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Messages - aggghgmom

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Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: BHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!
« on: April 05, 2008, 07:48:53 am »
Harley and the dog in the second clip must have gone to the same agility school!!

Not quite - Harley would actually run the course - cross the finish line and find someone or something to mount!!

Thanksfully, it isn't on YouTube!!

Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts / Re: I had to turn off Oprah
« on: April 04, 2008, 06:08:56 pm »
Well thats a bummer Upstate Guide Dogs is no more!!  They closed their doors.  :'(   I don't see anything similar close by but I will keep checking!


Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts / Re: I had to turn off Oprah
« on: April 04, 2008, 06:04:43 pm »
Oh I like the last two ideas - especially the seeing eye dog - we have a place about 40 minutes from me upstate guide dogs - I am going to head to their website.

Our local spca does have a similar cat program to what Holly is talking about; they round up feral cats spay and neuter and put back - I was actually at the shelter one time for volunteer training and they brought in some very wild cats - Just as Holly said maybe I can come up with an idea to raise money??  Good idea, I'll have to think about that one.

Thanks  ;D


Treatment & Preventative Meds / Re: Well Bubba is feeling better now..
« on: April 03, 2008, 09:20:39 pm »
Bubba you silly boy  ;D

I'm glad you are home and feeling like a puppy!!

Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts / I had to turn off Oprah
« on: April 03, 2008, 04:53:59 pm »
Well today is the show on puppy mills and shelters.   When I set the DVR last night my husband wanted to know what I was taping - when I told him - he told me that I shouldn't watch that it will upset me; I hate to admit it but he was right - I turned in and when they started at the shelter that has to put 40 dogs to sleep per day - I just about lost it.  I had a horrible day at work and then that - to much!! 

I WANT to do something but I can't figure out what??  I can't start a rescue hubby doesn't like dogs.  I tried to volunteer at the local shelter - they needed someone that could stick to a schedule and because of my kids I need something where I can devote some hours everyweek but not the same hours.

I donate money.

It sickens me when people get rid of 8 year old and older dogs (I know there are situations where it is necessary; perhaps when the human owner passes away) but they can't find any family or friend who would take a beloved pet?  I was thinking of trying to only adopt older animals so they will be loved and cared for in their senior years but is that fair to my family to get attached and have the dog become sick and of course then their is the expense???

Oh well I'm ranting...I did tape the show and hope to be able to watch it fully a day when perhaps I'm not so emotional...ho nestly, I'm always this emotional!!

I would love to work with Paige but of course she is in Texas and I'm in upstate NY.

Any ideas of how to help would be greatly appreciated!!

Did any of you watch the show?  Do you really think Oprah will only get shelter dogs now?


I am very sorry that you may have to give Maya up - Did you mention the thousands of dollars he owes you for boarding (I pay $27.00 a day)), food, vet care etc.  Can you make it to expensive for him to get her back. 

I truly appreciate people in the armed services and I thank him for that.  But - he doesn't seem to be doing the best for the dog.

What a great day you and Derby had!!  Way to go!! 

Harley's best friend Rusty (our next door neighbor) is a service dog for a 13 year old boy who has severe autism.  Rustys job is to find the boy when he wanders away...which is does often.  He alerts the family and then finds him.  A huge part of what Rusty does is social students who were afraid of Zach now will come up to him to see Rusty.  He has made a huge difference in the families life.

I wish I could do these things with Harley but he just isn't the right dog for it...or I'm not the right trainer.

Again, fabulous job please give Derby hugs from Harley and I.


Remembering those no longer with us. / Re: Peppy Died This Morning
« on: April 02, 2008, 07:05:28 am »
I am very sorry to hear about Peppy.  I have been following the posts regarding your two pups since you joined BPO - You did a wonderful thing by bringing home both pups, doing  your research and making Peppy's short life the best it could be.


Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Wish us all luck once again!
« on: March 26, 2008, 11:09:10 am »
Syracuse..Huh that is only an hour from me - I will have to see what we have going on this weekend - I haven't gone to a dog show since we got Harley?


