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Messages - aggghgmom

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General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / I'm such a dork - I cried
« on: February 16, 2008, 06:55:37 am »
Well I just dropped Harley off at the Pet Resort (kennel).

The trainer I used for Harley when he was a pup owns it and it is beautiful 5 stars, he will go on play dates, take daily walks, get his 8:00 biscuit and everything but he won't have ME!!

When I got there they took him from me and escorted him back to his room - but I didn't get to say bye  :-\
They said they would bring him back to say bye but it wasn't in his best interest so I said it was OK so I left...and cried!!

What a wuss I am.


Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Happy Birthday, Libby P
« on: February 15, 2008, 08:47:08 am »
HAPPY BIRTHDAY - one day late - hope it was OUTSTANDING!!!

Can you ask friends, family, or neighbors to stop by at different times - all they have to do is pull in the driveway (assuming there is one?)  If there is traffic in and out of your home at different times your routine won't appear as typical.

How scary for you  :'(, I'm sorry people have to be such idiots and upset others.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: EXCITING NEWS!!!!!!!
« on: February 13, 2008, 05:50:57 am »
Yeah a beautiful bouncy pink baby girl!!

We have one of each and my husband is sooo attached to our daughter it is unbelievable - your husband is going to be great and totally wrapped around her itsy bitsy little pinky!!


Sampson is a really good looking dog!!

I know we are in very similar situations - I also want another dog and husband really doesn't I have won every battle in our marriage and he is sticking to his guns on this one (It doesn't help that Harley antagonizes hubby everyday!!).

In the past month I have found 2 dogs that I really wanted and that I feel needed me - hubbies answers to my e-mails were always...Oh yeah that is just what we need go pick him up!!  Or only $50 and 8 hours of your time (that was the price of one and the distance from my house).

He would come home from work and ask so when are you going to get it...not when can we go see it.   This last one Isabelle the Mastiff was a close one I really though we would get her but the timing was off since I couldn't take her until 2/24 and they needed to rehome her quickly.  If they called today and said great you can have her I would be thrilled!! BUT I know that hubby would let me have her and at some point really like her; but would he resent me for pushing so hard when I know he doesn't really want another dog right now?  I haven't heard from Isabelles family for a few days so I assume I am not the chosen one as long as she has a home I'm fine with that and it will make my life less complicated as well.  I guess after all those long winded words my point is - is it worth pushing your husband and if he gives in will he be resentful of money, time and potential mess another dog might make?

Obviously, I would push harder if I thought Isaballe would have been PTS - I would have had to pull her and help find another home if that were the case.

I think sit hubby down explain how badly you want another dog and tell him if he really doesn't he has to stop sending you links to dogs!  It only gets your hopes up and then makes you angry when he says no.

Sorry if this is preachy!


Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: BPO Battle of the Bulge
« on: February 07, 2008, 07:12:12 pm »

Start today, you'll be so glad you did tomorrow. Even if you had a really crappy few days and a bad start to the day, you can make it better!  I know you can do it!

Here are the BPO peeps cheering you on:

Um, yeah, that pic didn't work. But I'm doing jump splits right now! 

Well even though I didn't start again yesterday I did today - and when I fell off the wagon I didn't go to far - went out for dinner and had a salad with cajan grilled chicken on top - no dressing no bread no fries but I did have a nice piece of chocolate yesterday - it wasn't big but it was good.

So weigh in today down 1 1/2 pounds which is actually up 1 pound from 2 weeks ago did you understand that?  anyway since starting dieting in the fall I am down 17.5 pounds


Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Valis is sick...
« on: February 07, 2008, 07:17:32 am »
I'm terrible sorry - what an awful decision to have to make


Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: BPO Battle of the Bulge
« on: February 06, 2008, 09:51:23 pm »
To all of  your weight losers

Way to Go
As for myself I have totally fallen off the wagon - I am going to be so upset with myself tomorrow when I weigh in!!  But I will start over tomorrow - BUT why oh why is it so hard to take off a few pounds and soooo easy to put them back on??

Then I can be good for this week and then I'm going away for a week and will eat out all week - thats never good!!

Oh well - back on the wagon - or should I say treadmill



Nope I have written numerous times but I think my time issue was a problem - I wish they would have just told me so I wouldn't check my e-mail every 5 minutes.

I truly, truly, hope she finds a WONDERFUL home; if all the dogs I look at and don't get wind up with a wonderful family then I am fine with it.

If I hear anything I will let everyone know - hubby is breathing a sigh of relief today!!


I actually no 3 people who have goldendoodles - one is about a year old, one about 4 and one is a 10 week old puppy who I just met a few days ago.

Rosie - the puppy - obviously to young to know much but she is cute; and my friend said really smart doing well potty training and just wants to be with the family at all times.

The one year old - the name escapes me - is larger than most goldens; lives with a family with 2 younger kids and seems well behaved she came to our neighborhood picnic last year and did really well with many strange people and foods.

