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Messages - Ali

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LOL! If she doesn't call back, you should call her and say "THAT'S how it works to do training with negative reinforcement - how'd ya like it? D'ya STILL want to do that to your dog?"

Oh, and P.S. regarding socialization - I got Kai from a kill shelter. She had been brought in as a stray with her brother and her momma. So, I guess she had those two for her first three months, but I don't know what kind of people contact she had. She was actually in good shape and seemed somehow well cared for - all three seemed that way, actually. But, how can you loose a blue eyed momma aussie, and her odd eyed pups? Seems like you'd check your local shelters and all that. That seems strange. (The brother had marks and coloration like a red dobe but had a green eye and a blue eye. Kai has a blue and a brown.)

Golden Retriever Discussions / Re: unic dog of mine
« on: April 17, 2008, 01:42:33 am »
Gemz - I was thinking the same thing! Anyway, welcome and yes, let's see some pictures of Bing Bing!

Thanks guys! I agree that if Tani really wanted to lay a hurtin' on Kai, she would have. Luckily, my sweet girl doesn't have that kind of disposition, and I'm more inclined to think that Kai hurled herself into Tani's "warning" snap. This morning I kept the girls separated initially - one inside with breakfast and one outside. They were bummed and really wanted to be together, but I was nervous. After breakfast, I supervised them playing so they could be together. It went great and I made sure that they were interacting over a toy and not just a free for all wrestling match. They like to play tug o' war and they play very cooperatively with the same toy like that (believe it or not!). I'll continue supervising their play and hope for the best. Tani looks so pathetic and sad when Kai gets hurt. I'll work on correcting Kai, the puppy, for playing too rough and try distracting her with a toy or chewy. I will also start working with her on "leave it" - that sounds like a good idea,too. We start puppy manners class in 2 weeks, so that's good, too. I love my girls!  :)

So Tani is about 4, and Kai is 4 months. Tonight was the second incident in which Kai started yelping and slinking over to me with a BLOODY punture/cut on her muzzle! Like, drip dropping a path along the floor. The first time was about three weeks ago and there is very visible hairless scar there now. Both incidents have happened with the dogs out around the family, although no one was specifically watching them at the time. Here is what I know: Tani took to Kai really well, right away. Tani is really NOT agressive in general - at the most, I've heard her do a throaty low growl at what ever cat is coming too close to her food at chow time, but it's so far from "food agression" that I hesitate to even mention it. Kai plays HARD and I have seen Tani put up with a LOT of nonsense. I took Kai to the vet after the first time and she said that Kai pushed Tani too far, and Tani had to make her boundary clear. I understand that - I really do. But OMG, my sweet little obnoxious puppy was DRIPPING blood on the floor! It was horrifying! It's all relative - I know some of you have been in the midst of big dog scuffles (shirtless in the yard, perhaps  ;).) So far, I've put an ice pack and pressure on Kai's wound, and crated her when the bleeding stopped. I haven't done anything with Tani. So what do I do? Do I correct Tani? Do I correct Kai when she gets too rough? Do I just suck it up, stop being a wimp, and let my dogs set their own pack order? WAHHH! My baby is bleeding! I wanted to put a bandaid on it, but my husband laughed at me.  :'( ???

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Our New Puppy!
« on: April 16, 2008, 12:44:23 pm »
Oh that is definately a mixed breed there! What a cutie!

Nicole, my last two babies were boys and they are soooo fun! All tough and sturdy and handsome and rugged - little chips off the old block! I love being a mom to boys!

Aw - she is gorgeous! Welcome to the board! I don't have Danes, but you've found the spot for "GREAT" Dane advice. You'll get all the info you need right here...So, what's the blue beauty's name?

That is so horrible... :'(

Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts / Re: *NDR* fruity travel mugs
« on: April 16, 2008, 01:57:52 am »
We definately have "his" and "hers" travel mugs. I just drink water in mine, but I HATE the smell of coffee and my hubbys mugs are all stained with that smell. It goes back to my first pregnancy, when coffee started smelling like dog poop to me. I've never gotten over it!!

Yeah - I can't compete in this one, but thanks for the belly laughs!!  :D ;)

Mixed Breed Pictures / Re: Karma's a !@*(#&
« on: April 14, 2008, 02:07:54 pm »
She is gorgeous! I can't imagine how anyone could have done that to her. Karma is a GREAT name. Go GIT 'em Karma!!

Transporting & Traveling With Dogs / Re: Dog car safety?
« on: April 14, 2008, 12:12:00 am »
I have a two foot lead wrapped through the head rest posts on the rear seats of my Yukon. I clip Tani's collar to that, and she sits pretty and looks out the window like a good girl. She probably couldn't lay down due to the short lead, but we don't go far away, and she'd rather be looking out anyway. Kai is too little for that, so I put her next to me on the front bench seat, and wrap her long leash around the fold up armrest thingy so she can sit or lay as she pleases, but doesn't get between me and the steering wheel.

Shawn, OMG, those are sooo funny! The beard story - that is unbelievable!! Poor guy!!! Did you have to try hard not to laugh, or were you too mortified to see the humor right there on the spot?

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: New here
« on: April 10, 2008, 11:22:19 pm »
Aw - he's handsome! Welcome to the board!

Astounding. Wouldn't ya love to have seen the 200 pound all black "leo"?? What a tool...

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