I don't mean to sound harsh, but someone needs a little kick in the pants.
He will have to make it a priority. You do, I do, everyone here does.
He needs to understand that if he is not willing to be a part of the solution, then he is part of the problem.

Oh he is DEFINATELY a part of the problem!! 

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Merlin 1, Mom 0
« on: March 26, 2008, 10:41:42 am »
OK I admit it..and I have been there.  Sometimes I try to kiss Harley on the top of his pointy little head and bang!! right in the nose, or under the chin, clanking my teeth together!!

My day so far, 16 year old son turns off the alarm and goes back to bed, misses the bus (first time all year so I'm not to upset) I drive him to school, get a text message..Uh Mom I forgot my baseball stuff can you bring it???  Darling daughter 9 years old...I don't want to get up and drive son to school it is his fault for missing the bus let him walk...ok 5 miles??  She gets up and has no pants (that she wants to wear) so I make her wear some she doesn't like...well she can be a bit#%.  By the way Mom today is the day I need donuts or cookies for music class...get her on the school to supermarket, drop cookies at school...drop baseball stuff at other school...go to work...(thankfully I work at sons school!)

Sorry for hijacking the thread - hubby doesn't understand how my life can be stressful with a little part time job (30 hours a week) - boy would I like to switch places for a day

The saga continues - my plan was to take Harley for a nice walk to tire him out before hubby got home...well with kids the best laid plans are ruined so we didn't get to our walk.  So we were sitting around watching American Idol (guilty pleasure) and Harley just stood about 10" from hubby staring at him - I would call him over to lie down and he would pop up and go stare again, hubby got mad put him in a down stay in the kitchen, Harley starts inching out and kept getting put back...I got annoyed and off I went to the basement again, just Harley and I.

I will talk to hubby about getting involved in Harley's training, tell him it is important to me, etc.  By the time he gets home from work, he has dinner, and put the darling daughter to sleep it is close to 8:30 and I doubt he will find dog training high on his list of priorities...I feel like I have been deceived when we were thinking of getting married we talked about dogs and he said he liked I think he likes dogs, someone elses dogs!!


Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Kali is calling for votes
« on: March 25, 2008, 07:47:52 pm »
OK I voted she certainly is a beauty!!  I will vote from my work e-mail also!!


No everything is me - the only things anyone does is my daughter feeds dinner, my son feeds breakfast, hubby picks up poop.  If hubby is going for a walk he will take Harley under protest.

He really doesn't want to be involved it is easier to grunt and yell at him than to put effort - hubby always says harley doesn't listen that is why they don't get along.

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / He's not going to be very happy
« on: March 25, 2008, 05:35:21 pm »
Harley looks so handsome today - the mobile groomer came to our house and gave him a nice bath, nail clipping and hair cut - that was torture number one

Now for tortune number two - I want to teach an older dog (6 years old) new other words, I want to train Harley to be a better, more well behaved dog.  He has been to a few obedience trainers as well as staying at one for over a week...he really listens to her..just not us.

So the reasoning is, as some of you know my husband really doesn't like Harley, he admits he is a wonderfully gentle dog who is great with kids, but that he doesn't listen at all.  (for the most part that is true).  So last night I was trying to behave and walk on the treadmill (not something I enjoy and would look for any excuse to get off) so Harley starts barking over and over at my husband who is sitting on the couch keeping me company.  Hubby got mad at Harley, I get mad at Hubby and accuse everyone of trying to screw up my diet and exercise.  Hubby goes upstairs, slams the door and leaves Harley and I downstairs, I'm really OK with this but I think Harley could have a better life if hubby liked him so...

I want to teach Harley some manners.  He knows sit and down but will not, will not stay!!  He whines and barks excessively.  When giving him a treat or dinner he does sit first.  So all you wonderful trainers with good dogs - where do I go from here?

Thanks, sorry soooo long


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