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Messages - aggghgmom

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I just e-mailed also for some further info - like should she be in a one dog home; and some other info - I will pass along if I find anything - she is about 4 1/2 hours from me if anyone is interested - she looks so sad : (


General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Dog friendly flooring???
« on: February 04, 2008, 08:27:33 pm »
We have a laminent called Wilsonart - it is similar to Pergo but so much stronger - many people with dogs have trouble around the water bowl with the water buckling the floor.  Same with dishwashers.  Wilsonart is used in many beauty salons and corporations - no I'm not in anyway affiliated with wilsonart - I am just so happy with the product.


Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: BPO Battle of the Bulge
« on: February 03, 2008, 11:53:59 pm »
OK so I'm having SUCH a bad week - first I was annoyed that I had gained weight last week then the superbowl, then my daughter was home sick from school yesterday which caused me to hit the kitchen cabinets (where we store the junk food).  I ate so much yesterday I was sick to my stomach - today not much better - I have to find my motivation again.

Hope everyone else is doing better!!


How about saving money until you have enough for an emergency dog surgery or two and then asking again?  You will feel lots worse if you get a pup, it has an accident, and you have to put it down because of budget issues. 

Our rule is $5,000.00 in the bank per dog.  So far, every dog I have had drained their accounts years before they crossed the bridge.  Cody had his down to $0.00 before he was two.

I feel your pain.  My hubby won't let me have any cats.  Something about me being allergic...

Side note from me, the risk manager, the $5.000.00 is AFTER saving a minimum of six months of expenses.

Modified because I hit the wrong button

Wow that is very impressive - When our springer got sick toward the end (although we didn't know it was the end) I opened a credit card just for her bills - I think it wound up at around 2,000 many vets around here are soooo expensive.  But our vet is loving and great to me and my dogs so I hope for the best and pay it.

Ali, I am in very much the same position as you - my hubby doesn't want another dog - and doesn't really adore Harley (who is a BIG pain in the neck).  It is hurtful when our spouses don't take our feelings into consideration.  My hubbys reasoning isn't money it is the amount of work he needs to do for the dog (he does all the poop patrol and some of the vacuuming), but still I do everything for the skin kids.  Anyway, I think hubby would go for a small dog - or maybe a rescue but not what I want and since I am older than some on this board I figure this is my last shot at a big dog and when I'm even older I can switch to a cute little dog.

My advise to you would be to hold on and try not to bring it up as often and make sure that you are taking responsiblity for Tani and hopefully, he will come around one day when you find the perfect dog...that is what I'm hoping my hubby does.

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: Bubba is 3 today!
« on: February 01, 2008, 06:55:48 am »
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Bubba!!!!!
Happy Birthday to you!!

Hope you have the very best birthday!!

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: BPO Battle of the Bulge
« on: February 01, 2008, 02:23:22 am »
Well today was weigh in - not so good actually the first time in months I have put on weight I'm not surprised this week was my birthday AND we were away last weekend - but I really was watching - I brought my own breakfast when I went away; didn't have deserts but it still wasn't pretty.  Oh well back on the horse - usually I slack off on Saturdays after weigh in but not today!!  I also didn't treadmill as much (OK at all this week).  I may join a gym today - I want my son to come with me and he is resisting he would rather sit home on his tush.

So while not required I will tell you:

My weight started at 228 (yuck!) in the fall and I am down:
212 - Current weight
199 - immediate goal (the whole goal is overwhelming!)
170 - ending goal (although maybe when I get there I will push it to 160?

Finally, a whine - I have lost 16 pounds and noone (except hubby) has noticed and all my clothing still fits - what a bummer I guess that is because I am 5' 8" and it was easy to hide 20 so I guess noone will notice for a while.

Best of luck to everyone this week!!

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: BPO Battle of the Bulge
« on: January 31, 2008, 10:20:05 pm »
Yes I'm here and ready to check in - I also weigh in tomorrow - this was NOT a good week - it was my birthday week and I let myself go a bit.

