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Messages - Ali

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How about Guardian Angels Maya's Home?
Or Gueardian Angel Maya Stays?
Or Guardian Angel Maya Ain't Going To Friggin Arizona??

(LOL! Can you say "Friggin" in a registered name? Congrats on your adoption and great job saving her!) ;D ;D

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: NDR...Its a......
« on: May 14, 2008, 08:19:07 am »
Boys rock! I have three of 'em!! But, girls rock too - I have one of those as well! ;D

OMG, I'm so sorry but I'm seriously laughing out loud in my office right now. I know it's not right but that third pic is priceless in a really sad, disgusting way.

Totally - that third picture is priceless. Yet, sooooo gross! That is the absolute beat all end all disgusto story of any pet's "gift" to their person!! I mean, really super ultra mega GROSS!!

Congrats! He's adorable! What a cutie! I agree with the statement that was made about how many babies are named after the dad. If he looks like a Cole, then he probably is one, y'know? What happened to Tristan? He just didn't look like one?

Get the one on the left, with the little brindle leggings!! Oh, puppies!! (Did you really think anyone here would say you shouldn't??)

I'd buy a new cake, man...3 hours?? No way!

German Shepherd Pictures / Re: OK ya'll the Boys
« on: May 07, 2008, 02:50:20 pm »
K, wait - I'm confused. Maybe I'm thinking of another thread, but I thought you had a pup already, and were waiting for Mace to be ready. Then, the breeder contacted you and asked you if you wanted Mace's brother, too. And I thought you decided against getting the brother? But now you have the brothers - both? Well, anyway, looking at the pics of those two fuzzy boys, I couldn't ever have chosen just one, so if you took em both, that rocks! Sorry if I missed a thread and am a beat behind. Story of my life... :-\ ;D

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Anger Management
« on: May 07, 2008, 09:09:03 am »

Oh, that is so funny!! What manner of animal is he sitting on - I can't even tell with all that puppy butt all over it! Is it a cat, or a little dog?? BWAHAHAHAHAHAH A!

Don't even ask. You probably don't really want to know the answer. :(

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Hiccups
« on: May 06, 2008, 08:51:15 am »
Yeah, Kai gets big body hiccups. Poor thing. But, so do my husband and my sons. It seems to run in the family, so I just figured she's definately one of us!

That is waaaaaaayyy to much info about horses!!! :P

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: finally some bday pics of rose!
« on: May 06, 2008, 08:32:03 am »
Too cute! Where does the time go??

Welcome. "Goofy Newfie" - that's too cute!

Tani pulls like a fiend. I got her a Gentle Leader - it has a strap that wraps around her nose and the leash attaches under her muzzle, so if she pulls, her chin is pulled down and to the side. It worked like a champ at first, and still does as long as there are no dogs or cats where we are walking. Unfortunately, if she sees another four legged friend, she'll damn near pull her head off trying to get there, Gentle Leader or not! I have my puppy in puppy class right now, but when she's done, I'm taking Tani to a "better manners" class which includes leash pulling issues. I'll repost once I learn what they teach about it. Good luck!

It's important to find out how they are set up for increases - i.e. how long will it take you to start getting what you want to get. And as far as the animal care, will it be a position where you could make a difference in that respect, at least for that store? Awesome - good luck! Oh and I totally agree with the statement that you should pursue these things when they come up even if you don't NEED a job change. The lack of "OMG I hate my job and I REALLY need to get this new one" totally comes through in your confidence and presentation at the interview. You are way more in control if you don't NEED the job.

I have a better idea... how about everyone meet up at the dog park for an unofficial Big Paws convention and line up every one of our BIG dogs while we stand next to them with a sign that says "I dare you!".. okay, maybe that is a litle middle school minded, but I am still in shock. I need some processing time before I can give any useful advice.

Pretty much what I was thinking as I read this thread. What's he look like and how soon can I get there. I can't believe it! I'd call the cops or at least animal control or whoever you'd report abuse to, and see what they suggest. ESPECIALLY if that guy is a regular. Damn. If there is justice in this world, the next dog he smacks will take his hand off, or maybe a nut. Jerk. JERK!

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