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Messages - amberdoggoneit

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Weimaraner Discussions & Pictures / Re: Scared of a TURTLE!!!!!
« on: March 11, 2008, 10:23:36 pm »
Yea it was 71 degrees here today and tomorrow is suppose to be 80. See we never see snow in South Georgia.  We basically have two seasons summer and fall and maybe spring is right now but not really a winter. The coldest it got this winter was 20 degrees but I think that was at night also.

Weimaraner Discussions & Pictures / Re: Scared of a TURTLE!!!!!
« on: March 11, 2008, 08:56:54 pm »
That is what my husband siad the bigger they are the more of a baby they are!!!! ;D

She did for the first time last night but actually now that I am thinking about it about a month ago I had just gotten done mopping the floor she was walking around a bit i nthe den and went and squatted by her bed and went pee.  My husband who was sitting right there yelled "No" but she just kept going. 

But I do take that as my fault because the dogs know that after I mop the kitchen they cant go through it to get to the backdoor.  She just went to the vet yesterday for her yearly and he checked her over and said that there was not a UTI or anything because Baxter just got over one. 

The only change in routine is that they have been outdoors longer becasue it is nicer.  we have been trying to sleep with the bedroom door open so that way they are used to it by the time the baby comes. 

We have a jingle bell collar for around Christmas time, I think i might put it on her tonight becasue it will make more noise than just her walking.  The only way I even knew that she was walking around the other night was because with the baby coming I have had to get up in the middle of the night to pee and found her not in her dog bed. 

ok Bell for the first time in 2 years went pee on the floor last night.  It was hot here yesterday and both were drinking alot of water but I always pick it up at the end of the day and they are on water restriction at night.  She went all over the carpet in front of the door to the garage which I thought was wierd because I thought she would go on the one at the backdoor. 

Well does anyone have any suggestions I dont want this to start becoming a habit becasue she used to wake us up in the middle of the night and now for the past month she hasnt and I have been catching her just walking arounf the  house at 2 in the morning.  Last night I was more tired and didnt sleep as light as usual.  What do yall think?

Weimaraner Discussions & Pictures / Scared of a TURTLE!!!!!
« on: March 11, 2008, 07:42:32 pm »
That is right my dogs are scared of a turtle!!!

What great "protectors" I have! :D  We were planting flowers in our front yard when we discovered this box turtle.  Well Baxter was outside with us and I showed it to him.  He leaped so far and would not come near me.  I kept telling him that it was fine but he started to hide behind my husband. 

Well Bell was in the air condition this whole time(she is to good to be outside with the rest of us ;D) as looking intently through the window at us.  We were going to put it in the pond which is on our evening walk. 

Well my husband showed it to Bell thinking that she would want to eat it.  Just the opposite!!!  She laid down and went to the end of her leash to get away from it.  My husband laughed and told her that a 90lb dog was scared of a box turtle. 

Food Discussion & Information / Re: No longer wants morning meal!?!?
« on: March 11, 2008, 10:09:28 am »
Bell will inhale any food from anywhere. 
Baxter on the other hand only eats a little bit and then goes and lays down.  Of course tan we have to watch Bell becasue she will go over and inhale his food too. 

Sometimes he just doesnt want to eat others he will eat every kibble.  I just let him do it. I figure that he will eat if he is hungry enough.

hi welcome to the board!!  I have a English Springer Spaniel who is the same.  He never plays always is sleeping pretty much lathargic but he has been very lais back from a puppy snd as an adult the only thing that gets him excited is any body of water than he turns into a crazy dog.

But other than that he just sleeps and walks arond with his sad face.  That is just his personality

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / dog grooming
« on: March 08, 2008, 03:38:42 pm »
I groom my own dogs.  I worked in a grooming salon all through highschool and they taught me the basics.  I can groom our springer into a somewhat show cut but dont really worry about getting it perfect.

Here is my question: Does anyone know of a good grooming book that shows the different cuts of different breeds.  I have a friend that has 2 mini poodles, a westie, and a yorkie. 

She has asked if I would groom them for her becasue she feels like they are being neglected at the groomers.  I did clip the mall as puppies just keeping their "potty" areas clipped and their little feet and faces clipped but am not sure on how to clip the whole body and she wants thier breed clippings. 

In the last couple of months at the grooming salon I was clipping dogs but just basic shave downs and really dont remember the different patterns.  Anyone know of any books?

We had this happen after I had my appendix removed.  Baxter is My "protector"  always has been by my side.  He is also a Springer and is usually very mellow. 

Bell our Weim had just come out from the rian and I was drying her when she jumped up to give me kisses and Baxter lunged.  The fight went on and resulted in some of Bell's ear being bitten off. 

Luckily no one else was hurt.  I seperated them until I talked to my trainer and she told me about a behavorist. The behavorist told me that baxter was trying to protect me becuase he very much sensed everything that had happened. 

But that Bell was over him in the higher archy.  She yold us that the reason the fight was so bad was Bell took it as him trying to up his status and Baxter was just being protective. 

We had to start feeding Bell first, petting and even rewarding her first for awhile to reastablish that she was still above baxter and we have never had a problem since.  But I would definatley get a behavorist because your situation could be totally differnt then mine. Baxter knew he was below bell and still does yours mught still be figuring this out.

I hope everything turns out alright for you and your husband

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Newbi Here!
« on: March 08, 2008, 10:20:55 am »
I am the mom of two Bell our Weimeraner and Baxter our English Springer Spaniel. 

Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts / Re: Little pet pet peeves
« on: March 06, 2008, 01:00:34 pm »
hhahaha I cant stand it everytime we go for a walk. 

I have people stop me and say O I love your lab and cocker.  Ok Bell looks nothing like a lab.  Have you ever seen a Blue Lab with a docked tail.  HMMMM I dont think I have either. 

We then proceed to tell that she is a Weimeraner.  But what gets to me even more is Baxter.  He is an English Springer Spaniel.  Something very common to see.  He is liver and white and has the very classic white collar and blaze between the eyes with white on his tummy.  I have never seen a cocker that looks like that.  and I guess that he is a pretty big cocker.   >:(

Rottweiler Pictures / Re: It's STILL snowing. Grrrr
« on: March 06, 2008, 12:50:39 pm »
We live in south east georgia so we havent seen any snow this year.  or any year for a matter  of fact. The last time I saw snow I was 6 and in kindergarden.  we got 2 inches and it melted the next day.

I am a little jealous of the snow I have to admit but i dont want as much as yall have 

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Grooming Table
« on: March 06, 2008, 10:51:14 am »
Has anyone made their own grooming table instead of buying one?

I clip Baxter about every 6 weeks during the summer and less in the winter but I have always just sat on the floor and done it. 

Well now my back is killing me everytime I do it.  Last night I was dreading the haircut but had already waited way to long. 

Hubby and I looked at prices on grooming tables and they were incredibly high. Hubby says that he could build one for alot less. 

I need one for Large dogs(of course ;D)  does anyone have any measurements and what you used?

Congrats on the new baby I think saint babies are one of the cutest!!!  Tons of pics please! Bell and Baxter give lots of licks. 

O I am so sorry :-* but I am right there with ya.  I havent been feeling really well the last couple of days and exams are coming up.  
So I have been studying and sleeping.  Well for the last couple of days I have been in the bedroom trying to get over whatever it is that I have.  
Hubby had to go out of town this morning for three days.  Well I get up and the dogs are going crazy.  Spinning in circles whining. I ask hubby if he had walked them latley.  HE said o I thought we were taking a break from walking them while you were sick.  
So now he is out of town and I have two dogs desperatley wanting to walk.  
I am there with you!

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