfer", in fact I often wonder if he eats his food one piece of kibble at a time because he eats so slowly, so we don't really need one but the idea is great! 

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: I am really scared!!!!!!
« on: June 26, 2006, 01:21:05 pm »
Awwww, poor little guy! I'm a little bit slow on the draw but I sure hope things are getting better for the little bugger.

That is so sweet!  I had a similar experience when I had to put my kitty Salem to sleep.  The vet clipped a lock of her long hair and tied it with a ribbon and mailed it to me in a sympathy card. 

I bawled my brains out, but was so touched.

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Bringing outside dogs inside
« on: June 23, 2006, 04:02:49 pm »

So how do you get him used to being inside?  Didn't he tear around and such and get too rambunctious?  We're struggling with that right now.  Dell spends a lot of time in his kennel because each time we let him out he destroys something.
Yes at first Sammy was very rambunctious, but somehow there was a point where he seemed to break past that. At first I never left him unsupervised, not even for a few minutes, because the few times I did he would get into something. He was knocking things off countertops and all that. It was frustrating for a while, especially when he peed on my vacuum cleaner. So in the beginning he spent a lot of time in the crate, yes he did. But I was working towards an end goal, so now looking back it was worth all that time in the crate, because now he never has to go in the crate. It was like an evolution. Of course, making sure the dog gets plenty of outside exercise time really helps. Plenty of running! So that way they are nice and tired when they come inside, and I have found that former outside dogs REALLY love cozy doggie beds!!! :D

Sorry Bosmom, didn't mean to hijack your post.  I'm going to try the leash thing and keep him with me when he's out of the crate. 

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Dangit, Samson!!!
« on: June 23, 2006, 03:26:46 pm »
Whew!  Like Jackmom said, I'm glad they found something and I'm really glad it's nothing major.  We all get grumpy when we don't feel so great.

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Bringing outside dogs inside
« on: June 23, 2006, 03:23:51 pm »

I can proudly say yes here. Years ago, I adopted two adult Siberian huskies who had been kept outside day and night since they were pups. It actually made them really easy to housebreak since they were so used to doing their business outside. It just took time and supervision. They became fantastic indoor dogs. :)

Also, my foster dog Samson was outside for 3 years in a very small pen before he came to live with me. It was a challenge with him at first, but after catching him in the act of peeing inside a few times and rushing him outside, he caught on ('cause he's a smart boy ;)). Again- total supervision at first. You kinda have to treat them like they are puppies. We kept Sammy in a crate a lot at first and sorta weaned him out of the crate. Now he is completely trustworty in the house, and I am particularly proud of him because he has come a long way. :)

So how do you get him used to being inside?  Didn't he tear around and such and get too rambunctious?  We're struggling with that right now.  Dell spends a lot of time in his kennel because each time we let him out he destroys something.

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Training question/quandry
« on: June 23, 2006, 10:53:28 am »
As far as who the trainer is "with", it's not a big deal for him or I until she repeatedly makes reference to her partner and their relationship.  It seems like she has something to prove and wants everyone to know about it.   Whether his discomfort is right or wrong, it is what it is. 

Then there was the time she made fun of my husband for not being in touch with his feminine side, in front of the whole class. (She was talking about recall and how if you use a high pitched voice, Dell would respond better.  He couldn't make his voice as high pitched as what she thought was appropriate. He is EXTREMELY sensitive to criticism and being ridiculed.)

We talked last night and agreed to put all organized classes on hold for the summer and then investigate trainers in the fall.  During the summer we will get good training/understand your dog books and work with him at home.  If we see a difference from our efforts this summer, we will reconsider classes.

Thank you both for your time and thoughts.  I was so set on getting Delly more training that I neglected to take a more objective view.  As I said to Hubby last night, it I was the one in his shoes, I would be upset that he was forcing more training with a trainer I didn't like.

Hey...I found a link that may or or may not help you...It seemed relevant anyway. ;D

This is an awesome site, Gypsy!  We aren't looking for a pup but someday in the future it may come in handy.

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Angus swimming in Quidi Vidi
« on: June 23, 2006, 09:59:21 am »
I love the one of him running thru the water or jumping or whatever it is he's doing, the teeth got me laughing :)
He is stopped in that one and the picture is mid-shake.

Mid-shake?  What kind of camera do you use?  That is fantastic!

Food Discussion & Information / Re: Rawhide Chews
« on: June 22, 2006, 03:35:13 pm »
I've heard that some dogs can't digest them and that can cause blockage. 

Bernese Mountain Dog Discussions / Re: Berner Pics?
« on: June 22, 2006, 11:23:55 am »
He is so adorable!

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