The 4 year old - I love and the mother raves about she thinks the dog should be in college that is how smart she is - when she is at baseball games with her family she is the nicest dog but if you go to her house she is a total watchdog until the family gives you the OK.

Since we are both kind of in the same boat with hubbies may I just offer a bit of advise?  Be careful he may give in because we nag so much but he may still resent the dog and hold it against the dog.  My hubby didn't want Harley he wanted a springer spaniel and he and harley have never bonded.  He isn't mean to him - just not overly nice either.

Best of luck


No new news yet - I wrote to them to find out when she needs to be rehomed by - I can go check her out and let her check out Harley and I but I can't take her until about Feb. 23rd or Feb. 24th, we are going out of town and the kennels are full (Harley has a spot but I reserved it over a year ago) plus I wouldn't want to put her into a kennel to quickly.

They have been very good about e-mailing quickly and I wrote to them about 5 hours ago so this may not be good.
I already called the vet and found out the price to spay her - it depends on if she has been in heat, which I'm sure she has and if she has had puppies at anytime - I asked that also and haven't heard. 

So I will keep everyone informated - thanks for the advise and good wishes.

Randy and Harley

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: The time has come
« on: February 05, 2008, 07:34:00 pm »
Oh Paige

I give you SO much credit!!!  You have done such an awesome job with those babies that the families that get them are blessed.

I'm sorry that you are sad - but you will be able to take a breath and you will have the room and experience to start again when another helpless dog needs your help - you are truly an angel!!

I so wish I could have taken one of those pups but a wandering, light colored, hairy dog just wouldn't work for grumpy husband (he did awww when I showed him pictures).

Will you posting more photos for us before they head to their no and sooo happy owners?


More information from her current family:

OK, Isabelle is still available.
We have to find her a new home because we just won permanent custody of my stepdaught who is very allergic to dogs.
Isabelle is not spayed, she is up to date on all shots, she need to go to the vet in the springtime.
I did not register her with the AKC but she is a purebred.
Yes, we got her from a breeder, I met her mother and father.
Her parents were checked for hip and eye issues.
She was crate trained but we haven't used it recently
She is fully housebroken
I need to find her a home within the next few weeks
The adoption fee is $50.

OMG - my heart is pounding do you guys see any red flags that I'm not???

I wrote to the family and asked these questions and the response I received:

Do you think Isabelle should be in a one dog household?  I realize Mastiffs drool but some more than others where does she fall?  I explained that I own a home with a yard but not a huge yard.

The Answers:
I think she would adjust to another dog. She has never shown any aggression towards them, just seems a little afraid but she is very eager to please. She is scared of the vaccuum and the blow dryer. She loves affection and will just lean against you while you pet her.
Luckily Isabelle is not a big drooler, only after she drinks and it is not too bad.
I have an eight year old and a ten year old, she is fantastic with kids, both boys and girls.
The size of the yard is not an issue, she usually just lays in one spot and will occasionally do a crazy run when she is excited.
She is much happier inside usually laying in the middle of whatver room everybody is in.

Hope this info is helpful - she is actually just want I'm looking for but the fact she doesn't necessarily like other dogs and the fact that Harley is SUCH a Pain in the A$$ with his humping and all - also we keep Harley in the kitchen and family room - that is mostly where we are - so if they didn't get along where would I put her?  I would hate to rehome her again.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Teenagers.....AAARRRRGGGGGHHH!!
« on: February 05, 2008, 04:42:26 am »
OK so did you know my son is going to be a NY Yankee - his obsession is baseball!!  He just popped into the computer room not 5 minutes ago to ask do I know what happens in 41 days - well I didn't - apparently he will be 16 and ready for his permit!!  He keeps telling me all the wonderful things he can do for me when he gets his license.

So my son is a skier aside from baseball and also only wants to go to a school where he will be close to skiing - his choice Penn State - lovely school but darling son do you know that Penn State has a program you are looking for?  I will find SOMETHING at Penn State!!  No dear we find a career path and then the college not the other way around - other issue - Penn State Baseball team is Division 1 top 10 - he will not play baseball there - so we play on 3 - 4 teams travel to indoor facilities all over the county for winter baseball workouts and you want to go to a school where you won't play baseball?? Ugh!!

So I am right in the thick of it with you - we SO want everything for them - so many opportunites that are being handed to them and they are walking away - what is wrong with them - oh yeah they are 16 and misearble teenagers!!
Your stepson is being offered schooling and he definately has the smarts for it - mine also but school work and tests used to come easily now that he has to work at it he is thinking B's are OK; not if you don't try!!  So the deal is when it comes time for the drivers permit I will write to his teachers and if he isn't trying as hard as he can or has any missing assignments he won't be getting that permit!!  It will be hard because he has always been such a good boy but I want him to have every opportunity and can't have him throw his sophomore year away.  Sometimes being a Mom just Su**s.

I feel your pain


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