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Messages - pndlake

Pages: 1 ... 16 17 [18] 19 20 ... 33
Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: THIS IS TOOOOO HOT FOR ME......
« on: July 25, 2005, 11:15:41 pm »
Oh Marit, you must be ready to die in this heat, coming from Sweden. If you are not used to it, it is awful. At least we are somewhat used to it because where I (and Jabear) live we have heat spells like this all summer and no rain.  The Central California Valley is really a desert that was turned into farmland because of irrigation water dammed up in the mountains.  When it gets over 100  Niki  goes in the air conditioned house, then out, then in etc. all day.  The sheep sleep in the barn all day and spend all night out in the pasture grazing.  The farmworkers, construction crews and roof repairers all start very early and are off after noon or close by.  I even find myself enjoying an afternoon siesta, its the best way to beat the heat. Take it easy.


General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Dog Rules
« on: July 25, 2005, 06:11:28 pm »
hahaha how true that is, thanks. ;D

Oh yeh, I used the same method on my son when he threw a temper tantrum and he turned out pretty good.  He did not have a muzzle to squeeze but I sat on him while he was screaming and would not let go until he calmed down, the worst that could happen was he would pass out.  To heck with time out, or stand in the corner.   ;D

Oh Niki, remember I saw him, remember the lady in the dog park?  Well I think he is just going through those teenage times.  The halti is a good idea, but I have never had to use it.  You see I am a very alpha type person and I do not EVER allow that type of behavour.  Like you say, in California, it doesn't take much before you have a line of hungry lawyers knocking on your door.  Take it or leave it, my solution is to grab his muzzle with both hands and squeeze as hard as you can while saying something like - you will NOT do this.  If you happen to get his tongue in between the teeth all the better. I hold on tight as long as I can and he is on the floor.  I do not let go until he has calmed down.   If you can sit on him then you can feel his body language and understand when he has calmed down, then release him.  It works for me but you need a certain type of person or nuthead.  ;)  Oh yes, your guest will probably head for the hills but oh well.


Meet & Greet BPOers / Re: BPO at SBC????
« on: July 25, 2005, 04:54:35 pm »
Hey, I can't wait on this one, if the game is televised I bet the cameras will be zooming in on those Newfs all the time.  I can't wait to see it.  I will be able to say "I know them". ;D


Our hearts go out to you.  I know it is very unusual for it to get that HOT where you live and the humidity makes it worse.  Alas, just when we least expect it -bam.  We are so sorry and are thinking of all of you.


Old English Mastiff Discussions / Re: Hello I'm New Here!
« on: July 24, 2005, 05:07:30 pm »
Those mastifs are too coooooooool, they look so laid back, watching the world go by.  8)

Welcome, yup you get addicted and you will love the photos.  I have a mix working dog, Niki. 

Good to have you aboard. 

And hello to another cooooooool one, toocooooooool 8) 8) 8)

One of our customers at the video store came by with a litter of rottweiler,lab. mixes from her ranch.  She was asking $50 for them and Niki ran to me licking and shaking her whole body, especially her backside like rotts do - I lost control.  Offered her $50 in free movie rentals to seal the deal.  The rest is history.  I never let her have any pups because that is the way I feel but I really am sorry  :'( because she would have been a very happy mom.  She adopted baby kittens and would not let anybody near them.  Now also if a ewe abandons her lamb, which they do sometimes, Niki adopts them too. 

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Thank GOD for Football
« on: July 24, 2005, 10:41:55 am »
Here, here Gypsy, you hit the nail right on the head!!!!  Is what I have been preaching all along.  Thank You


German Shepherd Discussions / Re: small brag ...
« on: July 24, 2005, 10:35:03 am »
Congratulation s, I AM impressed, great photo also.


Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: Big Brag- my dog has a new trick!
« on: July 23, 2005, 11:57:59 am »
BTW mixedup, I cannot see your avatar.  Just an x.  Could others see it?  Sometimes it is so frustrating because I really wanted to see the photo. hmmm

Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: Big Brag- my dog has a new trick!
« on: July 23, 2005, 11:49:13 am »
HaHa, that beats Niki, I tried to teach her to open the mailbox but she was afraid the lid would hit her in the face.  You have room to brag. Mine can carry a 12 pack into the house and put it on a shelf in the kitchen. (not a high shelf).  I am glad that someone else shares the joy of having your dog do all these little jobs.  It is unbelievable how much these animals LOVE doing these things.  I suppose we all need to be needed.  :D

haha you are right Gypsy, I stand corrected.


Gypsy,  I thought I read first that she and her boyfriend were working on the problem then she referred to her husband. Having both is ok too.   I was just trying to be funny, really none of my business and nothing to do with the aggression problem.  ::)


Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Cloning is a bad idea!
« on: July 23, 2005, 01:38:34 am »
hahahahaha  love the penguin-mix.  Whoever did these is very clever. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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