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Messages - Edwpang

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There is a new update from Ontario SPCA that replaces the earlier update, giving more explanation about the suspension

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Butter: My overfriendly pup
« on: August 11, 2007, 05:59:19 pm »
Thanks EastJenn for the information, I'll try it out in petsmart if I have chance.
We went to the Butter's training last evening. Most of the time was spent on registration, introductions. .. There were 7 dogs in the class. 1 coffee lab, 1 yellow lab, 2 goldendoodle (butter+poodle like doodle), 2 small paws I don't know the breed, and a rottweiler(?). The class was quite noisy, the 2 small paw barked the most. Every small movement of other dogs can trig them to bark, and bark to each other most of the time. The next is the coffee Lab our neighbor who longed to play with butter, but his owner held firmly to himself, so he barked and whined. The least barkers were Butter and the other Goldendoodle, they barked once or twice. All the dog were quited excited, except the other doodle. 2 of the dog used head halters, the owners had better control, but the dogs were not so comfortable...
Then back home we met the small paw toastie again at home. Butter was better probably because he was already exhausted during the class.

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Butter: My overfriendly pup
« on: August 09, 2007, 01:28:21 am »
I feel your pain. Bubba is the same way and he usually ends up getting growled at or bitten because he's just too excited.

We have had good luck using the Gentle leader head collar, although he hates the strap across his nose.

Yeah, I tried the Gentle leader head collar once in PetSmart, he was soooo uncomfortable, and besides after reading Suzanne Clothier's article THE PROBLEM WITH HEAD HALTERS. I am not so comforable about it, just imagine how do you feel if you head is suddenly jerked sideway. I can handle his pulling, since he is only 47 lbs, being 200lbs myself, just worries that he is literally choked even by the plain collar when he pulling so hard. I am very interested in the easy walk harness instead. Has Anyone been using it?

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Butter: My overfriendly pup
« on: August 08, 2007, 08:19:50 pm »
Eastjen, Thanks a lot for your help, I am currently working with on sit or down/stay command under this kind of situation.
As for training collar, I already have a choke chain, which I do not like. Even the plain collar can make him uncomfortable when he is pulling hard. I am considering the easy walk harness.

Another episode of small dog encounter, it was actually happened in my home, we had a guest with a 3 years old Maltese. He first found out his pee pad and smelt it carefully, and then stole a piece of treat from the dog carry bag. He was shown to the dog later. He was so happy to see him that he rushed to him with tail wagging vigorously and began sniffing all over him. The Maltese was not happy, and tried to avoid him, but he still kind of all over the little paw, we had to drag him, he was so sad that he to whine and bark. Then I led him outside to cool him down. After a while, I led him inside, and let him down/stay 5 feet away from the little paw on the sofa. He still tried to jump and I was able to make him only look (longingly) at the small paw. When we put the saw paw on the ground, he exploded with jumping, loud whining and barking again... After the guest left, he was so exhausted that he drank some water and laid on the carpet... It's pity I didn't have chance to take pictures amidst the chaos.

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Butter: My overfriendly pup
« on: August 07, 2007, 07:32:27 pm »
Thanks for the quick reply. He is goldendoodle, see signature field for detail.

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Butter: My overfriendly pup
« on: August 07, 2007, 07:03:49 pm »
He is very friendly toward strangers, and other dogs. When he senses someone and/or dog is coming, he'll look at that direction and start to wag his tail, the tail wagging intensifies as they go nearer. If the person is without a dog, he will try to go to them, one jurk on the leash is enough to get him back. If the person has a dog, especially small dog, he'll pull on the leash so hard that it's difficult to drag him back. Most of the small dog we meet bark or even growl in this situation. Their owner will try to avoid him like he is vicious dog. Mostly encouters with big dogs are fine, the owner and dog remain calm and let him go near tem, and sniff the dog without a big fuss.
My question is how can I handle this kind of situation without leaving him bad impression of other dog(small dog in particular). Most of dogs in my neighbourhood are small dogs. Will he be OK in a dog park?

BTW, we are going to dog training class this Saturday. Hopefully, he will be doing well with other dogs.

The updated news is that the care-giver may have had heart attack, and bitten only on arms and legs only:

Consider this scenario: the dogs bit the guy to awake him, and he did wake up, and this will be another story. The dogs would have become heros. '
Hopefully, the police will clear up the case, and dogs will be released from animal control.

Food Discussion & Information / Re: ~*To soak or not*~
« on: August 06, 2007, 08:10:00 pm »
Soaking food is not a good idea.  It breaks down the nutrients in the food and destroys important enzymes and probiotics. 
Just curious why? My understanding is only use very hot water or soaking over long period of time, ex. several hours or more can have that kind of effect. As long as the dog can eat up all the soaked food immediately, it'll be fine.

From another forum:

Food Discussion & Information / Re: ~*To soak or not*~
« on: August 06, 2007, 05:26:03 pm »
This is also the question I am going to ask. :)
I soak the food(Caniade all life stage) for 15-30 minutes before I feed Butter. The main reason is Butter is eating too fast without even chewing the food. Another reason is he does not like to drink water. Comparing to not soaking, it seems the poo is smaller and firmer. He eats it as eager as without soaking.

I am not sure, but if only stressing not to buy a saint, he might end up getting another breed.

Book Club & Noteworthy Reads / Re: Death by the Pound
« on: August 01, 2007, 09:34:27 pm »
I don't want to say anything after reading these articles, but I have to say I am so glad I took Butter II who otherwise would face the same fate mentioned in the articles. I salute those rescuers who save so many innocent lives.

Book Club & Noteworthy Reads / Death by the Pound
« on: August 01, 2007, 06:38:50 pm »
Actually there are 2 articles having the exact same name: articles inside).
Even wording for the reasons of death are similar:
"They are the wrong shape, size, color, or breed, too slender or too heavy or simply unspectacular— judged on appearance."

"They die because they are the wrong color, size or breed. They die simply because they are unremarkable."  >:(


His cute pictures are now in the mixed breed section :)

Thanks Liz. Now I know where to post his pictures. :D

Thank you all for your nice comments. :)

I just noticed the post was moved to Lab picture board from food discussion. Originally I was planning to post a feeding question, but later I forgot about it, and then post the pictures in the empty post. After posting I realized it was wrong. I was not so sure where I post anyway, hoping someone will move it to the proper board. I am not surprised it was moved to Lab pictures, though Butter is a golden and poodle mix.  He neither has the long coat of golden nor the curly fur of poodle. :)

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