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Messages - nostaw

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I don't know about other users of the site, but one thing I do check regularly when online, is, whose on.    You know, that little bit in the bottom left of the main forum page.

With the number of discussion groups that are now up and running you only have to have one or two open and this information disappears and is a long scroll away at the bottom of the screen. You also have to return to the main forum page and repeat the whole scrolling process if you are on a specific forum.

Could this information not be added to the right hand side of the page beneath forum stats. it could then appear on every page and would balance out the ever growing list of forums.

Its only a thought and it might save my R.S.I.

LOL Andy, Bell and Hovis

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Needing to vent & get support
« on: January 04, 2006, 06:33:39 pm »
I'm sorry to hear about the neighbour trouble, from the sound of it you have got one of those people you get from time to time. If the barking is not continuous I can't see what the problem is. I think some times people will find anything to complain about. If it was not your dogs, the complaint would probably be about car doors slamming, the colour of your curtains, or you've got a better car than theirs.

My dogs bark if anybody is about, or if they hear a challenging bark from one of the other dogs in the neighbourhood. they stop after about 10 seconds. I only challenge their behaviour (usually by trying to shout louder than they bark) if it went on much longer. They seem to have got the message. I now only have to say their name and praise them when they stop and that is not often.

You have my wholehearted support and as they say in Yorkshire, "Don't let the buggers grind you down." ;)

Andy, Bell & Hovis

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: Saint Bernard activity level?
« on: January 02, 2006, 09:06:24 pm »
How about a dalmation? They were the original carriage dog, bred to run under horse drawn carriages and mail coaches, something along those lines would be a good all year round companion.

I think it would be too much for a mountain dog, they're designed for pulling and slow endurance work. The problem with a mountain dog would be that you'd have to wait 2 years for the bones to set and then the dog would do its best to please and keep up and probably kill itself trying.

My old newf Annie whilst out hiking with me badly cut her feet on shale, I didn't notice at first until she laid down unable to go any further. The poor dear never whimpered or complained, just kept plodding till she couldn't go on. I had to carry the poor thing 2 miles back to the car. She lay accross my shoulders and never moved. Luckily it was downhill ( it took over 4 hours). It very quickly tought me how devoted mountain dogs are, and how careful you have to be, as they will go beyond their limits in their devotion.

Andy Bell & Hovis

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: Hello i am noob
« on: January 02, 2006, 08:43:59 pm »
Hey up a southener, me and the girls will have to mind our manners!! ;D

Andy Bell & Hovis


I am so sorry to hear your story, This is such a sad thing to happen, you did everything you could for Dilbert and it leaves you with such a feeling of anger and frustration that someone in a caring role could make such mistakes or if unsure ask for help. Rest assured if they have any concience they will be upset and sorry.

At least you know Dilbert will be waiting for you, ears up and tail wagging to thank you for all the love and care you gave him.

LOL Andy, Bell and Hovis

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: LETTER TO THE EDITOR
« on: December 31, 2005, 06:25:54 pm »
I've just looked at the letter - well done. I also noted the response from another reader. I felt so angered at that response, I replied. - well its not been a good week! I doubt they'll publish so I attach it here.

Andy Bell & Hovis.

A Nice comment by Gail but I fail to see how wild, endagered species and other wild animals not intended for trapping will benefit from such advice. The one thing that is quite obvious is that they'll be a whole lot safer moving in with Shana, there seems a whole lot more care there. The Law is to prevent suffering being caused to trapped animals. I Hunt and shoot but there is no need to see any animal suffer needlessly in an unattended trap.

Andy Watson


if I can give a UK point of view, our local vet has an attitude that you should try everything possible before throwing money at a condition. He worries about the risks involved in sedation of big paws to obtain xrays etc. he also has the attitude that if it goes in one end and comes out the other there isnt a blockage.

We've had a couple of scares of this type with Annie, Bell and Hovis and I'll be the first to admit, the first time, I was scared to death. In the vast majority of cases, if its coming out the back of the dog and there's no blood, its a food thing.

Our vets advice every time has been, starve the dog for 24 - 48 hours giving constant access to water.
after this re introduce food gradually ideally with a tinned food designed for sensetive stomachs, if it persists after this then give him a call as the dog might need antibiotics.

