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Messages - pndlake

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Mixed Breed Pictures / Geese caper
« on: July 30, 2005, 01:53:32 pm »
Have some new shots at a private lake with the kids and Niki taken yesterday.  The kids were in a paddleboad and Niki jumped in to chase the geese (could never catch them).  She was so determined to get them that she swam until all we could see was a little dot of her head.  I got really scared that she would swim so hard and collapse and drown.  The kids went after her in the boat and grabbed her collar to pull her back to the side and one kid was paddling as hard as she could while Niki. so set on those geese, started draggin the boat with the kids in the other direction.  We got her out OK after a bit of a scare.   

This sounds like fun.  Too bad it is only about a week away.  I would have to plan more to make the trek from Fresno.  This might have been perfect.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Nicki is moving to Fresno!
« on: July 29, 2005, 11:44:39 pm »
Great for all of you.  As soon as the weather breaks a little, we will have the BBQ we promised out here and all the dogs can play out here.  Sounds like fun. ;D


Lots of good advice here and I am sure you will find a method that will work for your pup.  I would just like to put emphasis on the fact that puppies need a good amount of different chewie toys that they can be diverted to when trying to chew a human.  Good Luck

Boxer Discussions & Pictures / Re: Boxer attacked my conure
« on: July 28, 2005, 03:33:49 pm »
You know Marit, I really wasn't thinking of a specific bird/dog aggresion book, maybe there is one, however, I believe any aggression with other animal type reference would work even if it does not have feathers.  I don't mean to sound like a know-it-all by any means. I have my own method of correcting the situation and it works. Niki tried to lunge at my daughter-in-laws $3,000 parrot while it was in flight and we both grabbed her together.  All I had to do is grab her neck, force her to look at the bird and tell her in a very firm voice that it is not acceptable.  I have, though, already cemented that I am the alpha so she understands perfectly and never tried it again.  thank dog  :)


Boxer Discussions & Pictures / Re: Boxer attacked my conure
« on: July 28, 2005, 02:33:19 am »
You know, we all think a lot of these things are funny and so do I especially the rabbit thing.  But the bird conure really does not have very many days in the world if the dog is not corrected in his behavior.  If you think it is ok to keep the two of them separated at all times, ok, then that will work.  If you are afraid the dog may get loose from its room and do the bird in, then you need to do something about it.  There are some very good training books that can help change his reactions to being around the bird and all can live happily together and you can rest in peace and that is not across the bridge.  heehee  Don't know how we got from dog attacking bird to bunny humping head.......... .............. ..............



Book Club & Noteworthy Reads / Re: Books about dog aggression
« on: July 28, 2005, 02:14:41 am »
Hmm, now I find that very interesting and I never even really thought about it.  In Moonlits and daynakb posts they both state that their dogs became aggressive after a pretty long period of time of relative calm behavior with other dogs.  Daynakb states that her dog had a male syndrome but my dog did exactly the same thing and she is a female.  My dog got along with the other dog for several years before she turned on her.  (both female)  Looks lilke moonlits dogs are both female.  We all talk about the alpha pack order but why, regardless of gender, do dogs surpress the aggresive instinct until years later?  I don't know.

Maybe it is the fighting, nail scraping, hair pulling females???  maybe, huh??? or not

Boxer Discussions & Pictures / Re: Boxer attacked my conure
« on: July 27, 2005, 09:35:06 pm »
There are very strange pictures in my mind of the bunny and you.  Now I will have bad dreams.  lol

Boxer Discussions & Pictures / Re: Boxer attacked my conure
« on: July 27, 2005, 09:09:31 pm »
wewww what can you do?  My daughter had a BIG snake and it went after mother-in-law's parrot.  ecccchhhh  How you gonna spank a snake?

Peggy :o :o

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: If your dog could talk
« on: July 27, 2005, 09:01:20 pm »
Well, reading these cute things just reinforces one phrase:


Peggy ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: If your dog could talk
« on: July 27, 2005, 08:26:21 pm »
Time to wake up
Time to get the paper
Where's my treat
Time to go for a walk
and chase squirrels
Whatca got to eat
Time to lay in the grass
Time to look for squirrels
whatcha got to eat
Time to get the mail
Where's my treat
Time to look for squirrels
Whatcha got to eat
Time to look for squirrels
Time to irrigate and jump in the water
Time to dig for squirrels
Whatcha got to eat
Time to look for squirrels
Time to feed the sheep
I will stare at you intently until you feed me my dinner
Time to go to bed

A day in the brain of my dog.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: I can't take anymore!
« on: July 27, 2005, 03:00:52 pm »
Good news for you and Cooper.  Now you can have that glass of Kahula but don't get it around me.  I love that stuff soooooo much that the whole bottle will be gone.  :-X


Breeding Questions & Information / A.P.H.I.S.
« on: July 27, 2005, 11:57:56 am »
When Niki was working in our video store, we had to be licensed with the USDA APHIS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service).  It seemed like a waste of money as the inspector drove for hours several times to inspect a backyard pet. It only cost me $35 per year for the service.  They left a booklet with me and after reviewing it, I will simplify part of the long descriptions of who must be licensed and who is exempt.  This is in regards to the recent PAWS legislation.

If you are a breeder selling at the wholesale level, you must be licensed.  If you are a breeder selling to other breeders you MAY have to be licensed.  If you are a retailer selling to the public and this includes all chain stores as well as small retailers then you are exempt.  Now wouldnt it make more sense just to require retailers to purchase from licensed breeders only?  If puppy mills did not have a market to sell their products then they would cease to exist.  I have always been puzzled that there is no legislation governing animal retailers while wholesalers are different.  This makes no sense and PAWS makes no sense.


Now if I could just get my husband to do that.

Peggy ::)

Well, we stopped prohibition when people finally realized that it didn't work, how can we stop this?  I hate stupid people, stupid cities and stupid laws like this.


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