So I'll start over tomorrow - actually this would be the first week I have gained in about 4 months.

As I mentioned I am Jenny Craig.  Will you be starting your Nutrisystem tomorrow?

What is everyone going to do about the Superbowl?

How do you want to run this thread - put our weight, goal and losses each week?  Or just losses each week?  And do we want to keep a thread going or do a PM type of thing?  What does anyone thing?  How about a photo - either from recently or a bit older just so we can see who we are writing back and forth to?

Just a thought

Randy (From Rochester, NY)

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: I just took the plunge!
« on: January 28, 2008, 10:27:19 pm »
ok so I just wrote the post above and now I am adding that thru all this jenny I am now making choc chip cookies to bring to my neighbor who had to put down his beloved choc lab Tara 2 days ago - so far I have eaten 3 cookies - I can't wait to deliver them!!!

Also, drink lots of water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: I just took the plunge!
« on: January 28, 2008, 10:23:03 pm »

I am on Jenny Craig which is very similar you eat their food; I actually get weighed in once a week - I could have done the on-line but I need someone to weigh me and ask me about my challenges for the week etc.

For me the program is working s-l-o-w-ly but steady I have lost about 20 pounds in 3 months or so (I was actually on a little longer but I wasn't committed so I won't count that time.

I do the program but not exactly how you are supposed to; I am a very finicky eater so I don't usually eat what my family eats so I find it easy to just zap a jenny meal - also there are only a few dinners I will eat but I am happy with the program - I have been walking at least 3 - 4 times a week, and am considering joining a gym but in the past I have joined and never gone.

I wish you all the luck in the world - if you need a weight loss buddy we could do that thru pm's or e-mails sometimes it is good to talk with someone who is going thru it with you.


Well my next dog will definately be a female

I would love a Mastiff still working on hubby - I did look at pictures of my beloved springer Stoli the other day and I could go for another one of those

But my best shot is going to find something in need of rescue - hubby would go for that!!

I would also take Odin; my harley is taken care of - if something happens to me and my husband my sister gets both of my kids, my house, and Harley.

Do you have any close friends who love Odin? 

Old English Mastiff Discussions / Re: Bryces first day at day care
« on: January 16, 2008, 08:59:41 pm »
How great for Bryce to have a nice place to go and play while his Mama has to work - I'm sure Harley would rather be at daycare than snoozing on the couch thinking of ways to punish me when I get home.

First I must apologize for not posting sooner - I thought I did but sometimes when the posts are so sad I can't put two decent thoughts together.

I must tell you that Woof was such a beautiful boy (from your avatar) I'm sure from your posts that he was equally as beautful on the inside.

Loving a dog (or any other animal I guess) is such a gift but it hurts so badly when we lose them that sometimes I wonder if it is worth it...obviously it is - but sometimes I just look at Harley and want to cry because I know his time will come to quickly.

Again I am sooo sorry for your lose and my untimely response.

Randy & Harley

Meet & Greet BPOers / Re: Anyone in CNY?
« on: January 16, 2008, 01:56:42 pm »
I'm in western NY - Rochester - We come to Utica with my daughter for gymnastics competitions but we don't bring Harley : (

Sometimes we there are meets and greets in Ontario Canada with a few members - I haven't been able to go but am looking forward to one in the spring?  I think I need a passport now because of the law change.

Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: Thank GOD my dog is so good!!!!
« on: January 15, 2008, 01:54:10 pm »
Good job Tani!!  Isn't it nice to know if on the rare occasion we look away our pups are going to do the right thing.

Most of you know how hubby feels about Harley but the one thing he brags about is how gentle he is with the kids; if they try to take something from him; or pull food or toys from his mouth, he just sits there.

Well it looks like you will be going back to the store for more Flossies for such a good pup!

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