Having said this our local vet is a star, he also adds that if there is any change for the worst, contact him straight away and he will see the dog immediately. he is also available to chat to should you have any worries. On the monetary side I've never once been charged for phone calls. Sometimes I think you have to be cruel to be kind.

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: Hello from England
« on: December 30, 2005, 07:15:12 pm »
Hi Sharon,

Nice to see another person from the UK. I'm Andy, married to Liz, and currently the servant of our two Newfies, Bell & Hovis. We live near Settle in the Yorkshire Dales. Incidentally I'll be down your neck of the woods in 10 hours time, At Bolton New Years Day Dog Show. We don't win anything its just that Bell and Hovis like to hang round with other Newfs :)

Happy New Year,

Andy, Bell and Hovis

Holiday Things / Happy Holiday
« on: December 23, 2005, 10:45:05 am »
Christmas starts in the UK in a little under 9 1/2 hours time, We are just about to set off for our sons house to be with him for xmas, so I wont be near the puter over xmas.

So to get in early may I wish all at BPO a happy holiday and hope that you and all your BP's get evrything they want for Christmas.

Andy, Liz Bell and Hovis

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: It's a doggy wonderland...
« on: December 22, 2005, 09:25:42 pm »
Superb, I love it!

Hovis is very much the same way although she has a comfort blanket that she suckles.

The funniest thing I came accross was with my old Newf Annie, at that time we had a ginger tom cat as well. They always slept together but we didn't realise that the cat was suckling on Annie until he brought her into milk!

It seemed a bit strange going to the vet for diuretic tablets to dry Annie up and having to explain that we didn't have puppies and it was all the fault of the Tom Cat :D

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Are table scraps really bad?
« on: December 21, 2005, 05:23:39 pm »

I can only reply from a newf point of view. If you look at the breed history, these dogs were worked during the summer and turned out to fend for themselves during winter. It is one of the problems with newfs that they will eat anything and everything. They do seem however to have a reflex action in that  if food is bad they throw it back up. Just as well considering the decomposed salmon I caught Bell eating one day!

As far as table scraps go I have found that Bell and Hovis won't eat cucumber! I always think back to my grandparents, Their dogs were fed exclusively on Table scraps and whatever was spare or going off. Simply because there was no such thing as dog food in those days. I won't feed from my plate, its bad enough when the dog can rest its chin on the table without nudging you out of the way and drooling on your food :) It is better to put the remains of your food in their bowl or mix it in with their dinner, that way there is a little bit of peace at the table.

In summary, as long as it doesn't poison or cause a danger to the dog, feed it and adjust the dog food accordingly, - it's a cheaper option.

Andy, Bell & Hovis (we enjoyed tonights pork and rice)


Newfoundland Discussions / Re: at odds this morning...
« on: December 18, 2005, 06:31:01 pm »
There's only one solution, give up accept it and love your newf! :D

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: UPDATE! ANGUS IS INJURED!!!!!!!!!
« on: December 18, 2005, 06:25:24 pm »
Poor Angus, but don't panic mum, all he needs is a little rest. I've been through it with Bell, Annie and Hovis. Even now my heart is in my mouth if they get a limp. you know more than likely it is just a knock, but you cant help worrying. Newfs are big resiliant dogs but big babies at heart, in the circumstances you describe, Angus has just had a little knock and a bit of TLC will fix it.

Andy, Bell & Hovis

As an E Bayer, I have just posted this reply:

Dear E Bay,

please do not do this, Animals need good kind loving homes, and sellers need to be sure that they are going to responsible homes. Selling animals in this fashion will take away personal contact between seller and buyer, something that will be exploited by puppy farms and the like. One of the most important things in buying and selling animals is this interaction. Whilst responsible breeders and buyers will shun this "SLAVE TRADE" in animals, you will leave the door open for irresponsible breeders to profit from the misery and suffering they allow.

My New years resolution this year, is to hand leaflets out, starting at the Bolton Dog Show, UK on New Years Day, highlighting your misguided ideas and asking people to express their outrage and boycott e bay if this decision goes ahead.

Whilst I support E Bay and its principles in relation to inanimate objects, please e bay don't dirty your hands to make a quick buck by exploiting animals.


Andy Watson, Bell & Hovis

This comes from the heart, it may not be perfect but if it helps anyone to think of something to say to ebay, go too it!

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